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j U UJUUUUUUULLJUUUUUUUUUUU U Salem now has two hotels. The Plymouth fair will be held Sept. 13 to 16. The recent social of St. Mary's church, Chelsea, netted $47. Levi Bordine has purchased the farm of John Lawson, of Augusta. About 300 campers and boarders have been resorting at Whitmore Lake. John W. Greenman, of Augustii, cut the end off his finger with his bicycle chain. The oat erop around Milan is the best in years, some fields averaging 70 bushels to the aore. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gording, of Augusta, will move to a Dakota farm they have purchased. St. Mary's church, of Chelsea, will give a grand picnic at Cavanaugh Lake -the last of the montb. 3. Alfred Doty, of Angosta, is meniioned in connection with the republican nomination for sheriff. Rollo Bryan, the ohalk artist, givea an entertainment at the Saline Presbyterian church tbis evening. Spontaneous combustión oaused a small fire in a closet of the new house of M. L. Burkhart, of Cbelsea. Allen Forsytbe, of York, tbreshed 1,190 bushels of wheat f rom 40 acres, a yield of 30 bnshels to the aore. Henry Spiegelberg, of Whitmore Lake, narrowly missed a sunstroke last week, and was a very siok man for a time. M. E. Keeler, of Sharon, is building a 20-foot addition to one of his barna. Snob years as this reguire more barn loom. Mrs. J. H. Barr, of Saline, bad a second night blooming cereña ont last week, the blossom being 14 inches in diameter. C. M. Wood, of Pinckney, has completad his 59th harvest in LiviDgtson ounty and reports it the largest barvst he ever went through. A camp meeting commenoed ia8t Satorday in Gay's woods, Milan, nnder ibe charga of Bev. C. F. Hill, of Whittaker, and closes next Sunday. A valuable young trotting horse belonging to Edward Bmith, of Dundee, whicb was in a pastare near Cone was killed by lightning last week. Capt. Frank Edmunds, of the First Infantry, who was born in Ypsilanti in 1849 and entered West Poiat in 1866, to gradúate fourtli in his class, bas just been made a major in command of tbe JVIcCullongb battery of Louisiana. Ypsilaati taxes mast all be paid by Aag. 10, Harry S. Germán will open a bank at Belleville. Ypsilauti will ooustrnct a sewer on Erutaett and Ballard sts. Dan Hoey has pnrobased tha beau honse of C. L. Bownian in Dexter. Tbe sbade trees in Ypsilauti are to be trimmed np 12 feet f rom the gronnd. Jesse Sherwood died of dropsy at bis home in Manchestor July 27, aged 56 years. Dr. E. O. Sbeldon, of Dexter, will remove to North Baltimore, Ohio, the middle of the month. A civil service exaniination for positions in tbe Ypsilanti post office will be held early in September. The íittle son of W. Holmes, of Manchester, was badly hurt last week by nis f atber's team rnnning away. The snm of $200 bas boen appropriated by the Ypsilanti council to bcild an artifioial lake in the Fourth ward park. Intelligence bas ben received of tbe death in England of the owner of the Follett house in Ypsilanti, Thomas Mathias. Tbe annnal picnic of the Emannel chnrch Snnday sohool, of Manohester, was held in Sohmid's grove last week Thursday. Henry Gilbert, of Manohester, refnsed an offer of $300 for two fat steers and a heifer, a small heifer to be thrown in. The Manchester Enterprise is dishing np its usual large grist of good looal news, these days in spite of the hot weather and the war excitement. Milan Leader : A oertain Milán caerer can teil yon abont tbe benefits to 38 derived from an applioation of flypaper for a lame baok. He's tried it! The Uexter Leader keeps up a good advertising patronage iu spite of the summer season. This is only another evidence tbat Editor Thompson is a instler. The 15 aores of wheat put in on shares on the Storms farm near Manchester, by William Rushton, yielded 612 bushels, nearly 41 bnsbels to the aore. Manchester Enterprise: One of our readers claims to own a rooster that has hatched ont a lot of chickens. The old hen was too bnsy to sit and the rooster took the job, with the above resnlt. The editor of tbe Grass Lake News baviug exhausted all his reading matter, agitates tbe establishment