Real Estate Transfers
James N. Wallaoe and wife to Mrs. Geotge Sherburn, Ypsilanti, $300. Sarab Whedon to Artbnr Brown, Ann Arbor, $500. Arthur Brown and wife to Sarah Whedon, Ann Ardor, $500. Ruby A. Gifford to Stoddard W. Twitchell, Pittsfield, $1,400. John W. Allison to Clara J. Allison, Ypsilanti, $1. Cora A. Honey to Clara J. Allison, Ypsilanti, 1. Willis A. Hooker to Meivin Q. Hooker. Augusta, $262.50. E. K. Hooker and wife to Meivin Q. Hooker, Augusta, 140. Horaoe P. Martin to Andrew H. Martin, Ypsilanti, $150. Úrsula Roase to Roswell Goodell, Aun Arbor, $300. Roswall Goodell and wlfe to Úrsula Rouse, Anu Arbor, $300.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
James N. Wallace
Mrs. George Sherburn
Sarah Whedon
Arthur Brown
Ruby A. Gifford
Stoddard W. Twitchell
John W. Allison
Clara J. Allison
Cora A. Honey
Willis A. Hooker
Melvin Q. Hooker
Horace P. Martin
Andrew H. Martin
Ursula Rose
Roswell Goodell