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Pierce Is The Man

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The deraooratic cnngressional convention ia Jacksou, Wednesday, placed a winner in nomination in the person of the upright, substautial business man, Otrin R. Pieroe, of Hudson. It took six ballots to nomínate and the oontest was a fairly exoiting one, oondncted in good spirits and closed without distnrbing the harmony which exista in the demooratio ranks. John W. Boardman, of Jackson, called the couvention to order and J. W. Helme, of Adrián, was made chairman, making a rouaingdemouratic speech. Charles A. Ward, of Ann Arbor, was made seoretaiy of the oonvention. Major John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, representad tbia county on the committee on permanent organization and order of business, Charles A. Ward on the committee on resolutions, Martin J. Cavanangh on the conferenoe committee and L. J. Lisemer on the committee on ctedentials. A long oonferenoe was held with the iree silver republicana and the populista wbich resnlted in a report giving the free silver republicana five votes in the convention aud the popnlists 10. The free silver republioans oame into the convention but the popnlists refnsed to acoept the representation and held a separate convention, nominating Willard Stearns, who afterwards declined the nomination. The platform adopted, after indorsiug the Chioago and Grand Rápida platform ooutinued: "And especially do we commend to the careful oousideration of the electurs those planks relating to state affairs whicn promi8e not ouly equal taxation but, through rigid retreuchment and ecouomy in the administration of the statu government, promise that whioh is of vastly more constquence to the people, lower taxation. "Aud be it fuither resolved, that we oommend the patriotic aotion of the demooratic members of the present oongress in unanimonsly supporting the war with Spain, which is dow drawing to a olose, and that we heartily oongratulaie the gallant boys from this state and this congressional distriot who went to tbe front to defend thejr oonntry's honor npon tbe fidelity and bravery with wbioh they bave executed their trust under the most adverso and exaotiug oonditions. " Ortin R. Pieroe was placed in upinination by Bert D. Chandler, of Hudson, Willard Stearns by Walter S, Westerraan, of Adrián, and S. W. Boakes by M. J. Cavanaugn, of Ann Arbor, whose speech was a gem, prouonnced the best of the nominating speeches. The ballots were as follows: First ballot: Beakes 31, Pieree 29, Barkworth 27, Salsbnry 11, Stearns 9, Hooh 4. Seoond ballot: Beakes 33, Pieree 33, Salsbary 24, Stearns 19, Kirkby 1, Blank 1. Third ballot: Pieroe 41, Beakas 36, èitearns 20, Salsbnry 14. Fourth ballot: Pieroe 48, Beakes 3?, Stearns 18, Salsbnry 4. Fifth ballot: Beakes 4G, Pieroe 44 Stearns 20, Salsbnry 1. Sixth ballot: Pieroe 111. Jackson oounty's vote was oast as fol lows: Ou the first ballot 26 for Bark worth ; on the second, Pieree 7, Beakes 6, Stearns 3, Salsbury 10; on tüe third Pieroe 14, Beakes 5, Stearns 4, Sais bury 3; on the fourth ballot Pieroe 10 Beakes 7, Stearns 2, Salsbury 1 ; on the fifth ballot, Pieree 12, Beakes 13, Salsbury 1, and on the sixth ballot, Pieroe 10, Beakes 16, this was changed before the finnal announoetnent was as were the other ooonties to give a solid vote for Pieree. Lenawee on the first ballot gave Pieroe 14, Stearns 9, Hooh 4; on the seoona, jrjerce 11, stearns , jsianK i; on the third and fourth, Pieroe 18, Stearns 9; on the flfth, Pierce 19, Stearus 5, Beakes 3; on the sixth, Pierce 19, Stearns 4, Beakes 4, chaaged before annonnceraent to 27 for Pieroe. Monroe oonnty on the first three ballots stood Salsbury 11, Pierce 4, Beakes 2 ; on the fonrth, Pieroe 9, Salsuury 7, Beakes 1 ; on the fifth, Pieroe 8, Salsbury 8, Beakes 1 ; on the sisth Pierce 10, Beakes 1. Waehtenaw coouty cast 23 votes for Beakes on the first, third, fourth and fifth ballots. On the seoond ballot it was Beakes 19, Salsbury 3, Kirkby 1, and ou the last ballot Pieroe 23. Wayne counnty ou the first ballot was Pieroe 6, Beakes 6, Barkvvorth 1 ; on the next foar it stood Stearns 7, Benkes ö, on the last ballot Pieroe 13. The free silver republicans cast their o votes on every ballot for Pieroe. On the last ballot four of Wasbtenaw's votes in the oauous broke for Pierce and long disensión ensned, Wayne offering to give tbe neeessary votes to norninate the Washtenaw candidate. Tbe resnlt of the caucug was the casting of 23 votes for Pierce. Speeches were inade by Piarce, Beakes and gtearns and the convention closed with the best of good feeling and three ronsing oheers for the three oandidates. The oongressional committee consista of John W. Miner, Jaokson, A. B. Treat, Lenawee, George Martin, Monroe, S. W. Beakes, Washtenaw and Henry Horner, Wayne.


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