Fell From A Scaffold
On Monday of last week Charles Lohr, son of Mrs. Mary A. Lohr, of this city, was working on a honse ia Albion at his trade as a oarpenter, when he feil from a soaffold and received very serions injuries. He had just got on a scafíold 20 feet from the grounrt and reniarked to a fellow workman "I wonder if this scaSold isstrong enongh to bold us?" when down it went. In the fall Mr. Lohr's arm was broken and his head was so badly injured that up to yeterday he had not reoovered oonsoiousuess. Dr. W. J. Herdman went there on Weduasday prepared to perform an operation on Mr. Lohr's head, but found his oondition so mnoh improved that it was deferred Mr. Lohr's family is greatly re.ioiced at the improvement and now hava hopes of his ultímate reoovery.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Mary A. Lohr
Dr. W. J. Herdman
Charles Lohr