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Why is it that the administration is giv...

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Why is it that the administration is giving General Fitzbugb Lee no chance to distinguish hiniself?- Ann Arbor Argns. That qoestion bas been asked s a hnndred times, Bro. Beakes, and we know of no reasou otber tban that he is a democrat and will not Jisten to proruises if be will change bis politics. -Livingston Demoorat. Tbe new woman shonld remove to the Phillipines, where in the island of Lnzon, of wbioh Manila is the capital, sbe may find many of the rights she seeks. For instance the wife is not reqnired to snrrender ber name in marriage nor does custoni sanction tbe praotice. Cbilrden bear tbe name of the mother as well as of the father. Tbe wife's property is exempt from any claims of tbe hnsband. And tbey cali these people savages. What bas tbe new woman to say of snch savages? Bismnrk is dead, fnll of yeais and of bonors and tbe greatest atatesman of bis generation. Be remade the map of Earope. He established the balanoe of the powers in Europe which bas maintained peaoe sinoe the Franco-Prnssian war. He raised Germany from a obaos of independent kingdoms and prinoipalities to the rank of one of the greatest powers of the world. He welded the Germán people together. He bronght them inoreased prosperity both nationally and individnally. He was a man of iron nerve and indomitable will. His conrse was plainly marked ont in bis own mind bnt he failed to take the whole world into bis confldence nntil the masterly logio of events revealed it. He was a man of action not of theories, a practical man, not a dreamer. Hard and oold be may bave seemed, bnt it was for his oountry's good. A far seeing, practical statesman bas passed from the scène of activity, his life work fnlly accomplisbed. The recent appointment of Mr. E. J. Helber by Candidato Smith on his congressional committee was a sbrewd move. Mr. Hêlber probably did more than any man in tbe party to canse this connty to leave the democratio column. He bas never bad any recognition of his work and when reoently be demanded Mr. Wedemeywr's nomination for congress on tbe ground that the German-Americans who bad given this connty and witb it the distriot to the repnblicaüs.should be recognized.he was disappointed by the refnsal of the oonvention to recognize the demaud. A jnagnificent fight for Mr. Wedeaieyer's nomination was made, however, and his forces held together well. For very mnch of this campaign Mr. Helber deserves the credit. It was natural tbat Candidate Smith shonld desire tbe assistance of so energetio and forcefcl a man, bnt the recognition is not snch as Mr. Helber deserved. His work sbould bave been recognized in some other way than an appointment to a poeition wbich is one of all work and no


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News