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Miss Ida Silkwortb began teaching at Bridgewacer Ceuter Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Haanian aud little daughter Gladys visited Teournseh Monday. Miss Bertha Lehn is olerbiitg in the post office dnring the absenoe of Miss Annette Kingsley. Herman Sohoettle left 'the first of the week for Elrnhnrst, 111., where he will attend ooilege. Rev. MoLean, wuo has reoently beeu settled as pastor of the Baptist ohnroh at Clinton, preached here Snnday afteruoou. A large nnmber took advantage of the excursión rates JVIonday and went to Toledo tü join in the Labor Day celebration. .Miss Nellie Riohmond, of Paw Paw, has been engaged to teach tha grammar grades the coming year. Sbe cuuie here Saturday. i Mr. Schwab, an aged man, was I driving uear the depot Mond:iy wheu his horse ran away, tbrowiug him uut and iujming him seveiely. Miss Nettie Gillett, who has for some time occnpied a position in the sohool went to Ypsilanti Tuesday, where she wilJ take a conree iu the Normal. JRev. D. N. McPhail, a stadent in the theologioal university at üpland, Ind., stopped over here from Monday nntil Taesdaywhile en route to Canada to visit relatives. T. B. Bailey's fatuilv have returned from their trip np the lakes. Tney stopped at Dalnth where they visited Dr. A. O. Taylor and family wbo formerly lived in Manchester. Mrs. Dennis Van Duyne, who has for a long time been a enfierer from tnmor, died Thursday morning of last week. She leaves a husband and one danghter, Mrs. Elnier Logan, of Sbaron. Mrs. Harvey Blaisdell retarned last Thursday from Grand Travers oonnty, where she has been visiting relatives. Her little daughter Florenoe, who bas been there most of the past year, retarned with her in order to attend school again. The most popular person on the streets the first of the week was David Haschle who carne froin Detroit Monday forenoon. He is the only one of the boys from here who has seen aotual service having been witb the 34th Michigan in Cuba and participated in the battle of Santiago. We are glad to learu that Allie J. Hongh, one of our boys who is now in the 31st Miohigan, has lately been piornoted from the rank of a private to tbat of corporal. ' It is pureiy a matter of personal merit as reports have reached here from time' to time of the good reoord he has beea inakicg siuce he joined the regiment.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News