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Private Willard Wheeler, oí Co. A, 31st regiment, returned to duty at Camp Thomas on Wednesday. Tbe health of the boys in Co. A, 3Jst Michigan, continúes exoellent, due in a great measnre to tbeexellent sanitary provisionsinsisted on by Col. Gardener, who is aways on the alert looking out for the health of the men in nis oommand. Ont of 43 Michigan soldiers who died since the war commenoed, 2 were killed, 1 died of bis wounds, and 40 died of disease. It is thesame state of things over again that happens in all wars, ten die of disease to one killed in battle. The3lRt Michigan will bel transferred to Knoxville, Tenn., as eoon as arrangements for transporting the roen can be perfected. Tbe entire second división of the first army corps will be moved, the pnrpose being to secure a healtbier camping ground with better sanitary surroundings. The third división, whioh is at Chickamauga, will be moved to Lexington. Tbe 31st Regiment, Miohigan Volnnteers, bas moved into new quarters at Camp Thomas and is preparing for a long stay by putting in board floors and donble-deoked bunka. The new camp ground is a slight improvement over the old one; ie is on bigher ground, equally well drained, and is free from tbe miasmatic influenoea which made the old camp unhealthy. Some of tbe boys oall it "Camp Monotony." Major George H. Hopkins, wbo was detailed to insp9ct the military hospitals at Fort Monroe, Atlanta and Chickamauga, on his return to Washington made an offioial report of his visits and in it paid the Sist Miohigan a great compliment. He says : "The 31st Miohigan was tbe next in order oE good healtb and thay had learned the knack of oaring for themselves. They were careful in tbe water they drank; poperly disposed of refuse, improvised meaos to keep from sleeping on tbe ground and the men as individuals took good oare of themselves." Alfred Shackleford, of Co. L, 31 st regiment, is a somewhat humorous letter writer. He says in a reoent letter, "I suppose you have beard about our moving camp, and that we are getting our tents all floorer). We have oommenced to bnild ice honses, for we are going into the ice business this winter. The 31st Michigan died the other day. We are now known as the 'Cbiokamauga Park Improvement Assooiaton.' We are getting all the trees trimmed up in fine style, and we hope to get tbe 7,000 acres of rough land in this oamp oleared before our two years are up. We have fresh meat every morning for breakfast. It comes in pieoes about half an inoh long and as big arormd as a straw, and eaoh pieoe bas two little black éyes. We get them in our oatmeal."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News