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b m j b taai b m - - ■ - - - -- - - - The S. E. D. C, of Sharon, held a picnic Saturday at Wolf Lake. The Stockbridge M. E. Sonday school hold a pionio at Znkey Lake today. Wilbur D. Lee, of Munith, who died July 31, aged 59 years, lived in tuis connty from 1844 to 1845. " The sum of 77.15 was realizad at the recent pionio of the Germán Lutberan ehuroh, of Lima, in Koengeiter's woods. Mrs. J. H. Alexander, wife of tbe pastor of the Ypsilanti A. M. E. chnrcb, died of nervons prostration last Friday evening. The Congregational ohnrcb in Ypsilanti is to be rebulit at a oost of $8,000. Henry Norton, of Ypsilanti, is the snccessfnl bidder. The chnrch will be bnilt of stone. O. C. Bnrkhart, of Chelsea, bongbt 20 sheep last week of Tbomaa Fletcher and John Waltrone, paying $30 a head for them. They were bonght for shipment to Texas. The Scnarf Tag, Label and Box Co., has pnrchased the business of tbe Metal Rinimed Tag Co. of Chicago, and will remove it to Ypsilanti and will give eruployment to 15 more people. Thomas Fleming, of Lyndon, bas 40 peaoh trees loaded with tbe juiey Sohnrnacber olingstones, two-thiids of which will be wasted as not paying the expense of marketing. He also has 1,500 trees of later peaohes, most of which are also loaded. Kev. Caspar Bursick, a Lntheran minister of Lake Ridge, Washtenaw county, has begun snit at Adrián against tbe Lima Northern andWabasb tailroad oompanies, jointly, for 5,000 for injuries received by being struuk by a Lima Northern train on the WabaHh tracks. He olaims the engineer made do signal on approohing the crossing. Grass Lake News: W. P. Schenk, of Chelsea, was in this village Wednesday, and wben the time carne to take the train for horue his eyes moistened ■and he tried to swallow a big Inmp in tis tborat. If Grass Lake had jasper battlements Will would rather oorne here when he died than wing his way to any other paradise in the oniverse. A rattle snake lying in the road attracted the attention of Alfred Daniele, a proBperous farmer living two miles north of Saline, Sunday night. Snpposing it to be a tie strap he reaohed ■down to piok it np when tbe suake struck at him and fastened its fangs in his hand. He killed the snaka which had 14 rattles. It is said be will recover. The pear erop around Manchester is pnomions. ïbere is not a vaoaut store in Cbelsea and more building. A little child of Daniel Miner, of Saline, died week before last. Beverly Bugg bas opened a barber shop in tbe Union blouk, in Saline. Wbile Major Kirk, of Ypsilanti, is tnuch better he is still very weak. Henry Dodge, of Whitmore Lake, is eularging bis store auddwelling house. Thomas M. Straw, of Chelsea, has had his pension increased from $12 to $14 a month. The infant obild of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Oberst, of Ypsilanti, died Munday, aged thiee montbs. The summer school at Ypsilauti bas olosert its first animal session. The attendanoe reaobed 170. Mr. Burns, who runs the Whitmoi8 Lake elevatur, has pot in a larger engine and now grinds feed. Ernest P. G-oodricb, of Ypsilanti, bas been appointed a drangbtsman and surveyor in tbe war department. Dr. A. J. Kice, of Ypsilanti, did not appear in his wife's suit for non-support, and forfeited bis bail bond. The depositors of J. E. Jnst & Co. 's bank at South Lyon teceived 20 per cent of the arnount of tbeir deposita last week. . The 20 per cent aggregated $15.000. The bilis andited by the Saline council at their August meeting amounted to $14.99, whioh indioates tbat the village was eoonomioally administered duiing July. A. A. Wood, of Lodi, reoently sold a number of choice Merino sbeep to Col. J. P. Van Hnten, of Hay Creek, Oiegon, who has the largest flock of sheep in the United States. The big ice house at Whitmore Lake, large as it is, is to be made larger. Tbree more rooms are to be added to it and then another big ice house of the same size will be built. The farmers' pionio will be held at Whitmore Lake Saturday, Sept. 3. The ladies nf the Whitmore Lake M. E. church