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Irwin Schmid spant Snnday in De troit. Ernest Vandawaiker is at Clark' Lake. Robert Ganss is in Chicago tbi week. Mrs Mary A Lewis is at Niágara FallB. Bert Ellis has retorced from Wes Branch. Miss Ada Hirth has retnrned frorn Marshall. Jadge Kiune has retnrned from his vaoation. Miss Ida Poloipher is visiting in Cleveland. R A Colby, of Lansing, has removed to tbis city. William A Clark and family are at Islaud Lake. Rev Dr MoElroy is visiting in Syracuse, Obio. Niok Glaser left for Boston, Mass, Tnesday night. Evart H Soott and Prof E F Johnson are at Maokinao. Misses Rath and Emma Durheiru are visiting Lansing, Torn W Mingay is at Hanoook on a two weeks' vaoation. Miss Clarenoe Dixon is visiting in Detroit and Windsor. Charles Masten is spending his vaoation at St Clair Flats. Martin Seabolt bas gone to New York city on business. Hou William Q Doty has been very sick for the past week. Artbur Hicks has removed to thia oity from Rome Center. C G Liddell, of St Lonis, Mo, has been visiting in the city. Mrs W H Horton, of Newport, Ky, s visiting Mrs F E Allen. Misses Lizzie and Katie Diehl are visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs W L Tedrow and children are viaiting in Constantine, Mich. Misa Minnie K Mogk is making a three weeks' visit in Three Oaks. Miss Maude James of Ypsilanti is visiting her cousin Miss Shannon. Dr John B Dowdigan.of Owosso,has been visiting his motber and sister. Prof Asa Geeding, of Lebnon, Ohio, is visiting his sister Mrs A E Gibson. Herman Stierle retnrned Monday from a three fiteeks' vaoation in Detroit. O. E Batterfield and family left Monday for a two weeks' trip to Vermont. Prof and Mrs F L Keeler, of the Mt Pleasant Normal school, are visiting in the city. Judge Newkirk and family leave for Petoskey uext Monday to be absent until Sept 10. Edward Seyler left Wednesday evening for Hicksville, Ohio, where his wife is í II. Rev Henry P Horton visited his relatives at Sandusky, Ohio, the first of this week. Theodore Reyer and L C Weinmann bave been spending a few days at W bitmore Lake. Mies Eva Ferguson of Mendon has been visiting Mr and Mrs D A Hammond tbis week. Jaoob Dengler a machinist in tha Aun Arbor shops at Osvosso ppent Snnday with his mother. Miss Ida A Lamb of Washington, a teacher in the Lausiüg high school, is visiting Mrs D AHamrnond. Micuael Brennan, of Devils Lake, Dakota, is visiting relatives in the city and seeing old time friends. Ir and Mrs Frank Case and child went to Chesaning Tuesday morning to visit relatives for a short time. John O Langhlan, of Dorand, road master of tbe Ann Arbor road, was in the city Wednesday greeting friends. Sergeant Charles L Petrie, of Co A, 3Ist Michigan, arrived home from Chiokamanga Park Wednesday on a 10 days' furlongh. Dr Starr King Chnrh, of Marshall, was in tbe city Saturday stopping off between trains. He was on his way to Ypsilanti to see a friend. Marsbal Sweet is taking a two weeks' vaoation and is spending it in endeavoring to bring abont the right to write sheriff before his name. Otto Behr and sous, of Detroit, and Titns F fíntzel and son of tbis city, left for Znkey Lake yesterday to take in the cool lake breezes, and make the fish hnnt their depths. Miss Hestar McClnre, of Charlotte, who bas been visiting Mrs D A Hammond for the past twó weeks left for a visit with friends at her old home in Macon Tnesday morning. Engineer H. E. Riggs, of Toledo, stopped off Wednesday in this city to look at the street paving work being done. Mr. Rigge said to the Argus that he thonght the work was being done well and a credit to the oontraotors. Dr and Mrs Flemine Carrow, Dr and Mrs P C Freer, Dr Otto Freer, of Rnsh Medical College, Chicago, Prof Andrew H Lloyd, Prof A C MoLaughlin and Mi and Mrs G S Cook of Brooklyn, left Monday for Lake of tbe Bays, Ontario, where they will camp for three weeks. Reinhold Josenhans and