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Local Brevities

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St. Andrew's church Sunday school held a picnic in Klager's giove in Pittsfield yesterday. The oominittee on sidewalks has recommended that nine new crosswalks be built in different parts of the city. Judge Kinne has denied a inotion for a new trial in the faruons Mollie Bennett wil] case which was argued befora turn Tuesday. The Demoorat Publishing Co., of this city, has filed artioles of assooiation with the secretary of state with a oapital stook of $6,500. The cornruon oounoil will sit as a board of review on the paving assessments aud the oondemnation prooeedings Tnesday, Sept. 27. The democratio senatorial eonvention will be held in this city Sept. 30. Washtenaw will present the name of Charles A. Ward for the nominaton for senator. Theodore, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. August Winter, of 628 S. First st., died of cholera infantum Sunday afternoon and was buried the next day in Fairview ceraetery. S. F. Angus, of Detroit, Charles E. Kuig, J. B. Wortley, J.H. Lepper aud Sarnnel Post, of Ypsilanti, have Ijeeu elected directora of the ,uew Ypsilauti Sanitarium Co. Willard Stearns, of the Adrián Press, has formally deelineci the populist noinination for oongress, whioh was giveu him in anticipation of his nornination by the demoorats. Private William A. Murray, of Go. A, who was in Proseouting Attorney John P. Kirk's office at the oourt house prior to his leaving here with bis company, is a candidato for cironit oourt oommissioner on the democratio ticket. Floyd A. Wilson, of Co. D, 34th Mich., who was in the Santiago carupaign, returned home Snnday. He is in a very debilitated oondition but hopes to be able to resume bis studies in tbe university when it opens. At present he is under the doctor's oare. Mr. Pattison, who has conducted the Aun Arbor art school for some months past, will not manage the sohool another year, but will retarn to Chicago. He is satisfied with the result of his work here and would oontinne it were the distance between the two cities not so great. William Duncan was riding his bicy□le Monday evening when he had a very narrow escape from serious injury. In tnrning off Fourth ave. on Horon st. he carne into collision with a dray team and feil under their feet. The horses oommenoed to kiok and one of them feil down. When Mr. Duncan extrioated bimself from his unpleasant gituation hu found the only injury he had sustainad was a sprain to his little finger. Mathiag Roser, of Ypsilanti, filed a notioo with the city clerk, whioh was read at the conncil meeting Monday uigbt, that he was about to start a snit against tbe city for $10,000 for illegal arrest. He says he was arrested, put in jail over night and disoharged in the morning without a trial on paying the jail fees. Patrolrnan Coüins, who made the arrest, says that on the night Roser was arrested his attention was oalled to him and he roused him out of a stupor, whereupon Roser becarue so abusive that he put him under arrest. Next morning Roser said he was sorry and begged to be let oft', saying that he was the only support of a widowed mother. Collies oonsented to this, Roser paying the jail fees. The pólice committee is looking into the matter. A gang of'workmen of the D., Y. & A. A. electric railway who were engaged in putting in a "Y" at the iuterseotoin of Cross and Washington sts. , Ypsilanti, contrary to tbe terms of the cornpany's franohise and who would not deaist when ordered by thecouncil, were treated to a shower bath by the flremen on Wednesday morning. The railway men threw stioks,, stones and wrenohes at their watery assailants, but flnally had to desist. In the afternoon President Hawks and Attorney Thurber met a oommittee from the Ypsilanti counoil. The meeting was very harmonious, the railway company acknowledgeü that it had no rights in the premises and agreed to take ap the rails, while the city agreed to flnd soine other location for the proposed i Y " A petition bas been reoeived l;y Gov. Pingree signed by 1.004 enlistad men of tbe 31st Miohigan askicg to be mustered ont now that tbe war is over. R. J. Tiok, obief clfirk in the passenger departineut of tbe Ann Arbor railroad at Toledo, and well known in this city, has resigned his position to take effect next Monday. John M. Hall, of Flint, has resigned the superintendenoy of the Bay View Assembly, whioh position be has held sinoe be organizad tbat assembly and suinmer nniversity 13 years ago. John Caywood, one of the famous Rough Riders, was in the oity last week, on sick furlough, and rested at the home of Mrs. Hoffstetter on Washington st. He enlisted from Miles City, Montana. The seoond unnual session of the Civic-Philanthropio Confrence will be held at Battle Creek, Mioh., Oot. 1 to 2, 1898, of whioh Rev. David J, Burrill, D. D., New York oity, is president, and J. H. Kellogg, M. D., Battle Creek, Mioh., is vioe president. Pbilanthropigts, educators, and ministers of all denominations will partioipate ia the conference to coDsider eoonoruic.bygienic, sanitary, pbilanthropio, and patriotio questions, with the hope of evolving some praotioal rnethods of reform. George and Nellie MoDaniels, of Ypsilanti, have been married jast about one year. Yet aocording to Mrs. MoD.'s story as told in the bill of complaint filed in the circnit conit asking for a divoroe, her husband bas piled enongb oruelty on bei in that time to make married life a failnre so far as they were concerned. One part of the bill states tbat McDaniels "made her lernove her olothes and then put her ia the woodshed and kept her there for more thau an honr." Sbe says also that he bas threatened ber life on many occasions. Acoording to tbat, G-eorge must be a brute. Charles Rooney, Hatry Saunders and Don Turner, of Co. L, 33d MichigaD, arrived home Sunday. These boys were raembers of tbe Sons of Veterans company. Rooney bad had a tbree weeks' siege of fnver and was still weak in his lege, bnt is gradually regaining his strengtb. Tbe other boys are two among tbe only eight in the oompany that remained well dnring the entire oarnpaign. Rooney was in the next set of fours to Don Stark when his arm was out off by the shell. Rooney's file leader was killed by the same shell that wounded Stark. Charley says it is a wonder that be esoaped without a soratch as he did. The Adrián Press oondoles witb Charles B. Davison on bis reoent loss of $27 at the bands of a burglar in tbe following words: "Charley Davison is an Ann Arbor piinter, whose parents formerly resided in our oity. Last week a sueak thief entered bis bedroom tbrough a loóse window, nipped a deposit of $27 from Charley's pantaloons pocket and escaped. A whole week's etipend swiped in a moment! Well, a printer has no oall to be a banker and rely on breeches pockets for safety vaultp. Still, our sympathy goes out to him on general principies, for we hate to see any one 'do np' a good printer. Davison might have contributed it to the repnblican oampaign fund. It would have been about as muoh of a theft, buthe would have had the satisfaction of knowing what thieves bad it. "