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What has the war department done with Ge...

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What has the war department done with General Fitzbugh Lee? The negro regiments of the regnlar army oovered themselves with glory in the campaign before Santiago, fighting for the fiag of the free. The appointment of Charles S. Harupton as secretary of the demooratic state outnmttiee is by all odds the very best that oonld have been made. The war has given rise to any nnmber of bad naval puns. The latest is that Schley and Dewey having won the laurels of war are now resting on their bays at Santiago and Manila. Judge Watts, the partner and fatherin-law of Henry C. Smith, the Adrián candidato, termed the Supporters of Oen. Spalding, "swine" bnt by this time is undoubtedly trying to rub the bristles in the right direction. Will the repnblioan papers please explain why wheat feil f rom $1.50 to 70o per bnshel in three weeks under a repnblican administration . If the same thing had oocnrred in a democratio oontrol of the goverment, they wonld have set np o'nights to howl. - Hastings Jonrnal. Many and grave qnestions connected with the reoonstrnction of the new territory added to the United Statea are abont to arise. Let ds hope that the snarks and cormorants who seek to make immense private gains at the expense of the poblio good may be defeated in their objects. Congiess has important qneations to deal with and boodlers and lobbyiBts need watohing. The 31st Miobigan Regiment was compoeed of the flower of the National Gnard of Michigan. They were the first regiment to be mnstered into the service, the first to leave the state and ave been most highly oomplimented as an example to other regiments by three different generáis who have inspected them. The boys were patriots. Many of them thievi up fine positions ont of pnre patriotism. They expected to be sent to the front to fight for their flag. Instead they have been sweltering at Chicakamauga, thonsands of juiles from the soene of war, wbile ■other regiments not nearly so well drilled, offioered or so soldierly in oondnct have been passed over them and sent to the front. This is all beoause they went to the front as soldiers relying npon their own high conduct and work and not npon politioal pnlls. Natorally they are disappointed. Bnt they are just as mnob héroes as if they had actnally faced the deadly Manser bnlleta. Their spirit and their patriotism has been shown.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News