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Over $6,300 in taxes were paid to the city treasurer, Monday. Treasurer Seyler has collected $82,022.55 city taxes, leaving $10,282.28 uncollected. Dr. R. S. Copeland has removed his office to the new Thompson block on S. State st . Next week Saturday is circus day and Ringling Bros. may look for a large crowd. There have been 3,500 marriage licenses granted in this county in the last 10 years. It is thought that the democratic county convention will probably be called for Sept. 21. There will be no preaching Sunday mornings in the M. E. church for the next two Sundays. About 300 from this city took in the Y. M. C. A. excursion to Detroit and Lake Erie Tuesday. Jake Bruckner, of Lodi, has threshed 12,764 bushels of wheat in 12 days. Who will beat this record? Guasie Bucklin, aged five, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Booklin, fell from a porch and fractured her arm. The board of public works has decided to appeal the sidewalk case against W. W. Whedon to the circuit court. The State Savings Bank has been awarded the $14,000 new 4 per oent school bonds paying a premium of $300 Supervisor M. D. Case, of Pittsfleld is mentioned in connection with the repablican nomination for county clerk John Wilson, a painter, was fined $6.20 or 10 days in jail by Justice Duffy Wednesday for using indecent language. Prof. A. H. Pattengill addressed the Bay View Assembly on Tuesday on the topic of "What will we do with On Barren Lands?" Ed. Smith, of Cincinnati, charged with burglarizing the house of Mrs Vaughn Aug 1, has been bonnd ove to the circuit oonrt. The divorce case of Frank O'Neil vs Mary O'Neil in the circuit court wil be a contested one. Eaoh oharges th other with cruelty and drunkenness. Hudson T. Morton started married life rather late but he has already distanced many a man who married much younger. Twins arrived at his house last Sunday. President James B. Angell, minister to Turkey, left Constantinople Saturday, to return to tuis oity. He will reaoh here just before the opening of the nniversity. The main line of the Michigan Central is being relaid with new 85 pound rails. James E. Sumnar, of Ann Arbor, sas been granted an original pension of $6 a month. J. J. Parshall, of Ann Arbor town, bas destroyed 500 of his peaoh trees on aooount of the yfillows. Isaac Edwar's arrested for being drunk, says he is not guilty and will have his trial u xt Wednesday. The Farmers & Mechanics bank ate foreclosing a $3,400 mortgage on the Dr. Qibbes house on Forest ave. William Qikon, of Macon, and Miss Fredetica Altenhem, of Freedom, were married in this city Tuesday by Rev. J.M. Gelston. Ashes dumped on a pile of damp straw in the yard of Mis. Julia Moe, of Washington st., called out the fire department Monday afternoon. The largeet internal revenne tax paid on any deed yet n'led in the reigster of deeds office is $7.50. The tax is 50 cents for each $500 of consideration. A big time may be expected at the farmers' pionic at Whitmore Lake Saturday, Sept. 3. Profs. R. M. Wenley and B. A. Hinsdale will be the speakers. Mortgages amounting to $1,047,550 have been discharged during tbe past year in the offioe of the register of deeds, aocording to Depnty Register of Deeds Creeoh. Joseph I'eok, of Ypsilanti, while working in a Uaro ioe honse Tuesday, feil 30 feet by the breaking of a polly taokle, breaking his leg and sustaining internal injuries. Mabel, daughter of Wirth Gass, of Ypsilanti, broke her leg while playinf witb a pet cow. The cow jumped , back from aaother cow and kicked her, knocking her down. Prof. Julius O. Schlotterbeck and Miss Eda May Clark, both of this city, were married in Cincinnati on Thursay of last week. The bride is a daughter of A. M. Clark, of División t. Mrs. Glen V. Mills bas received a etter from Norman Haoketfc, manager f Mme. Rbea, the great actress, announcing tbat Mme. Rbea is lying at ,he point of death in Paris, France, from cancer. The funeral services of Private Fred Von Walthausen, Co. A, 31st regiment, who died of fever in oamp at Chickamauga, Ang. 10, were held at his home n Bay City, Sunday afternoon and were largely attended. Sheriff Judson is still in the wool msiness, purchasing over 60,000 lonnds of wool at Shepherd and St. jonis