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Notice of Drain Letting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT I, Daniel W. Barry, County Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, will, 011 the 28th day of July, A. D. 1898, at the lovver end of drain, in the Township of Dexter, at nine o'cloek in the forenoon of that day, proceed to receive bids for tlie cleauing out of a eertain drain known and detignated as "Doane and Ferris Drain," located and established in the said Township of Dexter, and described as follows to-wit: Oommenciii(i in Dexter No. 1 Drain in the s e corner n e M of n w M section 23, and running' thonce north and west alon? the line of said drain one hundred and sixtytwo (162) rods to a small lake on the e 2 of s w 54 section 14. Said job will be let by sections. The section at the outlet oí the drain will be let flrst, and rernaining sections in their order up stream, in accwdance with the diagram now on fllo with the other papers pertaining to said drain, in the office of the County Drain Commissioner, to whích rel'erence may be had by all parties intereeted, and bids will be made and received accordingly. Contracts will be made with the lowest responsiblo bidder giving adequate security for the performance of the work, in a sum then and there to be flxed by me, reserving to myself the rig-ht to reject any and all bids. The date for the completion of sueh contract, and the terms of payment therefor, shall bc aunounced af the time and place of letting. Noliceis further hereby eiven, that at the time and place of said lcttlng, or at such other time and place thereafter to which I, the Drain Commissioner aforesald, may adjourn the samo, the assessinents for benefits and the lands comprised wlthin the "Doane and Ferris Drain Special Asscssment District," will be subject to review foi' one day, from ïiine o'cloek ín the forenoon nntil five o'clock in the afternoon. The followingis a description of the severul tracts or pareéis of land constitutins the Special Assessment District of said Drain, vjz: The n e & of n w sec. '', n w '4 of n '4 sec. 23, s % of n w H of n e H sec. 23, n H of n w i ol' n e '4 seo. 23, e Vi of s w '4 sec. 14, w Vi of a w tí sec, 14, n e ü of n e '4 sec. 22, s e 54 ofseM sec. 15, n e '4 ol' 8e i sec. 15, sc!i of neü sec. 15, s w H of n w M sec. 14, w Vi of s e ; sec. 15. s w '4 of n e í sec. 15, s w k of s e '4 sec. 14, in Dexter township, also the township of Dexter at large. Dated this eleventh day of July, A. D. 1S98. DANIEL W. BARKY, Connty Draiu Commissioner of the County oL Washtenaw.


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