of a public library in Grass Lake in order tbat he may still fnrther increase bis already volnminous vocabnlary. Saline Observer: A little kid stepped into the post office Wednesday and said to Postmaster Burkhart, "I want one of them' infernal revenne stamps. " The boy was honest in his remark, and not so very far out of line after all. Adrian Press: On the farm of S. P. Ballard, of Willis, were seven acres of wheat, from whiuh were threshed 273 busbels of plump grain. It was the red Clawson variety. No wonder Willis has a poet. Snob land as that ought to grow it. Grass Lake News: Tbis village is f all of widowers and bachelors and delightfnl widows and pretty old maids. Now, something should be done to bring them together into a permanent union. It will be better for tbem and fcetter for soqjety. We refer the matter to the village oouncil. Times: None but red-beaded men need apply. The D., Y. & A. A. Railway bas six red-haired ruotormen and condoctors on its line and several more on the Detroit end. öeveral daya ago a good, able-bodied young man applied at tbe Detroit office for a job and passed a good examination, bat be lacked the neoessary reqnisite - red hair. Milán Leader: Will Liaxton, of tbis village, was one of tbe 18 brave soldiers who volunteered to go out and draw tbe Spanisb fire at Santiago ia order that onr forcea ruight lócate the enemy's position. That act bringa him into the Hobson class. He may be assnred of a warm welcome when be returns home. He is a memher of Co. E, 33rd Regiment, Michigan Volunteers. The other day a young woman was rambling along one of tbe country roads. Sbe was dressed smartly, she tbought. and when sbe met a smal!, bare-legged urebin carrying a bird's nest witb eggs in itshe did not hesitate to stop him. "Yon are a wicked boy," she said. How could you rob that nest? No doubt the poor mother is now grieving for tbe loss of ber eggs. ': "Oh, she don't oare, " replied the urebin edging away, "she's up on your hat. "- Ex. Chelsea Herald : Next 4th of JuJy, 1899, Ypsilanti will celébrate the 75th anniversary of tbe first 4th of Jnly oelebration beid in Washtenaw oounty. In 1874 tbey celebrated the 50th anniversary in grand etyle, but hope to "cap the climax" in 1899. Ypsilanti ia a stirring city, bnt wait till Chelsea gets stirred up more and she will outclipse Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, or any other neighboring village or oity with the grandest demoastration that ever took place in the county of Washtenaw. Ypsilanti Commercial : John McClintic, age 14, and Fred Bucklin, age 17, were shooting tuitles along the river Sunday. Fred 's revolver failed to go off when he wanted it to, and be at once proceeded to find out the reason why, and in doing so snapped it. This time it went and hit John in the heel breaking the heel bone twice and following up the leg. Dr, O. E. Pratt has uot been able to extract the ball yet and thinks it will be neoessary to leave it. It was a 32 calibre. John bas received an injury that he will not reoover from for weeks if be ever does. Both boys work in tbe Chioago shoe atore. The infant son of J. S. Hoeffler, of Cheleea, died Jnly 24. H. S. Holmes has been eleoted moderator of the Chelsea sohools. George W. Reason, of Pincknay, has bnilt a cottage at Portage Lake. The American flag now floats from a new flag pole over thn Milan village hall. The th ander storm of last Monday did soine damage tu frnit, oorn, oats and fences in Sharon. George Pan], sr., of Btidgewater, dislooated bis snonlder while attempting to raise a wood rack. William Amspoker feil from a car while loading stock at Manohester last Thursday and broke two ribs. Mes8is. Howlett, Bnrden, Kuhn and Clark, of Gregory, have built a cottage on the banks of North Lake. George Klager died in Bridgewater Jnly 23, of oíd age. The funeral was held at Bridgewater station. Lightning struck the house of Patriok MnEnany, of Sharon, on Mouday of last week, doiug slight datnage. Mr. McBnauy had a uarrow esoape as be was standing in the door and the bolt oame down the water pipe, knooking bizn down. One arm and both feet were powerless for an hour and a half.