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Claimed His Wife Was Insane

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On Monday last Dr. Albert J. Rioe, of Ypsilanti, filed a petition in the probate coart to have bis wife Lnella N. Rice adjudged iusaue and sent to the eastern insane aaylnru at Pontiac. Judge Newkirk appointed Dr. C. G. Darling and Dr. James F. Breakey a commission to examine into the lady's sanity and set the hearing of the petition for Wednesday morning at 10 o'cloob. At that honr Dr. Rice was present with anotber medical man and Mrs. Rioe was representad by her attorney Herbert W. Childs, of Ypsilanti. Dr. Rioe was to have been acoompanied by D. C. Griffen as his attorney but the gentleman was not present. The doctor however was evidently loaded down witb evidence. He had a big valise and a voluminons scrap book which was said to oontain a fnll history of his wife and her family compiled from letters that had passed between tlieru. But tbe oontents of tbe valise and the letters in the sorapbook were not used. As soon as Jndge Newkirk had opened conrt be stated that the report of tbe medioal oommission was to tbe effect that Mrs. Rice was not insane, that she showed no evidence of insanity and bad talked and conversed with them for about au hoor in a most rational aud ladylike manner. She admitted being ill abont two years ago at which time sbe bad suffered delusions and ballncinations, bat tbese tbe doctors said were dne to her state of bealth. Under this report tbe judge said he would have to deny the petition. As Attorney Griffen was not present ;he medioal man who acooiupanied Dr. ïice asked that a stay of the proeeedugs be had and tbe jndge granted a one honr's delay. The medical man :hen left the office bat Dr. Rice remained. He was evidently very ill at ease and in a few minutes, after having asked Jndge Newkirk a qnestion or two, ie said "Yonr honor I desire to withdraw my petition." As the jndge had already dismissed it tbis reqaest was unnecessary. The doctor tben walked up to tbe judge's desk paid np the $18 expenses tnat bad been incurred and nervously grasping the valiee and scrapbook he burriedly left tbe room. In the meantime between the getting ont uf tbe petition and the hearing of t Mrs. Rice had sworn oafc a warrant against her hasband for desertion and non-snpport and he was arrestad, tbe trial being set for nest Monday. The whole of tbe doctor'sproceedings against his wife seem to be actnated by malice and a desire to be rid of her. Tbe troubles in the family are of long duration. They have íesided in Ypsilanti 10 or 11 years. The doctor was away on the road most of the time but his visita home were productive of scènes that aronsed tbeire of theneigbbors who began to bint at a ouat of tar and featbers for him. Two years ago last month Officer Warner was sent for and he entered the honse by the window. Mrs. Rioe seemed in mortal terror of her hnsbaud and told the officer that her husband had grabbed and ohased her about the hoase. Harrison Pairohild, a neigbbor, went before Jnstice Childs and swore out a warrant f or disturbing the peaoe. The warrant was brought back bnt in the meantime Dr. Rioe and bis wife had become reoonciled, and she implored the offier not to serve the paper. At this tnrn of affairs the neighbors leffc disgustad and said that they didn't care what beoame of the family. The night after, however, Mrs. Rice ran out doora aud again implored soineone to go for an offioer, as she olaimed her hnsband was again assaulting her. This time the offlcer arrested Rice and as uo one would go bis bail he laid in jail all night. Mrs. Rice preferred a oharge of assault against him and the oase for disturbing the peace was discontinued. ProseontingAttorney Randall investigated the case, fonnd that he conld not secure a oonviotion, as Mrs. Rice's story did nnt show any assault, and discharged the prisoner, but exacted a promise froni Rice not to make any more disturbances in the neighborhood, and advised bim if be could not live in peace to go away and remain. This he did and had not been aronnd agaiu uutu lately. One of the ieatures of tbe oase %vas the prooeedings in the oirooit oonrt for the setting aside of a deed given by Mrs. Rioe to her husband for the Ypsilanti homestead vshioh is valued at 3,000. Dr. Rice gave bis wife a deed ;o the property and sbe gave hirn oue in return, so that in case anytbing happened, the surviving one wonld have ;he papers to protect hiin or her. After Dr. Rice went away from Ypsilanti bis wife filed a bilí to have the deed set aside and a decree was entered in the oircnit court last Satnrday granting this request. Mrs. Riou yesterday filed a bilí for divorce fruru Dr. Rioe on thejgronnd of desertion. She Jasks that the oourt gianc her taruporary aliruony and solioitor's fees. Hudson Post: "Bress de Lord," shouted a oolnred pteaoher to bis euthusiastio oongregation. "Do yon know, brethrau, dat de oíd bible times have come baok to us? Sampson aru fighting our battles in Cuba, and de news comes aoross de ooean dat the 'Nited States flag am waviug ober the Phülistines. "


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