tbisseason. He will now be;in pnlling wool over peoples' eyes prearatory to the great oonvention of Sept. 14. A obeck on the First National Bank of this oity for $25, signed by S. A. Smith has been thrown out as worthless. It was passed on S. A. Holden in Detroit by a man named Cook, for a watoh, a box of oigars and $5 in ohange. Times: A cow was struok by the 11 o'olüok motor Tuesday night east of the Lake Shore orossing and tbe poor animal's back was broken. She laid there in agony all night and Wednesday moroing until the humane sooiety notified Sberifl Judson, who promptly dispatched one of his deputies to kill the animal and put her oat of her misery. John Jeup and John Schmid, etone workers on the law building, got into a quarrel with their boss in a saloon Monday evening and when Marshal Sweet interferred he received a hard blow on the otaeek. Sheriff Judson oame to the raarsual's assistance and the offioers used tbeir olubs to qniet their two prisoners, taking them to jail on a stone wagon. They were fiued $7.20 eaoh Tnesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Waokenhnt'B home in Salem, has been visited a number of times in tbe past two montbs by tbieves. On the night of Jnly 81, the window in their bedroom was left open and the thieves took a spread wbicb ooverad asewing maohine in front of the window and stripped eigbt trees of early peaohes. Abont Ang. 6, they visited the place again and cleaned two trees of later peaohes. Mr. and Mrs. Wackenhut say that they know whö the parties are. The new steps for the north side of ne court house have been oompleted. The basement of the Presbyterian huroh has been bandsomely deoorated. A new orosswalk has been put down n the oornerof Pifth ave. and William j. The orew of the Yosemite bas been rnustered ont. It inoluded 47 U. of M. joya. H. J. Brown has the contraot for iurnishing the hospitals with drugs for he coming year. The summer sohool has closed for ais year, after the most suocessful seaon in its history. The Athens Band and the Times 3and took part in the band .tournament n Jackson Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kauska, of 00 S. Ashley st., are rejoioing over he birth of a son and heir on Snnday. Prosecuting Attorney Kiik, or Major 5irk as it is now proper to oall him, las bad his furlough extended until Aug. 27. Miss Ruth Durheim and Miss Beckwith, teachers in the W. S. Perry school have been transfered to the Tapian school. The regents of tbe university were n session Wednesday, letting contraots 'or varions minor improvements about ;he nniver8ity. Nathaniel G. Gates died of pneumonía, at the residenoe of his danghter, Mis. W. W. Derby, on Hill st., Tuesday. He was 79 years of age. Tbe funeral servioes were held yesterday. A meetiog of the colored citizens of Ann Arbor will be neld on Wednesday, Ang. 24, at 7 :30 p. m. in K. P. ball. Matters of great importanoe are to be oonsidered and all colored men are earnestly reqnestnd to be present. The Bell Telephone Co. announoes the followiug new telepbones: S. W. Clarkon, 120; Bailey & Edmunds, 182; G. W. Bailey, 174; E. T. Edmunds, 197; Wm. A. Biadley, 264: Ricbard'a coal yard, 163, 3 rings; Dr. J. A. Wessinger, 291. Proseonting Attorney Kirk's report for the six months ending Jnne 30, 1898, shows: Total nnmber of oases proseouted 250; nnmber oonvicted 224; nnmber aoqnitted 7; dismissed on payment of oosts 28; nolle proseed 17; disobarged on examination 7. Chairman Cavanangh, of the demooratio oonnty committee bas appointed thfi fnllowincr execntive oommittee for the coming oampaign : J. D. MoGregor, ïpsilanti; John Koen, Ann Albor; Wm. Koebbe, Manchester; A. G. McIntyre, York; George Beckwith, Chelsea. The Miohigar: Central ohanged time last Snnday, the main ohange being the taking off of the North Shore Limited going east. The 6 :08 a. m. train east now goes at 5 :55, the 7 :00 a. m. train at 7 :45 and the 9 :38 p. ra. at 9 :44. The 10:00 p. ru. train going west now goes at 9 :40. Samsoa's bioyole faotory in Ypsilanti has ereoted a new two story building 70x32 feet in size, fitted with forging, brazing, plating and work rooms, and will go into the bnsiness of makiDg bioyoles to order. Eight men are now employed and it is expected to largely inorease tbis foroe. Miss Cora G. Crandall has been