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Prof Levi D Wines was in Detroit Monday. Miss Gertrnde Chnte is in Alpena visiting fiiends. Martin Schaller speut the week a Mackinao Island. Alfred Scbairer has been in Dexter visitiug bis brother Simón. Tbe Misses Bertha and CJara Feiner are at Indeijendenoe Lake visitiug tbeir annt. Miss Daiey Lake entertained daring the week, her friend Miss Gertrnde Bromley. Droggist J J Goodyear and wife are stopping at tbe Kasbwer, club at the St Clair Flats. William Henne and faiuily have retnrned from Manchester where tbey visited relatives. Mr and Mrs Franois Stofflet, of Lawrenoe st, enteitained Mr and Mrs Frank Cox, of Detroit. Lonis A Pratt editor of the Traverse Bay Eagle, of Traverse City, was in the city this week. A J Sawyer, and family are home from their annnal vieit to their cottage at Cavanaugh Lake. Densmore Cramer was in Hastings Saturday looking after his real estáte interests in that oity. Mr and Mrs John Wotzke are entertaining tbe Misses Christine and Clara Knittweiss, of Detroit. The Misses Bertha and Carrie Cnristmann are in Jackson the guests of Mrs Theodore Christmann. Adolph G Mogk, of Lake Linden, formerly of tbis city, is in the city visiting his mother for a week. Miss Carrie Sohaffer retnrned Tuesday from an extended visitwitb friends in Champaign and Urbana, 111. Prof W H Pettee is in Boston, Mass. He will enjoy sea breezes and olam chowder before returning home. Miss Helen Steinbaoh, of Chelsea, is the gnest of her grandmother Mrs Sophie Hatzel, of W Washingtn st. John M Parker, of Ann Arbor, is at Mnskoka Lake, Ontario, where he proposes to hook a 40 pound mnskalonge. The Misses Emma M and Babette L Fisher, of S First st, spent the week at Hnronia Baacb, the guests of Miss Tilden. Nelson. E Freer, ü of M '92, a ineinber of the band of the 31st Miohigan, has r9turned to his home in Chelaea. Mts Fied A Howlett, danghter and son, are home from a three weeks' stay at their cottage at Cavanaugh Lake. C K McGee, secretary of the Crescent Works, is at Mackinac Island for a twn weeks' stay. His farnily aceomi panied him. Mrs Elizabeth A Boyd, of Detroit, who has been visiting her brother Eugene Larufcert, 360 Second st, retnrned home Tuesday. O D Cnmmings, night tioket agent and telegraph operator of the Michigan Central at Kalamazoo, has acoepted a similar position in Ann Arbor. Ernest Mann, manager of the Detroit branoh of the American Radiator Co, and family, speut last Sunday with his sisters the Misses Mann, of Jefferson st. Rev George B Crawford, of Middletowu, New Yoik, at present rilling the pnlpit of the Covenant Presbyterian chnrch iu Detrot, was in the oity Mouday. Will R Payne, son of Prof Payne, formeiiy of Ann Arbor, has been elected treasnrer and manager of the Monfceagle Assembly, a Tennessee associatioo. .Indge H Wirt Newkirk and family left on Monday for Petoskey to be absent ontil Sept 10. The judge will retnrn witb a fresh supply of interesting fish stories. Petoskey Resorter: J A Brown, a prominent Ann Arbor grocer, accompanied by his wife ana daoghter and Mrs M Scanlan, are scjouruing at the Park house. Albeit C Schnmacher, seoretary of the state board of pharmacy, and Mrs Schnmacher left thismorning for Sanlt Ste Marie, where a quarterly examination of candidates will be held. Mrs Titns F Hntzel, of ÏW Washington st, and children Jeft yesterday morning for Zakey Lake to join Mr Hntzel wbo has been spending the week at the Ann Arbor clnb houRe. Mrs. T. Sobro id and children, of Roseland, a soburb of Chicago, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Schimd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutzel, xetnrned home yesterday. Miss Ella Lambert, of Mason, and Miss Mary Lambert, of Detroit, who have been visiting their uncle Engene Lambert, retnrned home Wednesday. Miss Mary aocompanied her sister to Mason for a short visit. Mrs Joe Murfln, of E Hnron st., entertained friends at a delightful lnncheou Tuesday in honor of Mrs Eleanor Cook, of Cbillicothe, Obio. Among the gnests wereMrsAdaC Miller, Miss Eleanor Cook and Mrs Harriet M Bill. Prof Rosseter Cole and wife left Wednesday for their home in G-rinnell, Iowa, where Prof Cole is in charge of the musical department of the college. Mrs Cole's father, F G Gwinner, accompanied tliem to make his future' home with his danghter. Mrs. Ida Taylor and son Edwin, of Denver Colo, who have been tbe gnests of Mrs Talyor's sister, Mrs E T Edruunds left on Monday for home. Mrs. Taylor is the wife of Dr Thomas Taylor, ü. of M. '80 medio. Sh;e was knoviu by her old school mates as Miss Ida Huil. Jobn 3 Gutekunst, Co A, 31st Michigan, is home 011 a 30 day siok leave. Dr William Saunders, of Grand Rapids, is a guest of Moses Seabolt. Mrs Hency C Smith and Amy Morse, of Lima, left Mouday for Indianapolis, Ind, for a week's visit with friends. Rv W LTedrow and family rotnrned home from Klinger lake, near Constantne, wbere they have been camping for two weeks. Thomas J Keech, superintendent of the Bell Telephone Co, in Ann Arbor, took in the business meo 's oonvention in Detroit yesterday. John Claiken, a seaman of the Yosemite, retnrned home this week. He looks well and says he is ready to re-enlist if oalled npon. Prof Fred Scott, wife and two ohildren left yesterday on the Aun Arbor road for Petoskey. They will return home by way of Frankfort and Benzonia. Miss FJora Bnell, of Washtenaw ave. reoeived a telegram yesterday summoning her to jBirminghani, Ala., to care for her brothörs' wife who is aiok with fever. George R Cooper, D C Stevonson and Bert J Lathrop of the Inland Press forcé, are camping at Strawberry Lake and gathering new strength for their winter's work. Mrs Walter S Perry.fand daugbter Miss Mabel and Miss Fannie Fasqnelle and niece Miss Lonise Hennequin, left Wednesday eveoing for an extended visit to Charlevoix. EmannelStadel, Fraderick Gross and Henry Sohlanderer retaured Wednesday from Portage Lake, wbere they have been camping. They all have large growths of whiskers, particolarly Henry Schlanderer, who now looks like a veteran of the late war. They caaght a large nnmber of fish so that they lived well dnring their stay. YPSILAXTI PERSOKTALS. Mrs Nellie Mae Hewett is spending a two weeks' vacation in Chioago. Hon Jobn K Campbell anddanghter, of Ypsilanti townsbip, have retorned from tbeir trip to England and íácotland.