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James Weir is on the sick list. He has stomaoh trouble. Miss Caroline Seitz carne from Detroit Saturday to visit her mothar. Mrs. Hárvey Blaisdell íeft this week for a visit to her parents near Grand Traverse. Messrs. Hagarnan and Oalhonn and wives drove to Ann Arbor Friday and spent the day. The military oompany is very bnsy drilling so as to make a good appearance on Germán Day. Frank Spafard and wife left Tnesday morning ior St. Paul. They will be gone aboat two weeks. Miss Clara Field and father who moved froin here to Ohio some years ago, are visiting friends in town. Noah Zimmerman who resides soutbwest of town, lost a barn and most of the oontents by flre Satorday night. The Baptist ohnrch will give a reoeption next Wednesday at the bome of Mrs. Townsend for Rev. Hntohins and wife. The new oement walk on Main st. makes a deoided improvement. There is very little plank walk now on the west side. Mrs. J. E. Teeter retorned from Leslie the last of the week and reported her little grandaughter to be slightly on the gain. Herbert Teeter olerked for Gieske & Blnm Saturday in place of Henry Jaqoemain who went on the exonrsion to Niágara Falls. Homer Palmer died Snnday morning at Chickamauga. This is Manohester's oontribDtion to the role of the héroes dead, of the war with Spain. íSam Palmer received a telegram Friday from Chickamauga, telling biin that hie son Homer was very siok. He started on the morning train Satnrday. Wm. Chase had a narrow escape Monday. He feil backward from nis wagon, strik ing on bis head. The f all rendered him insensible for a mínate bot he reoovered so as to be able to ride home. The injnry was not serions.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News