appointed an additional teaoher in the Philip Bach school at a salary of $300, and Miss Zada Rhodes has been appointed au additional teacher in the Third ward sohool at a salary of $400. Miss Lois Smith has been elected snbstitute teaoher at a salary of $250. Willard Pett, fomerly of this oity, bnt for the past few years a resident of Winona, Minn., has been made distriot manager of tbe Mntual Life Insurance Co., of New York, with headquarters at Winona. The Winona Republioan in speaking of bis piomotion says. "He bas shown excellent ability and is meeting with excellent sneoess. " Eugene Mann, the irrepressible single taxer, is getting np two meetings on the single tax qnestion in this oity next Sunday. Prof. Bellangee has been secured as the speaker and he will speak at the Trinity Lntheran ohnrch Snnday morning at the usual honr for seivice. He will also addresss a meeting at fehe oonrt house at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. A goodly nuraber shonld attend tbese meetings. Ad eleotric oar made a trial speed run to Ypsilauti in 20 minutes last week. The United Order of the Golden Cross initiated 28 more new members last week. Dog catcher Joe Blackburn ended tbe lives of 31 nnolaimed dogs last Saturday. John Sparkes was sent to jail for five days Monday on the charge of drunkenness. Augast, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, of S. Ashley et., died of cholera infantom, Sanday. The pay car on the Miohigan Central is again making its ronnds to avoid the two cent internal revenue stamp on obecks. The name of Hon. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, has been suggested in oonneotion with the repnblicab senatorial nomination. The present ontlook is for a large orop of nuts in the country to not only rejoice the hearts of the small boys but tbeir parents also. G. H. Wild has taken nis brotber David Wild into partnership with him under the firm name of G. H. Wild & Co. They are aoing a fine tailoring business. A nuion Sanday sohool pictiicj from Durand was held at Whitmore Lake Tuesday. Over 300 happy ohildren and their teaohers and friends participated in it. Dr. Charles A. Cattermole, medio '98, of Lansing, has tendered his services to Gov. Pingree to administer medical aid to Miohigan troops in tbe hospitals. The ïpsilanti Arbeiter Verein deoided to send two delgates to tbe GermanAmerican Day celebration at Manchester ye8terday instead of attending in a body as ctistomary. The stone culvert over Allen's oreek on W. Huorn st., bas been enlarged so as to extend under the side walks. This with new or repaired sidewaalks and the outting down of the large erop of weeds will greatly improve the Street. WUIiam J. Kirby, foreman or tbe Evening Times, and Miss Emma Dobleyer, danghter of Mrs. Amelia W. Sobleyer, were married Saturday evenng by Rev. John Neumann, and have one to bousekeeping at 514 S. Fourth ve. The republioan connty convention las been oalled for Wednesday, Sept. 14, to nomínate candidates for connty Dffioes and to elect delegates to tbe senatorial oonvention. Tbere will be 224 delegates iu the oonvention, of which Ann Arbor oity will furnish 53 and Ypsilanti oity 31. Private Homer A. Palmer, of Co. C, 31st Miohigan, died Monday morning in the regimental hospital at Chickamanga Park, of typhoid fever. The young man's home was in Manobester and bis father had been with him seveial days before his death. The remains were brought to Manchester for interment. The vote for the teachers' special prizes at the coming county fair now stands as follows : Miss W. li. Bender 5 Miss Emily Gundert 7 Miss Emily Marshke 5 Miss Anna Shannon 37 Miss Sarah O'Brien 5 Miss Anna Clinton 4 Miss Carrie Keed 5 Miss Mabel Koot 5 Miss Lena Mallory 7 Miss Laura I. Mills 60 Miss Ella B. Mills 207 St. Mary's cbnroh, of Chelsea, will hold a grand picnic at Cavanaugh Lake on Wednesday, Ang. 24. The speakers will be the Rev. Charles Reilly, D. D. and Hon. Henry C. Smith, of Adrián, and Hon. W. W. Wedemeyer, of Lansing. Dinner 25 cents. A good vocal and instrumental concert will be given in oonnection With the oratory. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Ex-Congressman Gorman will be president of the day. In view of the ooming fall elections and the bets that are liabls to be mad on the resulta, the following taken from an exchange is very appropriate : If yon bet a big bnuoh of money and lose it on any eleotion, don't play the baby act and go to law abont it, for the supreme oourt has jnst deoided a oase wherein it says that betting on eleotion is not betting on a game of chance, for an eleotion is not any sooh thing in tbe eyes of the )aw. One who loses on any game of chance may sne and recover from the person witb whom be gambles, but elections do not come in that olass. George Rupf, of 361 S. Ashley st., died Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, aged 87 years. His funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'olook at his late residence. He was born in Tuebingen, Wuertemberg, and removed to Ann Arbor in 1852, where for many years he carried on his trade of dyer. He was married twioe. A widow and five children, Louise, Mrs. Albrecht Gwinner, Matilda and Mrs. Gottlob Luick, of Ann Arbor, and Panl, of west Bay City, survive him. The immediate oanse of his death were the injniies he received by tbe breaking of his leg last fall from which he never fnlly reoovered. He was well known araong the Germans of this vioinity. The residence and grounds of David F. Allmendinger, the superintendent of the Ann Arbor Organ Co., on W. WaBhington st., this year is no exoeption to tbe past, in showing his good taste. His bonse has been recently handBonaely repainted. The flowing wells on his gronnds never lose their novelty. They snpply the water for a large pond, in whioh the celebrated Egyptian Lotns is growing. Tbe plants have buds wbioh will 8O0U be in bloom. It is tbe same lotus that flourishea in tbe swatnps near Monroe. It is however a great rarity here, as the plant was never known before to grow in any other waters. It is well worth seeing on account of its rarity as well as its beauty. Work ia being pushed on the log jabin at the fair grounde. Daniel Corbett. of Delhi, had two barns bnrned during the thunder storm of laet Tnesday night. Loss $1,500, insnred for $300. The Astor battery, of whiob Cari Miner, a son of John R. Miner of this oity, is a member did exoellent service in the captare oí Manila, losing three men killed. Dexter is to have eleotrio lights within the next two m on tus, a contract for five years having been made by the council for 12 aro lights at $4.50 per month per light. The Grangers of Washtenaw cocnty will hold a pionic on the fair grounds in this city next Thursday. Among the speakers will be the master of the national grange. A burglar entered the Chicago shoe bonse Wednesday evening through a rear widow wbioh had been broken and seonred f4 in cbange which had been left in the cash register. Dr. Victor C. Vaughan has been appointed by Secretary Alger as a membr of the commission of United States surgeons to examine the subjeot of typhoid fever in the military camps. Charles Hauser died Tuesday evening of cancer of the stomach. The faneral sevices will he held this afternoon at I :80 from the house and 2 :30 from Zion church. He was a well known citizen. Begker's Military Band will furnish tbe musió for the Grange picoio, to be held at the fair grounds Thureday, Ang. 25. The address will be delivered by Hon. Aaron Jones, of Indiana, who is the ruaster of tlie National Grange. The 25th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stofflet was appropriately celebrated last Friday evening, about 00 gnests being present to assist in the oelebration. Among those preRent was Rev. Mr. Breed, of Rochester, Miob., who perforraed the marriage ceremony. Georgie, the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roehm, 305 Beakes st., died Monday night after three weeks of hard suffering of peritonitis. The funeral services were held at the house Thursday afternoon. The Sunday school olass of whioh he was a faithfu little ïaember attended the funeral in a body and scattered flowers in bis grave The exeoutive oommittee of the re publican oonnty oommitte is ooiuposec of the following republican war horses W. W. Wedemeyer, E. F. Johnson, P J. Lehman, William Judson of Ann Arbor, R. C. Campbell, Ypsilanti, A W. Wilkinson, Chelesea, Grove M. Rouse, Saline, Frank Savery, Ypsilanti and Bert. Kenny, of Webster. Who rises to remark that this is not a Judson oomrnittee?