will serve dinner on this oooasion to suoh as do not bring baskets, for 25 oents. John Boatman, of Ypsilanti, is serving lOdays in jail for throwing a stone at a colored man wbicb broke a window. His father had just preceded him by a few days on the charge of drunkenness. Adrián PresR: Gen. Spalding can't have any tnird term in congress, but there's a camp of Sous of Veterans at Milan named after him, and in the coming years when all Smiths shall be forgotten, the name of tbe general will be resting safely on the top shelf in the archives of Milan. Times: Tracey Towner, of Ypsilanti, engaged Frank G-lacfield to fix op his cbioken coop and had cathedral glass put in for wiudows, whicb was tnken from the Presbyterian church. Justioe Childs says that the colored windows will have the effect of making the cbickens lay Easter eggs. Times: Teddie Edwaids, the centnry man. has made a oentury every day for 232 consecutive days, and will continne until be numbers 365 days. He rides a Columbia chainless and bas 25,000 miles to his credit. He went through Ypsilanti Tbursday to rnake tbe trianele for his day 's work. The Ypsilanti post office for the fiscal year just past received $15,290.07 and expended f10,597. The receipts show an increase of $934.00 over the previous year. There were 5,818 money orders issued in Ypsilanti last year aud 5,781 paid, butthepaid orders exoeeded tbe issue in aiuount by $23,282.67 Times: Sometbiug of a sensation was created here today by the fact that an organ grinder wascompelling a cbild to sing on the streets unfcil the poor little tbing was exhausted. The iolice are investigating the matter and iave strong suspicious that the man is not its fatber. At any rate, tbere is ;rouble ahead for the man. Pontiao Post: A student was undergoing a very severa examination of tbe 3ible, and was assweriDg the qnestions very nnsatisfaotorily. Finally the professor said in despair, "Mr. , can 't yon repeat even one verse of tbe Bible?'' The student thooght aruinnte and then said, "And Judas went out and hanged himself." "Now oan't yon gire another?" said the professor. To tbe snrprise of the wbole class, the yooth answered, "Go thou and do likewise. " The new post office bnilding whioh Ypsilanti expected to get was knocked n tbe bead Monday when the departtnent re-leased the present building on the condition tbat abont $2,000 be Bpent in improveinents. Tbe merchants on Washington st. are now trying o raise a bonus and buy up the new ease, wbioh means that a large, modern affair woald be built. Meanwhile ;he Horou et. property holders are also rying to raise a bonus to pay the owner for the extra expense in improverneDts so tbat it will be kept in its present location. A hot time is exeoted. Jaokson Press: Tommy McNamara, of Chelsea, bas been known in this seoion for years as the most daring and reckless horse trader wbo visits Jackson and be bas made oonsiderable money in that way. None of bis friends ever supposed be conld be induoed to turn bis attention in tbe tradng line to anything but horses. While attending the June raoe meeting bere ie came into possession of a horse for be extravagant snm of $2.50 and be'ire leaving town had succeeded in radiug tbe animal for 27 goats, wbioh ie sbipped to Chelsea and turned out to graze in the fair grounds. He is dow so busy taking oare of bis stook of goats tbat it is donbtfal if he appears at the races here next week. A Sootch bagpipe made the weikin riug at JUilau last week. Qood striDgs of flsh are being taken from tbe lakas in Freedoru. Tbe oottages whioh S. Dean has been building ia Milan, are abont oompleted. The Chelsea Sunday schools held a basket piouic at North Lakt) on Wednesday. Pinckneyand Gregorybave been conneated on the New State Telephone line. Elmer Brigstook and Harvey Eldert, of Detroit, are building a cottage at Base Lake. C. Steinbaoh, of Cbelsea, haa invented a maohine for punohing holes in flynet straps. J. E. Teeter preseuted th3 Maohester Enterprise, with the first home grown tomatoes, July 29. Little Goy Taylor, of Milan, feil into