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The electric railway now runs a car between Ann Arbor and Wayne every 45 minutes. The store of J. T. Jacobs & Son will close at 6 p. m. during their great sacrifice sale of sboas. The board of directors of the Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., meets next Monday. The Ann Arbor council will in a body attend the municipal meeting in Detroit August 1 to 4. The hearing of the appeal in the Richards' estate in the probate court has been adjourned until Sept. 8. The Ladies' Home Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church meets in the church parlors at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Hereafter you will find your drays on the city market in the rear of the opera house. The council has forbidden their standing along tiie court yard square. Virgil M. Ward died at his home on Valley st, Monday' of diabetes and heart disease, aged 71 years. He left a widow and five children. The funeral as held Wednesday afternoon from the M. E. church. Mrs. Christian Arndts, a sister of Mrs. John Goetz, sr., died at her home in Marshall on Friday and was buried at that place Sunday afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. John Goetz, sr., and Mrs. John Goetz, jr., attended the funeral. Neil O'Hearn died in Green Oak Monday aged 72 years. He was a brother of Assessor Patrick O'Hearn and had been county clerk and register of deeds of Livingston oounty and deputy internal revenue collector. The funeral was held Wednesday, the burial The ourl leaf, caused by the cold spring, has destroyed aboot half the crop of peaches in some of the orchards about Ann Arbor. Some orchards have shown no sign of it. Por instance there is no curl leaf in the orchard of Charles Clark on Observatory st., as it was protected by woodland from the cold west winds. The yellows ooinmiBsioners have elected Jacob Ganzhorn chairman and divided their work as follows : All the oity west of Main st. will be inspected by Mr. Ganzhorn. Horace B. Danforth will inspect that east of Main, and Walter Taylor will inspect the Fifth ward. A number of trees are condemned by the commissioners each yeai and they are doing muoh to aid in stamping out the soourge of yellowe among the pnaohes. The first man to pay his taxea this year was Thomas J. Keech. The county convention of the prohijitionists will be held in this city next Friday. The Courier complains that it cannot ;ake its customary summer sleep because of the noise made by the steam road roller. The Varene-H' ffstetter Opera Co. which was to bve given a performance at Germania ball Tuesday evening has postponed its aate. The Times says: "The Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor Railway has a hot thing. There are five red-headed men on as oonductors and motormen." George Felber and Charles Cari, two drunks, were given ten and five days respectively in the county jail on Taesday. Justice Duffy imposed the sentences. Miss Fannie McAllister, sister to Mrs. Anna Eastman, of 1001 Willard st., died in Flint July 8, of apoplexy, agd 74 years. She was well educated, widely known and highly esteemed. Gen. Duffield in a private letter to Maj. Hopkins thus speaks of his brigade surgeon: "Dr. Nancrede has been most invaluable. He has done the work of six men in the hospital." The board of directors of the Huron Valley Building and Loan Assooiation will vote uu the question of purchasing the property franchise of the Ann Arbor. Savings Association tomorrow nieht,. u gu tí A 12 years old boy from Detroit, named Kline, who was visiting at the Moorman farm in Ypsilanti, was run over by a heavy wagon on Monday. His arm was broken and ais breast seriously injured. Edward Lyons and William Larkins, of Plymouth, who were acquitted of the Richards murder in the circuit court here, have enlisted in the Thirtyfifth Michigan and passed the physical examination. They are now at Island Lake. Lewia Knisley and Mis. Effie Whitmire, two well known residents of Ypsilanti, took a trip to Windsor on Tuesday and when they got through with their business in that city it was Mrs. Whitmire no longer, but Mrs. Knisley. They had been married. A number of ladies last Friday afternoon organized the Soldiers Aid Society of Ann Arbor, the object being to aid in the relief work at the aimy hospitals. The following officers were elected : President, Mrs. Anna B. Bach; secretary, Mrs. Emina F. St. Clair; treasurer. Miss Elizabeth Allmendinger. A strong effort has been made to secure the pardon of Robert Vípkary, who was genteneed Sept. 1, 189?; from this oounty to 18 months in the Ionia House of Correction for the larceny of $69 from Orson Beeman, a aohool district treasurer in Lyndon, for whorn Viokary was working. The board of pardons has denied the request for pardon. W. W. Wedemeyer was made a vioepresident of the National League of Republioan Clubs at their meeting in Omaha, Neb., last week, and City Attorney Butterfield wbs made a member of the exeoutive oommittee. Mr. Wedemeyer made the speech pnttiDg in nomination for president E. N. Dingley, of Kalamazoo, but