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The Farmers' Picnic

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Saturday was the day for the farmers picnic at Whitoore Lake. It is needless to say that it was a hot day, and this greatly affected the attendance. It was. a plaasant day nevertheless, a hot breeze stirring and the dust which kept so many from driving in blew towards the lake, thus keeping tbe grounds free from dust. It was an enjoyable oocasion and those who were there are going again next year. Better attention was paid to the speaking than usual. The Iadies oí the M. E. churoh at Whitmore Lake served a good dinner to a large number of tbe gnests, while the hotels bad their share of diners, and piouie partios were soattered all over the grounds sampling the oonteut of the generous lunoh baskets whioh the farmers' wives in Wasbteoaw know so well how to temptingly flll. Old friends greeted each otber on every hand. Tbe offioe saekers were ou hand as usual, exteuding tbe glad hand and srniling as if their oailing and eleotion was sure. Pingreeites and anti-Pingreeites were there, bufc our reporter notioed that the Pingreeites of Livingston were louder than those of Washtenaw. The office seekers as a rule didn't listen to the speeobes. They were there to make hay wbile the stm shone. Some made hay and soma didn't, but all denied any motive for being on the grouud exeepting pure friendlines8 and perhaps tbey were correct. Fakirs were ou hand as usual attempting to get the nnwilling shekels from the hands of the unwary, begging tne passers-by to purchase a little "momento." The merry-goround did a merry business. Tbe danoers filled the hotels and the yonng people swarmed over the grounds. President William Bal], of Hamburg, called a good sized audieiuj ïogether to listen to the speeohes at the grove at 2 o'olock and the Lombard qnartet opened with a "Soldiers' Chorus." Rev. Mr. Pierce, of Whitmore Lake, pronounced the invocation and the quartet followed with "Where Wonld I Be. " President Ball said they bad so many speakers to make drafts opon that he wonld omit the president's address. In times past they bad had politicians and men from the Agricnltural College present, but today tbey bad two professors from the University of Michigan. He called npon Prof. Wen ley. Prof. Wenley made a witty speeoh which took well. He said the ooutest today was tbat of one sorfc of wind against another sort of wind. Some speakers have no sense of time but an exoeedingly 6trong sense of eternity. He would be tempted today if he owned Miohigau and a certain place mentioned in the soriptures as a little warm, to rent out Miobigan and live iu his otber province. He told a story of a minister whom he met on an AtlantiG liner whioh ran into a dense fog and was surrounded with icebergs. The minister was very nervous and finally went up to the captain and asked Mm what he thought of their chances. The captain replied, "Put your trust iu Providence. " "Good God," exclaimed the minister, "has it come to that." There are several important problems of legislation pressing for settlement. One is legislation against women who insist on wearing high hats in theaters. Perhaps this could be settled by posting notices likethis: "Only elderly and middle aged ladies permitted to wear hats in this theater." Another problem is that of Sunday observance. One thing the Scotohman always says to the American, you don't go to churoh, you walk about too muoh on Sunday. But if you will not go to ohuroh make it a point to know what the text is. This was illustrated by an apt story. After disoussing co-education, blue stockings and long ekirts, the professor spoke of tbe insolenoe of magistrates, espeoially sheriffs. There was once a poet whose name was Longfellow arrested and brought before a sheriff, who treated him with insoleuce. Pinally the sheriff said to him, "I have a brother wbo is a poet." "Have you," said Longfellow, "then we are quits, for I have a brother who is a fonl." The Lombard Quartet sang the "Sword of Bunker Hill" and President Ball introduced Prof. B. A. Hinsoale who delivered a pleasant address on picnics and the advantages of sooiability. He thought farmers' pionics werfl just the same as any other pionics. Tbe agricultural class do not have to work so hard physioally as they formerly did. The farmer's life is sometimos said to be unsooial. But the best farmers, tbe most sucuessful farmers are I those that are the qniokest witted, wfao have the greatest nnmber of and the qniokest ideas. This quiok wittedness is best attained by tbe friction of one rnind against another. His address was an able one and olosed with an appeal to guard with quick intelligence and zealous care our eduoational institaions. The qnartet rendered a "Flag Without One Stain" and Hon. A. J. Sawyer was called out. He commenced with telling a story on Prof. Wenley, of how a farmer had sold hiin a oord ot pure red oak at $6 in preference to a cord of second growth hickory at4.50. He deplored the absence of the American flag from the grove. We ate no longer an infant nation. We are standing erect fcoday in the family of nations. Hon. E. P. Allen delivered one of his patriotic addresses on the war and the tritimphs and the responsibilities it had placed upon the American people. Be believed that providence had selected this country to teach the world lessons in hurnanity and liberal government. On Jan. 1, 1898, this country was regarded as a second rate nation by the people of Europe. Today it stands forth as one of the leading powers of tbe world. After the audience had sang "America," all standing, Rev. Fr. Qoldrick was called out and as a representative of the Catholic church he endorsed on behalf of that church every patriotio sentiment that had been nttered that day. The chnroh always taught obedience to civil anthority. At the Phillipine islands sbould come nnder the jnrisdiction of the United States the oburcb would instruot its priests to teaoh strict obedience to Amerioan laws. It was not. sordid motives which sent the American armyand navy to Coba and the Phillipines. It was a desiie to better the conditions of bnmanity. Mr. Lombard and Mr. Moss sang "Oíd Shady" and the election of officers was proceeded with. Mr. Ball daolining a re-election, Philip Duffy, of Northfield, was unanimously elected president and Cyrus M. Starks, of Webster, secretary. The old board of directors was re-elceted as follows: George M. Veal, Green Oak; A. T. Yalker, Salem; George Merrill, Webster; E. A. Nordman, Scio; E. E. Leland, Emory; Cyrus M. Starks, Webster; W. H. Glenn, Dexter; John W. Nanry, Superior ; Hiraru Fair, Plymonh ; Andrew Carapbell, Pittsfleld, and L. D. Lovewell, South Lyon.