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The Dundee fair will be held Sept. 27-30. A nurober of new oement walks have been built in Manohester. The Saturday NigbÉ Debating Club held a jolly picnic at Wolf Lake Ang. 6. Work bas cotnmenoed on the Ellis, Emmert and Ballard st. sewera in Yplanti. Whitaker Bros., of Chelsea, have been sbipping a larga nnmber of tboronghbred sbeep to Kansas. The Ohelsea Herald wonld like to see another fair in tbat hnstliog little town before this oentory oloses. The oongregation of St. Mary's ohnrch, Chelsea, will have a pionio at Cavanangh Lake next Wednesday. Bert Carpenter, of Birkett, was suocessfully operated on for appendioitis by Drs. Neil Gates and Sigler, of Dexter, and is doing well. Prof. W. P. Bowen, of the State Noimal College, Ypsilanti, was married at Leslie on Tuesday of last week to Miss Lois E. Knapp. J. Backus and D. E. Hoey bave enterad into partnership and will oonduot a produce, Inmber and ooal business at Dexter. They will have a large warehonse at the depot. Dexter Leader : Four more oarloads of oak car timber were shipped from Dexter Saturday. The timber is sawed in the woods hereabouts for the Oanadian Pacific road and shipped to Perth, Ont. The little three years oíd son of Mr. and Mrs. George Holmes, of Dexter, was bronght to Ann Arbor, Tuesday of last week, and had his eye removed by Dr. R. S. Copeland, it having been for a long time in a diseased oondition. Postmaster Riemenschneider. of Chelsea, has taken out the old section of boxes that was left and added another seotion of keyless boxes and more cali boxes. tbus making the office fnrniture all of uniform appeaiauoe. The wooden awnings have been removed from Congress st. , Ypsilanti, and a distinctive feature of the business streets of Ypsilanti has disappeared. The stores wil! be lighter but in time of storms, the pedestrians will sigh for the old woodea awnings. Ben Smith, an old and respectad rauzen of Dundee, was badly injured Fiiday evening by being thrown from a buggy while his horse was running away. The back wheel of the buggy passed over his head and broke his nose, out a large hole in bis head and badly injured his sboulder. He will recover. Charles Larzelere is building a uew honse ín Cliuton. Eugene A . Dodge, of Gí-rass Lake, difld Friday, of stomacb tronble, agec 51 years. The iiew engine house of Ypsilanti nuw presenta a haudsome appearance and is a oredit to the city. Emanuel Staebleí, of Lima, got his richt hand badly car the other day while feeding a separator. Clinton is enlarging the capaoity of its eleotrio ligbt pluur and building an addition to the power honse. Henry M. Phelps, of Dexter, has been appointed jndge of horses in all departroents of the Michigan state fair. The pionio held at Noith Lake Wednesdayof last week was the largest ever held in that pait of the oonnty. John Green, who lives near Gregory, was kioked in the forehead by a norse lase week and had his sknll fractured. The Ypsilanti Prosbytsrians will hold services in the chureb honse of St. Luke's, while their new building is being erected. Scio station on the Michigan Central is to be disoontinoed. The station house faas been sold to a farmer whu will move it away. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Loois Burg, of Chelsea, had its foot badly scalded the other day by a cup of hot tea being upset npon it. The Ypsilanti squirrels are now safe from pursnit in the streets of that oity esoept from stray dogs with which tbey can easily hold their own. Rev. Henry B. Norton, assistaut pastor of St. Mary's cbnroh, Jackson, has been appointed by Bishop Foley, to take Rev. M. J. Fleming's dnty at St. Jcseph's chnrch, Dexter, while the latter is away on a vaoation. Fr. .Norton is an Aun Arbor boy. Engene Freer, of Lima, lost two steers Ang. 5. Tbe offioers had spant oonsiderable time looking for them and those whom they snpposed had stolen them. Ang. 9 they were fonnd nnder a strawtsacfc in Mr. Freer's barnyard, dead. Grass Lake News : Henry Plow, of Franoisco, displays nis patriotism by floating a large U. S. flag frons a 50foot pole, the lower half of wbich is hiokory and the upper half tamaraok. Henry will be the nexfc mayor of that town if justly treated. The Northwestern Farmers' Mntnal Fire Insurance Co., of Sylvan, Lima, Lyndon, Dexter, Soio and Webster will meet at the town hall, Chelsea, Tuesday, Aug. 30, at 1 p. m. for the purpose of eleoting the neoessary offioers and perfecting the organizatioa of the oompany. Dr. J. W. Lee, of Dexter, threw a stone at a oouple of dogs that annoyed him by making a disturbance on tbe main street. Tbe stone missed the onrs but went