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Washtenaw oame ont of the congressional ...

Washtenaw oame ont of the congressional ... image
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Washtenaw oame ont of the congressional convention with flying colors. It didn't nomínate its own oandidate, bnt it did norninate the winning man giving him her solid vote. Now let her roll up a big vote for Pierce in November. Monroe is getting a reputation in oonventions for its love of the motto 16 to 1. In the repnblican convention Wedemeyer got the 1 and in the democratie oonvention Beakes. Sixteen to one lost in the republioan convention bnt won in the demooratic. It was a political pull whioh kept the Thirty First Michigan from being sent to the front and it will be a political pull which will keep it from being mnstered out, althongh there is probably not a regiment in the state whose men can less aöord tbe absence from tbeir business or studies. The editor of the Argns desires to pnblioly express his thanks to those kind friends who so earnestly pnshed him for the democratie congressional nomination that they oame near nominating him and ;expresses the hope that his friends will do all they possibly can to eeonre the election of Mr. Pierce, whose nomination was a most excellent one and wbo will prove an excellent representativo in öongress. Pingree pitches into MoKinley, yet he ran on tbe ticket with him. Pingree professes to like free silver, yet be runs on the gold ticket. Pingree professes to hate corporations, yet he is on the Corporation ticket. Pingree professes to dislike tbe Dingley tariff yet he runs on tbe Dingley tioket. Practioe speaks louder than professions, and Pingree may be termed an inconsistent professor. Let the democratio voters not be deceived. Pingree is the most expensive governor the state of Michigan has ever had. No other governor ever tbonght of making the state pay his postage bilis on campaign literature. Yet Pingree has made the democratie taxpayers foot part of tbe bilis for distributing literature designed to elect a repnblioan governor. Ko dernocrat, however he may like tbe governor's glittering perBonality, can afford to vote for him and iadorse tbis extravaganoe in the use of the taxpayers money. If all demoorats vote for Whiting he will be elected. The demucrats of the second oongressional district are going into the campaign this year to win. They have made an excellent and strong nomination in naming tbat tborough business man and uprigbt citizen and all around hustler, of Hndson, Orrin R. Pierce, for congress. Mr. Pieroe is a plain man of the people, thoroughly honest and conscientious. He is held in high esteeru by his neighborsaud his nomination was entbnsiastioally rec8ived and celebrated in Hodson, where he Hves. While he is not weil knowu in tbis oounty, be will be before this oarupaign is over and those with whom he comes in oontact will learn to like hiru. Tbe district needs a business man to look after its interests in cougress and it vpill find bim in Mr. Pierce.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News