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Col H S Dean has retnrned from Oíd Mission. Misa Carrie Watts is visiting friends in Adrián. Henry Sohlanderer is camping for a couple of weeks at Fprtage Lake. Miss Eruma Fisober has retnrned from a visit to Omaha and Madison, Neb. Mrs Biight, of Toledo, visited with Mrs J J Richrnond several days this week. Mra E D BrooksJ'and children' are making a three weeks' visit in Three Rivera. John O Jenkins, of Detroit, was in the oity Friday sbaking hands vfith oíd friends. Letter Carrier George Blnm retnrned from a trip to the npper península, Wednesday. Mr and Mis Henry Apfel, of Duluth, Minn, are visiting his parents Mr aud Mrs Henry Apfel. Emannel Spring and family spent Snnday in CheJsea visiting bis nncle Challes Stein.baob. Mies Wilbelmina Eberwein, of W Liberty st, is spending a vaoation of four weeks in Detroit. Mrs D M Tyler and Mrs J C Elliott retnrned Saturday evening from a ten days' visit at Frankfort. D B Cheveer, of Chicago, is spending a conple of weeks vaoation with his mother Mrs L E Cheever. Mrs Henry T Schnlz and dangbter Mabel are visiting in Petrolia and Oil City, Ont, for a few weeks. Mrs Henry T Purfield has gone to England on a visit to her mother whnm she has not seen for many years. Rev Julius Elingmann, of Weinsberg, was in tbe city Monday to take the Ann Arbor train for Monroe, where he attended a pastoral conferenoe. Mrs W W Watts and Miss Florence Benham retnrned home Snnday evening from a visit with their sister Mrs Gershom Powers, in Grand Rapids. James Osborn, ex-mayor of Owosso, was in Ann Arbor Saturday on his way borne frorn a visit with his wife in Ypsilanti, where she is taking care of her mother Mrs Nanoy Hendríok. Reinhold Patzwald, teaoher of a Lutherau parochial school at Adrián, arrived in Aun Arbor Tuesday and during his stay was the guest of Louis Boes, teacher of the Zion chnroh parochial sobool. Lititz, (Pa. ) Record : Louis Sobaeberle, of Harrisburg, a native of tbis place, spent from Monday to Tuesday in Lititz, after which he started on his wheel for Ann Arbor, Mioh., where his pareDts reside. After taking a rest he will seek a position at his trade in sume larger city. He is a watchmaker. Miss Anna O'Brien is visiting in Toledo. Miss Lila Cady is visiting her sister at Meuominee, Mioh. Miss Aüce C Staebler has returned fi'úiu her eummer vaoatiou. Miss Ruth Darbeim has returned frorn ber vaoation trip to Obio. Sid W Millard bas retarued from bis visit to Co. A, at Chickamauga. Miss Hattie MoClew, of Charlotte, is visiting Mr and Mrs D A Hammond. Miss Nellie Beaob arrived home from ber European trip yesterday morning. Miss Mabel Shannon bas retorced ftom a tbree weeks' visit in London,, Ont. Dr and Mrs Sunderland left for their new home in Oakland, Cal, yesterday morning. Mrs Ross Granger and Mrs J S Stevens, of Detroit, went to Whitmore Lake yesterday. Williarn Allaby, jt., is away in Cbioago and Wisoonsiu for a raonth's visit with his uuoies. Miss Carrie Seyler bas returued from Dundee, where she has been visiting the Misses Kelly. Mrs Lansing and Mrs Gray, of Ohio, are visiting their sister Mrs Gutbrie, of 1110 Willard st. Mrs Rowthan, of Springfield, Ohio, and Mrs Dnsseau, of Toledo, are visiting Mrs Wm Allaby, of Washington st. John C Hoffstetter, of Erie, Pa, bas been in the city the past few days visiting bis sisteis the Misses Hoffstetter, jf W Liberty st, and Mrs JFred Maser, 3f Ann Arbor town. C E Godfrey's family is oooupying a 3Ottage at Wiedemann's grove, Whitmore Lake. Mr Godfrey has arranged ;o buila a cottage soon in the Dunlap rove at Whitmore. Mr and Mrs Adolpb Hoffstetter, Mr ind Mrs F C Haas, Mr and Mrs John 3 Fischer and family, Mr aud Mrs William Baxter are camping at