wife, of Belleville, 111., are the guests of Mr Josehnas' cousin Mrs Sophie Haztzel, of W Washington st. Mr Josenhaas is one of the professors of the Belleville high sohool. He is a gradúate of tbe Normal at Ypsilanti. Before retnrning home he will visit his nncle Jonathan Jcsenhans in York tuwnship. Airs J F Henue and daugbter Miss Anos, of W Liberty st, are visiting fiiends in Jacksou. Herman Staebler and Harry Willits, of Ann Arbor town spant Satnrday and Snnday in Detroit. Mrs Jennie Vinoeut, of the treasnry department at Washington, D C, has been visiting Mrs B F Watts. Fred Rentsohler attended a meeting of the offioers of the Michigan Pbotograpbers' Associationin Grand Rapids last week. Mrs Jnlia Pitkin, of S Fiftb ave, retnrned home Tuesday from a visit of sis weeks with her son Gilbert Pitkin, at Petroha, Ont. Don Stark, Will Stark, Harry Riohards, George Sweet, Emery Sweet and Frank Cbapin have beeu spending a week at Zukey Lake. Mrs. Will Pnroell and family, of Tjledo, is spending the week with Mrs. Maloney and Mr and Mrs Morgan Williams, of Fonntain st. Miss Clara Allmendinger and Miss Martha Staebler have retnrned home from a visit with the former's sister Mrs H MoRoy, of Detroit. Mr and Mrs EJB Hall are baok from a fonr weeks' oainping trip in southeastern Michigan and northwestern Ohio, traveling with a wagon and tent. Prof Charles U Covell, of the St Lonis schools, wbo has been atending the sunimer school left Wednesday to visit bis parents at Brooklyn, Mioh. Mrs Charles Terhnne is expectsd from the west tomorrow to stay some time with Mr and Mrs E Terhnue of N State st, both of vvhoni are in ill health. Prof F Cari, of the Louisville, Ky, manual training school, wbo has been attending the snmmer sohool, leaves tomorrow to visit Toledo friends on nis way soufch. Charles Fantle, of St Paal, Minn, was in the city this week. He has retired from business for himself but is buying goods for the stores of his sons in Wisoonsin, Minnesota and the Dakotas. Miss Matie Ticknor and her cousin Miss Slayton.of Hillsdale, have returned from a visit of a few months in Chioago. They made the trip on their wheels, traveling a distan ce of 535 miles aoross oountry. Mrs George left yesterday to visit her sister iu Toronto. Dr George will join them there next week, and they will celébrate their donble silver wedding Aug. 27, the two sisters having been married on the same day 25 years ago. John Sohmid, wife and danghter, of W Huron st, left yesterday via the Wabash road for the Omaha exposition. Mr Schmid formerly condaoted sncoessfully a Iarge butcher shop in Conncil Bluffs across the Mississippi from Ornaba in Iowa. He is still oonsiderably interested in Counoil, Bluff real estaïe. Prof Adarn K Spence, of Fisk Qniversity, Nashville, Tena, aooorapanied by bis daughter, is spending the week with the professors brotber Bev E A Spenoe. He is a '58 lit. For the past 28 years be bas served the Fisk University with great faithfullness and distinction. He reporta that the SpanishAinerican war bas swept away all seotional feeling. YPSILANTI PERSONALS. Miss Ella Spencer bas been visiting Detroit. Miss Minuie Sanford is visiting in Jackson. Miss Laura Soovill is visiting ia Cleveland, Ohio. Rev James A Browu has returned froin Baítalo, N Y. Miss Florenoe Curtis bas returned fïorn St Clair Flats. Miss Lizzie Kranser, of Detroit, is visiting Miss Helen Preston. Mr and iSírs Charles Begole are spending a week in Buffalo. Miss Margante Qilbert has returned from the Chioago Art Institute. Mrs Brook, of Salem, Mass, is visitng her parents Mr and Mrs H P Q lover. Prof Flouris A Barbour, professor of rhethorio and literature, Prof Daniel A -"ntnam, professor of psyohology and jedagogy and Prof B A D'Ooge of the liatin department of the State Normal ooilege at Ypsilanti are spending their sommer onfcing at the Kalamazoo resort at Charlevoix.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News