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Real Estate Transfers

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JernshaFreeman to L T Freeman, et al., Manohester, $1. A F Freeman to F M Freeman, Manohester, $950. F M Freeman to Gerge Hermerdiuger. Manchester, $7,200. Gay W Harris to E H Cressy and wife, Saline, $200. Gay VV Harris to E H Cressy and wife, Saline, $600. Eobert Phillips, by sheriff, to National Loan and Investment Co., Anu Arbor, 430. ' E H Cressy and wife to Gay W Harris, Saline, 400. James Doyle to George H Delaforoe, York, $t,200. Wm Osins to Robert J Cromie, Lodi, 12700. Wm T Woolsey to George Whitman, Ypsilanti, $25. W H Ostrander et al. by sheriff to Perry Vorce, Angosta, 11836.19. Frederick Kollflwber and wife to Wni Osins, Lodi, $1,663.20. Maria E Fergnson to Luoy Denike, Ypsilanti, $1. Spencer E Shaw and wife to Gilbeit Riggs, Ypsilanti, $800. Harriet Cornwell to Frederiok C Lewis, contract. George W Axtell to Anna R Schnmacher, Ann Arbor, $2,800. James L Lowden toFractional School District No. 9. Aun W Wilson et al. to Horace L Wilgus and wife, Aun Arbor, $5,200. Mary E Smith to Fraucs M Haruiltou, Aun Arbor, $4,300. Calvin M Lowe tn Mary E Lowe, wiU. Charles Boylan to Panline Baumgardner, Ann Arbor, $712.50. B Frank Boylan and wife to Panline Banmgardner, Ann Arbor, $2,237.50.