a oistern last week but was rescued in time to save him. The farmers about Base Lake enjuyed a heavy rain Sunday. It rained that day in Lodi and at Manchester. Lightuing killed two oows belouging to Thomas Morse aud oue belonging to J. Dancer near Chelsea recently. A farmers' picnic was held at Moore'a grove, Wampler's Lake, yesterday at whioh Rev. D. R. Shier delivered the address. Ex-sheriff Wallaoè, of Saline, has a gig whioh Gen. Casa used to ride in. It is in guod repair though it is 60 years oíd. Misa Nettie Boyd, of Ypsilanti, died Tuesday morning, after a Jingering illness, aged 28 years. The remains were taken to Teonruseh for interment. James Walsh, of Dexter townsbip, while ñ'sbing in Rabbitt's lake reoently caagbt asix pound black bass, the largesc ever oaught in the vicinity of Dexter. St. Mary's churoh, of Chelsea, hold a pionio at Cavanaugh Lake Wednesday, Aug. 24. The republioan caudidate for congress, H. C. Smith, will be one of the speakers. Mrs. Raohel Spears, wife of Joseph Spears, wbo lives three miles east of Belleville, died Aug. 7, aged 78 years. Sbe had been married 60 years aud was bom in Wayne county. Times, Ypsilanti correspondence: John Gillen, of Saline, was in the city last night (Monday) sounding his boom for sheriff. He is the first one out and says he will give any other candidate a lively chase. Tbe Miohigan Mannfacturing Co., of Ypsilanti, has entered into a contract to manufacture King Bros.' gasoline stoves. This will necessitate tbe employment of from 10 to 50 men, depending upon the sucoess of the stove. It is stated that while the inen were at work on the new Presbyterian cbnich in Ypsilanti the other day, they took out an old "footing" of stone and mortar under the foundation of the church and found a toad there which must have been imbedded for 25 years. It was still alive. Will Freeman, of Ypsilanti, a member of the Rough Riders, wbo was wouuded, is back home on a 60-day fnrlough. He is modest abont the part he took in tbe fight and cannot be induced to make a show of himself. Ho expects to rejoin his regiment as soon as his wound is healed. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Switzer, of Ypsilanti, celebrated tbe SOth anniversary of their wedded life on Monday eveuing. Tbere were just as many people present as nornbered the years of Mr. and Mrs. Switzer's married life. Tbe worthy conple moved to this county 50 years ago from Vermont and have lived in tbe same house ever since. Each is 72 years of age and in excellent health. Enterprise: A nomber of oor citizens who have visited neighboring towns and cities, say that people are preparing to come to Manchester in large numbers, on Germau Day, Aug. 18. Special trains will be run from Ann Arhor and Jaokson, or will be employed in taking the people home from Manchester after the fireworks in the evening. Our looal oommittee is hard at work compJeting arrangeinents. There will be lots of music, two military companies, advertising wagons and Germán socifities in the parade in the forenoon, and everybody sbould get to town early to see all tbe sights and hear the speeches by Judge Newkirk aDd Mr. Stanger, of Ann Arbor.and F. M. Freeman, of this village. The Saline Observer is anthority for the following fish story: Silver Lake is reported as one of the best places aroand here to get flsh gaine. Soine of the boys veere there VVednesday and report the snooess as something wonderEnl, and the variety of gaine ont of sight. While anohored near shore, Otto threw his line carelessly over the side of the boat with the hook baited properly for (game.) Time passed on, the boys ohatting and ohatting and having a good time, when suddenly qnack, qnaok carne a sound and thinking a aass was calling for help, Otto pulled in his line whieb had seonrely hooked at its end a fine fullgrown goose which the boys feeling fearful tbat the ola farmer near by migbfc demand pay for, theydevoured feathers, beak and all and now feil thattbeir appetite bas been for once satisfied.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News