sailing through the plate glass window of Mrs. H. C. Higgins' store. The doctor ordered a new wiudow at once. On Thnrsday nighfc of last week as George Sohroen and family, of Saline, were retnrning from Joslyn Lake, tbe horse became frigbtened at a sign swingiug in the wind and ran away. The oarriage oontaining Mr. Schrc9n, wife and daughter, was overturned and the oceupants thrown several f eet into a fence. Mrs. Sohroen was injured internally. Mr. Sohrcen and daughter were slightly bruised. Mrs. Davenport, of Webster, was drivíng a oouple of Detroit visitors to the train at Delhi when the horse oommenced running and kicking and tipped tbe buggy over, throwing the three ladies out. Mrs. Davenport was badly bruised, but tbe ocher two ladies were able to walk the rest of the way to the depot. In their excitement about oatcbing tbe train or from fright they left Mrs. Davenport, not even stopping to see if sbe was hart. Edward Cummings, aged 16 years, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Miohael Cummings, of Dexter, was killed in Detroit, Aug. 6, by being run over by tbe oars. Be was employed in the stookyards at West Detroit and attempted to board a moving freight train, when he was thrown under the wbeels. His right leg was out off just below the knee and hij left leg and hip were horribly orushed. He only lived a few hours after the acoident. The Chicago Drovers Journal says the prospects are tbat there will be a big deniand for feeding sheep this coming f all. Already a strong inqniry has sprung np in tbe east, whioh ia a stroDg indication tbat farmers in tbe Allegheny región are short. Reliable information also oorues from Obio tbat a good many stook sheep will be needed in that state, and probably qnite as many will be forwarded as last year. Feed buyers have by no meane been idle on the range. A good many contracta have been made in the far west, notwithsi adiug tbe fact tbat sheep raisers are bolding their prices np. Sbeep are good property now, and about everybody realizes it. Ranohmen are feeling more independent than tbey have for years. Here is a thought for farmers: It looks very strangn to see a farmer pay 100 fora self-binder, use ifc two or three weeks, and then let it stand ont of doors exposed to the weather for all the year. No otber business could stand snob a waste of property, and farmers oannot afford to allow it. A good shed for farm machinery can be obeaply made by setting three rows of posts in the groand 12 f eet apart eacb way, the outside row six feet above tbe ground and the oenter row Í0 feet high. Stroug poles should be laid on top of tbe poats and smaller poles put acroas these and brnsh over these and the whole covered with ooarse hay well tied on. Suoh a sbed will last for many years and : furnisb good protection for all kinds of farm tooit) and ma( hinery. Manohester oriefch for waterworks. A. E. Howe, of Milán, has sold 27, 000 berry boxes thia year. Miss Lydia Heselsohwerdt died iu Sharon, Aug. 9, aged 24 years. Mark Lowry, of Chelsea, bas th frame np for a uew residence. A lodge of Modern Woodmen wa organized in Saline Saturday evening. Tb8 Liberty party nominale a can didate for congress at Whittaker, Ang 81. A portion of the roof of tbe Chelsea bigb school building has been resbingled. George Leffler, of Freedom, diec Ang. 7, of lnng and stomach tronble aged 47 years. Henry Gilbert, of Manohester re ceived nearly $300 for three fat cattle be sold last week Rats have destroyed nearly all the young chiokens belonging to M. H Begole, of Pifctsfleld. Fred Kapp, of Manchester, goes to Spokane, Wasb., to take a elerkahip in a large department store. Mrs. Richard Davis, of Ypsilauti, broke ber leg last Tharsday evening by falling from ber bioyole. A lodge of Modero Woodmen with 25 members was organized last Friday evening at Whitmora Lake. Mrs. F. A. Rundell, of Manohester, sprained ber ankle tbe other day while learning to ride a bioyole. Mrg. Raohel Sergent, formerly of Jbelsea, died at Crawfordsville, Ind., a few weeks ago aged 81 years. Henry Stofer, of near Chelsea, bas 2,000 grape vines and it is thoogbt be will have 20,000 ponnds of grapes. Architect Pipp, of Ann Arbor, has prepared plans for a two story frame and field stone residence on N. Fonrth at., Dexter. Emanuel Soheffler, of Jaokson, and Miss Bana Gumper were married Aug. 9, at the residence of the bride's parents in Manchester, by Rev. Geo. Schoettle. Ptof. J. G. Leiand, of Sharon, ought to be a happy man. On the heels of bis appointment as principal of the Mt. Vernon, Onio, sohools, carne the birth af a nine and a balf pDund sou.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News