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Miss May Leiter is visiting in Ohio. Misa Mildred H. Lane is at Charlevoix. Miss Nina Davisou is visitiug io Toledo. Mrs. Anna Severance is visiting in Hudson. A. A. Pearson was in Toledo over Snnday. Mrs. Clark Hawes is visiting Jackson relativas. Miss Mignon Koot has been visiting in Lausing. Miss Bessie Danster has retnrued from Toledo, Ohio. Miss Charlotte Walker is visiting in Ishpeming. Mrs. R. B. Norria has been visiting in Manohester. Miss Clara Frank, of Adrián, has been visiting in the oity. Miss Minnie Malvaney is visiting at her home in Bellevue. Miss Jennie Mclntyre is visiting har uncle in Grand Rapids. Prof. H. N. Chnte uow ooonpies his new home on N. Ingalls st. Miss Emma E. Bower is visiting her brother in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Jos. Parker and ohildren are spending two weeks in Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daniels have been visiting in Ogden Center. Mr. and Mr. Fred Showerman are spending two weeks at Whitmore Lake. Mrs. Edward Seyler and Mrs. C. C. Warner are visiting in Hicksville, Ohio. Miss Martba Drake, bookkeeper at the Courier office, is enjoying her vaoation. Harvey Stofflet and wife have retnrned from an onting at Clarke's Lake. W. C. Sprague aud family, of Detroit, spent Sunday with J. E. Beal and family. Miss Lonise Stanger is enjoying a two weeks, visit in Michigan City and Chioago. Miss Lizzie Spalding, of Detroit, has been visiting Miss Matie Moore, of Miller ave. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fleming, of Toronto, Ont., has been visiting at Dr. Conrad Georg's. Mrs. W. W. Donglas has been visiting her dangbter, Mrs. Howard Bemeut. in Lansing. Miss Freda Sohmid, of Chicago, is the gnest of her grandfather Fred Hntzel, of Pittsfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Vandawarker are spending a two weeks' vacation at Belding and Petoskey. Mrs. Hugo Snhnflider and Miss Aggie Zinzer, of Grand Rapids, are visiting Mrs. M. Weinmaun. Miss Allie J. Deming, of Detroit, wbo has been visiting Mrs. Mnlrey and sisters, bas retnrned home. Mrs. Mary A. Lohr who has been serionsly ill at the family home 500 Packard st., is convalescing. Miss Emmaa Hayley is spending her two weeks' vaoation witb friends in Bay City and Grand Rapids. Miss Eupheruia G. Holden, of Chicago, who has been visiting Miss Sybil Pefctee, returned home Tnesday. T. E. Woodrow bas been attending the annual oouvention of the Beta Theta Pi fraternty in Cincinnati. Pacrick O'Hearn and bis son C. Frank O'Hearn attended the funeral of Neil O'Hearn, of Green Oak Wednesday. Prof. E. M. Wenley and family are spending the summer in a cottage in Weidemann's grove at Whitmore Lake. Miss Alioe Skinner, of St. Jobns, wbo bas been visiting her brother, James L. Skinner, returned home Sunday. Eev. Carter, of Grand Bapids, wbo has been an bonored gnest in several Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti homes returued bome Sanday. Mr. aüd Mrs. T. E. Nickels left on Mouday for the western states to remain indefinitely. Mrs. Nickels' poor state of health neoessitated the obange. John K. Miner is in the city greeting bis many friends and attending to the fixing np of his many business interests. He will not retara to his California home before November. É. J. Ottaway and L. Hnbbard W8re ia the city Wednesday and yesterday teporting the proceedings of the repnblioan congressional oonvention for the Free Press and Evening News respeotively. L. G. ürake, a son of J. G. Drake, formerly of this oity, is a member of Co. L, 35th regiment, now in camp at Ialand Lake. He wonld be glad to see any old friends of his family wbo may happen that way. Mrs. Geo. B. Stimson, Miss Sarah O'Brien, Miss Engenia Mogk and Mr. G. G. Stiruson have been enjoying the lake breezes on a trip to Detroit, St. Clair Flats, Mt. Clemens, Cleveland and neighboring places. Frank Smith leaves todayfor Devil's Lake, Dakota. He has been nnder the doctor's caie for tbe past two months and was advised a change of climate. His rnanv friends