Juniper cottage, Island Lake. Petoskey Kesorter: L P Jooelyn, of Ann Arbor, is the guest of Harry E Barrington, cottage 36, Harbor Point. Mr Jocelyn bas been making a tour of the northern Michigan resorts and will cemain some time at the Poiut. He 3ays there is no plaoe like the Little Iraverse Bay eountry, and hopes to pnrohase property and bnild a summer home here. Dr C Edward Stout, of Bethlehem, Pa, who attended the medical departtuent of tbe University of Michigan üuring the year 1885-86, is the chief inedioal officer on tbe United States sbip Justin, one of Admiral Sampson's Seet. The Justin is being fitted with rapid firing guns and is ander sailing orders to join Commodore Watson's Heer. The Justin was with Sampson's leet off Santiago for seven weeks and was in all the bombardments. Dr átout is married and is the proudfatber Df a charming daughter. MissGraoe Baker bas gone to Detroit to visit friends. Miss Jnha Qua is visiting Dr Della Pieroe in Kalaruazoo. Miss Pet Jarvis, of ïpeilanti, is visiting Miss May Kyer. MrsU G Winegar lef t for Omaha, Neb, to visit her dangbter yesterday. Deputy RegiBsr Frank Creeoh is camping at Portage Lake tbis week. Miss Abbie Pond bas been visiting her consin in Marión for a few days. The Misses Emnia and Louise Weinmann are visiting friends in Mt Clemens. Mr and Mrs William Henne have retnrned home f rom their Marshall visit. Miss Ellen Dove has gone to Florida on account of the serious illness of her sister. Mrs B J Farrah and child, of E Ann st, are visiting relativas at River Raisin. Samuel A Smith, of Petoskey, is visiting bis brother, J L Sraith, of Brook et. Miss May Patoh, of Adrián, is the gnest of Miss Belle Sperry, at Wbitmore Lake. Harvey W Rose, of Manchester, bas been spending the past few days in Ann Arbor. Mrs J Seabolt, Misses Helen and Farnces Seabolt, and Miss May Masten are enjoying an outing at Zukey Lake. Mrs Harry C Benham and son Dion, have returned from a three weeks' visit with telatives in Cbelsea and vicinity. Dr C Q Darling, Evart H and Ranney C Scott and R K Allen left Tubsday for a trip to Maokinao Island and the Soo. Miss Alice Rothman, teacher of Germán in the high school, bas returned from a three weeks' outing at Frankfort. Charles Mount, of Detroit, was the gnest of Ernest Vanderwerker the latter part of last week, returning home on Sunday. Miss Anua Hicks, of S. Twelfth st, who has been visitiug her brother in Cleveland, Obio, bas gone to England. She will return about Nov. 1. Mr and Mrs VV G Dieterle and Mr and Mrs E G Mann and families returned Tuesday evening from a ten days' stay at the Oak Grove clubhouse, Zukey Lake. Frank T Blake and nis sister Miss Edita Blake left Monday morning for a two weeks' trip to Alpena and Mackinac. At Alpona tbey will visit their brotber Dr Fred W Blake for some days. Jay McGuire, of Durand, the well known train dispatoher of the Ann Arbor road, with bis wife and two sons arrived in the city Tuesday to spend a week with Mr. MoGuire's parents. He has recently built himself a handsome residenoe in Durand, ofteu oalled by Owosso people South Owosso. Mr and Mr Wm Goodyear left Tuesday for a month's vacation among the great lakes. Mrs L E Cheever and her son D B Cheever went to Detroit yesterday and from there to Flint wbere they will visit trntil Wednesday. W H Butler, of Sonora, Mex, and bis father Natban Butler, of Detroit, are viaitiug Mrs Cena . T DePne, who is a nieoe of the latter. Mr and Mrs George H Miller and daughter retnrned Tutsday evening from a pleasant visit of flve days to Niágara Falls and Buffalo. Mrs R Gwinner, Miss Emma Gwinner, Ernest Gwinner, Mr and Mrs J Gwinner and Miss LonisaRupff went to Znkey Lake Wednesday to spend ten days at the Sporting Club house.