unfortunately Mr. Dingley was not eleoted and the Dingley bill was not approved. Tbe monthly bulletin of vital statistics for June shows the total number of deaths in Washtenaw county to have hpnn 33. Of this nnmber Ann Arbor city had 14, Ypsilanti city 3, Ohelsea 1, Saline village 1, Dexter village 1, Ann Arbor town 1, Freedom 8, Lima 1, Lodi 1, Northfield 1, Pittsfield 2, Scio 1, Sharon 1, Superior 1, Sylvan 1. No reporta fiom Manchester village and Lyndon; no deaths in the other towns and villages. The laying of the corner stone of the new Presbyterian church at Saline will take plaoe on Sanday, July 31, at 3:30 p. m. Every effort is being put forth Ito m'ake the oereruo&y very interesting. T?he Masonic fraternity of Saline aasisted by brethren of neighboring lodges will lay the oorner stone in aooordanoe with the Masonio ritoal. Rev. R. K. Whaiton and Hon. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilauti, will give brief addresses, interspersed with appropriate rouaio. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. The looal W. C. T. ü. has adjonrned unfcil the second Thursday in September. A snit of clothes was stolen from the Miohigan Central pay oar in this city Monday. Some 260 exonrsionists went to Toledo from the Ann Arbor station last Snnday. Some bnrning grass on Fuller st. called ont the fire departmejt last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Staebler are the parents of a bright baby girl born Saturday night. The Bethlehem ohurch Sunday school will give an excursión to Detroit and Algonac next Wednesday. At last it seems tbat the long talked of new store fronts for the opera house blook will materializa. The contraot has been let to John Feiner. Mrs. Ann C. Walker, has put her home 110 N. Ingalls st. in the hands of the real estáte men for sale and will join her son Henry in the west and niake hei home there. W. W. Wedemeyer, wbo in company witb O. E. Butterfield, raturned from the Omaha exposition Sunday night, says the lagoon and nigbt illumination equal those at the World's Fair. Lister MoDiarmid, formerly prinoipal of the Chelsea schools and a student of the U. of M., from which he joined the 33d regiment, is reportad to have been killed in the attack on Santiago, but the report laoks oonfiniation. Mike Welsh got into a collision with an electtric uar at Ypsilanti Wednesday luorning when he tried to drive his wagon across the track as the car was coming along. His wagon was smashed up badly and he was bruised about the arms and legs. The horse escaped. Mrs. Johanna Leutwein, wife of Prof. Carl G. Leutwein, died at the family home on Seventh Ét., Friday, of ooneoruption, after a lingering illness. Her husband and seven children, five giils and two boys, snrvive her. The remains ware taken to Indiana for interment. Ninety-three teachers have enrolled at the teaoheis' instituto being held at the high school nuder tbe snpeivision of School Commissioner Lister. The corps of instructors embraces Prof. W. J. MoCone, of Mason; Miss Harriett Plunkett, of the State Normal, and Prof. W. H. Hawks, of the Aan Arbor high sohool. The Sunday afternoon services at the Y. M. C. A. rooms will be led by McClellan H. Mogk and will be of asnal interest. Messages will be received from the Y. M. C. A. boya at Cbickamauga. Captain Granger sends a letter to be read there. Tbere will be vocal mnsio by tbe Misses Louise and Helen Allmendinger. loe colrt Ininouade free. All men invited. Services at 2 :45 p. m. Two olergytnen in Ana Arbor preached from the saine last Snnday morning and evening respectively. Neither one knew the otber's intention and eaoh treated the text, Matthew 6:33, froin an entirely difEerent stand - point. In tbe morning Rev. Harry Hodge at the Baptist chnrob spoke on it fiom an evangelioal poiut of view, and in the evening Rev. VYro. Porrest treated it from a sociologioal standpoint. The pcpreme oonrt on Monday reversad the verdict of tbe oiroait oonrt in the oase oí Hattie M. Bond vs. the Lake Shore railroad by whioh the railroad company was muletee! in tho snra of $1,500 damages, and has granted a new trial of tbe oase. The plaintiff was driving across tbe Lake Shore track at Pittsfield Jnnction when her buggy was run into by a train and she was thrown ont and ininred. The Zion church excursion to Detroit and Tasbinoo Park, Tuesday, was attended by abont 700 people and was much enjoyed by tbose who were able to get bome on tbe exoursion train. Tbose who took in the boat ride to Tasbruoo Park had a rather rough experienoe ou aoooant of the hurrioane like wind whioh prevalled on tbe voyage to the paik. It was with diffioulty that some of the womeu and ohildren were able to keep their feet on tbe deok and avoid going overboard Lnokily no aooident ocourred and thi oontingenE of the excursión party ar rived home at au early bour the uex moining. ._ , _. Wm. Walsh is having a new cement walk laid in front of his residence on E. Aun st. Dr. C. G. Huber will reside on E. Arm st., in tbe new boose beiog ñtted np by Arthur Brown. Tbe high school library is open during vacation only on Wednesday afternoon of eaoh week from 3 