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Pierce For Congress

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The choioeof the demooratio convention at Jackson at the congressional onvention wül be ratifled at the polls in November nnless all indioations fail. Mr. Pierce's salection left no hard feelings among the other candidates. He was more confldent of snccess in the campaign, and made far more of an efforfc to secare the nominación, Tbjs is characteristic of the energy and push that he Vfill pnt into the campaign ïhioh will be opened immediately, all aiong the line. Mr. Pierce is cme of the most popular men in Hndson, where he bas been eleoted to the board pf supervisors, when the precinct as overwhelmingly repnblican. He is a man of positivo ideas, business ability, Bnimpeachable integrity, and stnrdy honesty, that enÜ6ts the oonfldenoe of all who know bim. He has ever been a fitaonch democrat, and has no Pingree nonsense abont bis demooracy. He is a believer in Bryan and the doctrine of free coinage as laid down in the cago platform and is an outspoken advocate of Whiting for governor. His private life is above criticism, and his business oareer is without reproacb. For the past fonr years he bas been poEtmaster at Hudson, and the people there dislike to aee a change, so thoronghly well has be served the entire pnblic. The democracy of the district will find him a vigoróos, tireless worket. He is a man abuve and beyond corrnption, and devoted to the canse of the people always and everyvphere. He ■will not only command the enthusiaetio and entire support of the democrats bnt he will receive the votes of bnndreds of republicana, who for varions reasons oannot be induced to snpport Mr. öruith. The people have confidence in him and nis sound judgnaeut. - Adrián Press. If every democrat votes for Whiting he will be the next governor of Michigan. And tben state expeuditnres will come down and state tases will be lessened. Give ds two years of good old fashioned democratie eoouorny. The oost of the war to Spain froin Jan. 1 to June 3, is stated by t-he Madlid Gazette at 417,369,450 pesetas. Thisis equivalent to abont 180,573,303, and is considerable lesa than the oost to the United States. It might not have been a bad idea had Spain been oalled apun to pay part of onr expenses nnder the McKinley idea that "the foreigner pays the tax. " The wages of the teachers in the graded and ungraded schools of Michigan, last year amonnted to 83. The average monthly wages of male teachers in graded sobools "was 171.10; average montbly waees of male teachers in uugraded schools, $28.61; average montbly wages of female teachers in graded schools, $42.96; average ruonthly wsges of female teachers in ougraded schools, $24. 36. There are 7,917 school bouses in the state and 15,601 teachers were employed last year. There were 701,2-14 persons of sohool age aocording to the sobool census bnt only 491,612 were enrolled in the sohools. Some method Bhonld be devised for inoreasing the school attendance.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News