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Rosa M, infant dangbter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Shipley, of Sio, died Wednesday. Major Kirk, who is ill at Ypsilanti, has had his leave of absence extended 15 days. G-eorge Peavey has pnrohased tbe once celebrated Washtenaw house on Broadway and will repair it for a dwelling house. Mrs. Rowena L. Chapman wants a divorce from Frank C. Chapman on the ground of non-support. They have beeu uaarried for 20 years. It is estimated that the attendance at the uuiversity will reaoh 3,500 this fall. There is a runch greater demand for catalogues Mían ever before. The largo barns cf Isaac Bumpus, west of Rawsonville, were struok by lightniag yesterday and bnrned together with their contenta. Loss 3,000. Willard A. Wheeler, of Co. A, has sned for divoroe froru his wife (May Wheeler, oharging her with adultery and elopemeut eince he has joiued the army. The Cliffcon house at Whitiuore Lake was strnck by ligbtning last Monday, the bolt goiug down the kitohen ohimaey and slighly shooking one of the girls. Lightning strnok the house of G-eorge H. Fisoher, of Hill st, Monday. Mr. Fisoher reoeived a very severe shock. Ouly slight damage was done to the building. It has not yet been fully determined whether the Adu Arbor and Ypiilanti companie8 will go to Porto Rioo or not, bnt it seems very probable that they will onless the peace negotiations now in progress terminale ruore suddenly than is usual with Spanish diplomaoy. South Lyon thinks it is to get the Lansiug, Dester & Ann Arbor railroad away f rom Dexter and Aun Arbor, by gettiug a change in the route which would take the road from Pinokney to Soutb Lyoa and froiu thenoe to Novi and Farruiugton to oonneofc with the Detroit aucí Pontiac road. This week we seud ont onr quarterly staterueuts of sabscription aooounts We wonld be muoh pleased if these aconnts were promptly atteuded to, more especially as the most diffiuult time financially for papers in Ann Arbor is midsnrnrner, when these acoounts are abont all that they have to depend npon to pay their expenses. A big anotion sale of watohes, 'diamonds, jewelry and silverware begins at 110 E. Hurón st. tbis afternoon ai 3 o'clook and tbis eveniDg at 8 o'clock aud is oontinued at thos8 hours every day until all is sold. Watts, the Jeweler, has bought two stooks inoludiug the Barunm stook of Ypsilanti, and will give the people of Ann Albor the benefit of a cheap sale. The state board of pardons has denied the applioation for pardon of Thomas Jones, whp was sent np froin this oounty for 20 years on tbe charge of assault with intent to kill in March, 1894. He will be remembered as the colored man who was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Peterson in Ypsilanti aftsr au exciting chase in whiob Peterson reoeived ballet wound in his hand. Eugene J. Helber, the energetio editor of the Neue Wasbtenaw Post, has been appointed the inember from Washtenaw of the repnblican congressional oommittee by Candidato Henry Smitb. One of Helber's first dnties will be to find ont frnm Mr. Smith what he meant in bis speech of aoceptance of the nomination by saying that he hoped the oonvention wonld not oompare hirn to pork and cabbage. If tbe oandidate oan get any meauing ont of that sentence except a slnr on those who like purk and oabbage, he may prove hia ability to run for congress. Prof. Qeorge E. Seyrnour, of the St. Louis, Mo., high school, died in this city last Sunday, aged 64 years and leaving a wife and two daughters. He had overworked dnring the past year and had come to Anu Arbor with his family to recupérate. But he was too far run down and last week had an attack of congestión of tbe brain from which he died. He had taught in the St. Louis schools for 20 years and was professor of mathematics and history. He had published a seríes of sohaol books of arithmetio and bookkeeping and got out a new edition last year. The fnnesal was held Tuesday afteruoon.