to 6 p. m. The Washtenaw Times Band exour8ion to Toledo Snnday oarried 260 people pait of whom were from Ypsilanti. The W. C. T. ü. has adjourned ite meetings for the summer ruontbs and will oot again meet nntil tbe second Thnrsday iti September. A night blooming oerens with nine beantifnl flowers bloomed out in all its fragrance at tbe residence of J. T. Jaoobs on Monroe st., Snnday night. The prohibition state oonvention will meet in Lansing Aug. 23. The cali for the county oonvention will be fonnd in another oolnmn. It meets at the oourt house next Friday. Miss Maude E. Hess has resigned ber position as teaoher in the second ward school. The vaoancy haa been filled by the appoiotinent of Miss Elsie G. Alexander at a salary of $300 per year. Mrs. B. F. Herbert, raother of Mrs. Arthur J. Sweet, of this city, died at Mnir on Wednesday night. The deoeased lady was also sister-in-law to James A. Herbert. The funeral services will be held at Muir tomorrow. Charles A. Sauer was tbe lowest bidder for the addition to the Bach sohool honse in tbe second ward and was awarded the contract at tbe meeting of the sohool board held Taesday afternoon. Work has already been commenced. The house lately occupied by Miss Osborn, at the corner of N. State and Oatberine sts., owned by the M. E. ohurch sooiety, is being moved to a lot farther down on Catherine st. The trustees have deoided not to sell any of the land at present. Tbe Mioïjigan Press Assooiation bad its annual meeting at Muskegon Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. At 2 p. m. of the latter day a large party of the editors and their ladies left over the C. & W. M. Bailway for an excursión to the Paciflo ooast. Traman Lake died at his home in Hamburg, Wednesday, of dropsy, aged 77 years, 9 montbs and 6 days. The funeral services will be held at 2 o'olook this afternoon and tbe remains will be buried in the cemetery at Hamburg. Hon. William Ball, of Hamburg, when in tae city the other day stated that in all the years be has been on bis large farm no one has mowed an acre on it except himself . As Mr. Bal! ie nearly 70 years of age he must have mowed a large number of aores. Tbe property desoribed as lots 7 and 8, blook 4, south of Huron at., bas been transferred to tbe Michigan Sanitarium and Benevolent Assooiation of Battle Oceek, by Dr. John H. Kellogg, reoeiver for the Health Htjneflt Association of Calhoun county. The fitst named association is a reorganization of the latter. The consideration is placed at $5,500. Times: A lady living in the Sixth ward told her five year oíd son that he had been very diaobedient and must go into bis bedroom and pray for forgiveness. Judge of tbe fond motber's consternation to hear the following: "Dear Lord, forgive all my sins, and if yon will send me a Dewey soit PU never ask another favor of yon as long as I live." He got it. Sergeant Alberfc M. MoGee, of Co. H, 31st Miohigao, the Jackson eompany, was the successful candidate iu the examination for the second lieutenancy of the oompany made vacant by the resignation of Lieut. Val R. Evans. He was commissioned at once. Lient. McGee was teller of the People's Savings Bank, of Jaokson, prior to bis enlistment and is a biother of C. K. McGee, of this city. Charles B. Webster, oompany C, 33d Michigan, has been transferred to the 2d regiment of engineers. He was , a corporal in company C. Mr. Webster is a grandson uf Aid. Charles Howell, of the Sixth ward, and a nephew of Mrs. A. C. Nichols. His home is in Bay Oity, and he is a graijaate of the üniversity of Miohigan. Webster goB into the engineers a private, bet prospects of bis being made au officer are very good. It bas been suggested to give tbe cemetery in tbe Fifth ward a more diatinctive and enpbonioos name than the Fiftb ward foemetery, " or the "City cemetery." The name most favored is 'Fairview cemetery." It is proposed o oiroulate a petition throughout the city and aek the common conncil to orer the desired obange. By all means et this be done. The enterprising citzens of the Nortthside, who are always o mDch on the alert for anything that ooks towards the improvement of tbat seotion of tbe oity, should take up tbe matter and push it along to a sncoessfol end. Here's to Fairview cemetery. Tbe whole of Main st. from Catherine st. to Hnron st. is iu a state of torn-nppedness. The costly brick crosswalks at the intersection of Main and HuroD st. a conple or three years ago at a oost of $200 each have been demolished, the street oar track is torn up and everything is being pnt in 1 iness for tbe yaving tbat is to follow . AH the old telephone and electric light poles have been taken down, the street railway poleB are being replaced with iron pillars set in Bulid oenient bases, and the street looks a different object without its forest of masts. One thing the tearing np of the briok orosswalks bas soown, if no more, and that is that the brick was of a first class wearing and weather resisting quality. "Will th6 briok to be ptit into the pavement show np as well after being down as long?" is the question that is gnnerally asked, and echo answers "Will it?"