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Grangers Picnicked

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The Grangers of Washtenaw oonnty beid a picnic on the fair gronnds yesterday afternooD to listen to an addresa by Master of the National Grange Jones, of indiana. Tbere is no grange in the immediate vicinity of Ann Arbor, bnt as this is midway between Chelsea aud Ypsilanti it was deoided to hold the pionio here. Other attractions lessened the attendanoe and the crowd was very small, bnt it made np in quality for its iaok of size. The Grange and other farmers' clubs have done rnuch towards oausing the farmers to develop their powers of public speaking and tha farmers who have been regular attendants are nsually much better than average business men. George D. English presided at the meeting and excellent mnsio was'furnished by Beoker's Military Band. Senator Andrew Campbell opened the meeting with prayer. i Mr. Jones made an excellent speeoh dnring wbiob be said tbat the granges organized and reorgauized since Jan. 1, 1898, were greater in uumber than in any previous year for the past 15 years. He said the grange must be keep out of political action and must he an order without any political aims. He advocated the yuung people belonging to the order and taking part in grange meetings. Bdnoatiou only begins when graduation papers are received. The farmer who kenps pace with tha world must be a man of bains, a man of thought. Farmers should spend more time developing brains. Any farmer who will spend a half day of every week in cultivating his brains, attending grange meetings, eto., will bave more nioney in his pocket at the end of the year. It takes a smarter man to becorne a sucoessful farmer than it does to succeed in any other class of business. Forty-eight years ago flve-6igbths of the wealth of the United States was owned by farmers. In 1890 the farmers owned less tban a third of tne wealth of the coutry. If you inake farraing profitable it will be regarded as more respeotable. He spcke of the work of the fzrange in fighting patents and in bringing abont the intereorurnerce law, a Jaw whioh had saved 535,000,000 in 10 years. He said that credit for this law was dua to ncrpolitieal party. He spoke of the great saving effeoted by mntaal farmers fire insorance oorupanies whioh had been fostered by the graoge. He olosed by referring to the fundamental trnths of the order, frateruity, sociability, edncation and oo-operation and said its gieat purpose is to build np among ourselves oharacter. Representative John K. Campbell, Mrs. John K. Campbell, Senator Andtew Campbell, Mrs. Warner, H. D. Platt and J. W. Wing made excellent speeohes. Mr. Platt flayed Senator Campbell for his action on the railroad bilis, and denonnoed ex-Gov. Rich as a oorporation tooi. The senator replied and for a few moments the discussion was esoeedingly warm. CJn'ortunately our reporter had left jnst before this scène ocourred and we are unable to give the charges and reorimnations in full.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News