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Local Brevities

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uuw The Methodist Snnday Bohool will picnio at Cascade gleu this afternoon. Eugene Helber is nioving into his new house, corner of Arbor and Paokard sts. John Zeeb, of Ann Arbor townsbip, threshed 1,450 bushels of wheat last Monday. Mrs. Clarence H. Easton died at the farnily borne ou S. Main st., Wednesday night of heart disease, aged 39 years. The Landwehr Untersteutznngs Verein will bold a picnio on Sunday in Sohallbora's grove on tbe Ypsilanti road. Actor Frank Tucker, who had hi leg amputated recently at the university hospital, is able to be about by the air! nf nrutdhes. Private Willard A. Wheeler has been granted an honorable discharge froin Jo. A, 31st Mich. Volnuteers and has returned to Ann Arbor. . Mra. Minnie Trojanowski was elected grand sentinel of the grand oounoil of the order of Star of Bethlehem at the meeting held in Detroit Tuesday. The opera house season will open Friday, Sept. 23, with "Si Plnnkard," ■ollowed the next eveDing by Kellar, ;he ruagician. Hope it will be cooler then tban it is now. Miss Minnie Wackenhut, of Chelsea, died in Jaokson, where she was working, on Friday, aged 19 years. The funeral was held in Chelsea Monday ïnorning at St. Mary's Catholic church, Rev. Wm. P. Considine offlciating. Attorney W. I Jannary, '83 law, of Detroit, formerly a student in J. F. Lawrence's office, was severely injured by a bioyole accident Wednesday evening. Tbe left side of his face was badly gashed and uis left ear was partly torn off. Mrs. Jacob Laubengayer yesterday afternoon deligbtfully enteïtained the two ladies' societies of the Zion churoh and a number of invited friends with a lawn social givan at her residence on W. Horon st. The refreshrnents con sisted of ice oream, cake and coffee. Charles Hahn, Albert Hahn, John Balfanz and George Haueise, frorn IC to 13 yeais of age, have been arrested for robbing the house of Ed. Groves Charles Hahn admita his guilt and ha waived examination. The examiaation of the others has been set for tomorrow. The ladies of the Bethlehem church yesterday chartered a special car of th D., Y. & A. A. electrio railway an spent the day in Detroit. They had a basket dinner at the Zoar Orpban As ylnm and in the afteruoon rode ove the city on the car. They all prononno the excursión a decided snccess. The United States Express Co. ha discontinuad its offioe in this oity, ow ing to an agreement exieting between i and the American Express Co. relativ to the carrying of express on eletri railways. In common with the larg majority of tbe shippiDg public the Argus is, for a great many reasons, sorry to see this offioe disoontinned. A bridge in Soio which was bein torn down is liable to be the eonroe o: a suit for damages against the town On Satnrday evening two wheelrnen who were coming to tbis city too dangerous falls, and one of them ba his wheel and clothing ruined in consequence. No lights were displayed t wam people of the existing danger. The Sethel ohnroh in Freedom wil hold its annual missinn festival on San day. The speakers for tlie day will b R v. J. Jost, a retnrned ïuissionar from the East Indies, Rev. P. A Schoen, of Watervliet. Rev. G. Sohoettle, of Manchester, and Revs. E Greuter and J. B Meister, of neighbor ing oongregations. The choir of th St. Jobn's oongregation will assist. In view of the possibility of an elec tion being held this fall to flll th vacanoy caused by the death of Justio E. B. Pond several candidatos for th positon are oropping out. On the democratio ticket are mentioned Charles E Manly, William G. Doty and D. Cram er; ou the repnblioan side Harris Ba] and E. K. Frueauff, but the latter say he does not want to be oonsideied oandidate. David Allmendinger, a well known citizen of Scio, died yesterday morain from softening of the brain after a loa and well spent life. He was born i Pennsylvania, May 12, 18S3, and hac been a resident of the county for 5 years. He was a charter member o: the Odd Fellow, lodge and a Masón o many years standing. He held a nuin ber of township offices. He leave three ohildren, Harvey I). and Frank lin R., of Scio, and Mrs. Cynthi Gleiss, of this city. The funeral ser vices will be held tomorrow. On Wedeuesday evening Brnest Gnteknnst, of Pontiao at., gave a lawn party in honor of his son Jaoob Gutekunet, a private of Go. A. 31 st Michigan, wbo is home on a fnrlougb. The Haydn Trio, oonsisting of Miss Minnie Davis, pianist, of tbis city, Mr. Frank Stnith, violinist, and Mr. Henry Samson, 'oellist, of Ypsilanti, will give a conoert in the Fiist Baptist obnrcb in tbis oity for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. bnildiog fund, Tuesday evening, Sept. 6. The trio will be assisted by Miss Bethlea Bilis, sopraoo, of Ypailauti. The program is as follow: 1. TrioNo.2 Cari Bolín Haydn Trio. 2. Song Miss Eli Is. 3. Bomanze Marschner Haydn Trio 4. Violin solo- concerto militaire BazzinI Mr. Smith. 5. a. Serenade Titt'l b. LoinduBall E. Gillet Haydn Trio. 6. Song- Proposal H. Heberlein Miss Ellis. Violin and 'cello obligato. 7. Tannhauser Maren K. Wagner Haydn Trio.