Real Estate Transfers
JernshaFreeman to L T Freeman, et al., Manohester, $1. A F Freeman to F M Freeman, Manohester, $950. F M Freeman to Gerge Hermerdiuger. Manchester, $7,200. Gay W Harris to E H Cressy and wife, Saline, $200. Gay VV Harris to E H Cressy and wife, Saline, $600. Eobert Phillips, by sheriff, to National Loan and Investment Co., Anu Arbor, 430. ' E H Cressy and wife to Gay W Harris, Saline, 400. James Doyle to George H Delaforoe, York, $t,200. Wm Osins to Robert J Cromie, Lodi, 12700. Wm T Woolsey to George Whitman, Ypsilanti, $25. W H Ostrander et al. by sheriff to Perry Vorce, Angosta, 11836.19. Frederick Kollflwber and wife to Wni Osins, Lodi, $1,663.20. Maria E Fergnson to Luoy Denike, Ypsilanti, $1. Spencer E Shaw and wife to Gilbeit Riggs, Ypsilanti, $800. Harriet Cornwell to Frederiok C Lewis, contract. George W Axtell to Anna R Schnmacher, Ann Arbor, $2,800. James L Lowden toFractional School District No. 9. Aun W Wilson et al. to Horace L Wilgus and wife, Aun Arbor, $5,200. Mary E Smith to Fraucs M Haruiltou, Aun Arbor, $4,300. Calvin M Lowe tn Mary E Lowe, wiU. Charles Boylan to Panline Baumgardner, Ann Arbor, $712.50. B Frank Boylan and wife to Panline Banmgardner, Ann Arbor, $2,237.50.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mary E. Lowe
Calvin M. Lowe
Jerusha Freeman
L. T. Freeman
A. F. Freeman
F. M. Freeman
George Hermerdinger
Gay W. Harris
E. H. Cressy
Robert Phillips
James Doyle
George H. Delaforce
William Osius
Robert J. Crombie
William T. Woolsey
George Whitman
W. H. Ostrander
Perry Vorce
Frederick Kollewher
Maria E. Ferguson
Lucy Denike
Spencer E. Shaw
Gilbert Riggs
Harriet Cornwell
Frederick C. Lewis
George W. Axtell
Anna R. Schumacher
James L. Lowden
Ann W. Wilson
Horace L. Wilgus
Mary E. Smith
Frances M. Hamilton
Charles Boylan
Pauline Baumgardner
B. Frank Boylan