regret to bear of bis sudden departnre, but join wilb the family in hoping to see his pleasant face among us soon and he well and strong. Charles A. Ward attended a social session of Jackson Lodge, No. 113, B. P. O. Elks, and responded to a toast, on Thursday evening oL last week. The banquet followed the initiation of a class of 36 intoJaokson Lodge, which now stands sixth in point of nnmber of members in the whole realm of Eikdom. Miss Carrie Winans, of Grand Rapids, bas beea visitiug Miss Mumie Bliss. Miss Bertha Sobleiobor is visiting ber oonsius, the Misses Sohleicher, iu Cbelsea. Claude Scott, of Firighton, is visiting bis auut and uuole Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schleiuher. Mrs. L. E. Cheever went to Teonmseh yesterday to visit her mother and sister for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Baboook are now at Waukesha, Wis., takiug their nsaal sutumer outiug. Rev. W. M. Forrest, aooompanied by his fatber A. J. Poriest, of Baltimore, is spending a few weeks at Maokinao. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Coats will leave toinorrow for Brighton to visit tbeir aunt and nncle Mr. and Mrs. Walter aud other friends. Mrs. Charles Qoodnow, of Howell, and Mrs. H. H. Pilling, of Tusoon, Ari., visited Mrs. Charles Binder, jr., this week. Miss Mabel Donovan, of Lansing, and Miss May O'Neill, of Howell, are visiting at tbe home of P. Donovan, on the Nortbside. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Van Kleek and daughter, Lncile, and Miss Florenoe Saauders are at Whitmore Lake for a oouple of weeks' stay Miss Nellie Baoh who bas been in Enrope for the past year, is now in London, Eng., and will sail for home from Sonthampton Aug. 1. Mrs. George Hill and dangbter Mabel, who have been visiting relatives and friends here for the past tbree weeks, have returned to their home in Boffalo. Mrs. Jay C. Taylor is spending a short time at Whitmore Lake. She bas jast retorced from tbe east and later on will be at home at tbe old Taylor homestead on Broadway. Miss Bnllock, V. of M. lit '92, who bas been teaohing in the Tecnmseh high sohool for the past two years, has retnrned to Ann Arbor to take up her studies for a master's degree in the nniversity. Elmer Kirkby, proseonting attorney of Jackson county, was iu tbe oity yesterday. He will be a candidate for the noinination for congressmau at the seoohd district conventioon of the democratie party. Mrs. J. M. Swift leaves today for London, Ont., to visit her mother Mis. Steiner who is 89 years old and is fast failing in health baving been coufined to her bed for a year. Mrs. Steiner formerly lived in this oty. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Whiting have retnrned from a week's visit to Union City witb Mr. Whiting's nephews, also his coueins, the ohildren of Col. Thomas Moseley, who with his family rasided here as early as 1836 and engaged in the dry goods business. YPSILANTI PBRSONALS. Rev. D. R. Shier is visiting in Reed City. Charles Sweet is in Elk Rapids tbis week. Fred Weinmann has been in Mnskegon this week. Miss Anna Chalmers bas been a Detroit visitor. Wallaoe Brooks is visiting at Chickarnauga Park. Arthur Graves isoccupying a cottage at Traverse City. Miss Clara Allen has been rnsticating at Pine Lake. Frank Glen is spending the summer at Mackinac Island. Howard Pratt, of Chicago, is visiting his father, Dr. Pratt. John Berney, of Eaton Rapids, is visiting Clyde Webster. Tom Fnller returned from Chickamauga Sunday evening. George J. Ament and Jos. Meyer retnrned from Algonao, Saturday. Howard Stevenson, of Beading, Pa., bas beea visiting in Ypsilanti. Mayor Davis and City Clerk McGregor went to Portage Lake Tuesday. Misses Hattie Woolcott and Maud Penny, of Ypsilanti, are visiting in Urania. Mrs. Allen Nowland and daughter, of Clare, are visiting Mrs. Frank Glanfleld. Major John P. Kirk. of the 31st Michigan, is very ill at bis home in Ypsilanti. Mrs. Ruth Carpenter-Lathrop is spending a two weeks, vaoation in Adrian and Detroit.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News