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Valmore C. Nichols Murder

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The exainioation of Edward Asoher, alias Louis or Robert Lang as he is varyingly oalled, cbarged with the mnrder of Valtnore C. Niobols, the Pittsfield farmer, began Thnrsday moruing of last week before Pólice Justiee bellers, of Detroit. Kotbiug partonlarly new was brooght ont in, the examination. Samuel J. Pungs, wbo saw the body in the water; Richard Masón, janitor of the Detorit Boat Clnb, wbo fonnd Niohol's body in the water; County Physiciau Henry George, wbo made tbe post mortem examination ; George Walters, manager of the boat bonse on Belle Isle; Edwin P. Hurlbert, wbo remembered seeing a mau of Nichols' appearanoe on the platform of tbe Belle Isle boat house ia company witb a man of lighter bnild who bad a dark runstaobe, wore a dark suit of olotbes and bad a dark derby bat on the night of the mnrder, were all examined by Prnseoating Attorney Frazer and rigidly cross-examined by Asober's attorney, George F. Robinson. Dr.George tesitüed that Nicbols' body must have gone into tbe river with ! some life in it, as there was very little water in tbe langs. He desoribed tbe wonnd he had fonnd on tbe rigbt side of tbe bead as having in bis estimation, been made by a blow from a I blaat instrument. The dootor was of tbe opinión thit Niohols had been knouked insensible before be tonohed tbe water. On cross-examination by Attoruey Robinson, he admitted tbat tbere was no olot of blood on the braio as the result of tbe blow and tbat the skull had not been fraotnred. He also stated tbat in tbe chemical examination he had made of tbe stomach he had found not tbe slightest trace of any kind of poisoning. Mrs. Alice Niobols said that ber hnsbaud bad bnsiuess witb a man wbo went nader tbe name of Louis Lang. Sbe said that sbe bad seen seven or eigbt letters igned witb tbis name. On Jnne 8, said Mrs. Nichols, ber basband received two slates C. O. D. and a letter from Louis Lang. The letter advised Niohols to wear a belt filled witb gold uudor bis clotbes and sewed not pinned. Later Niobols wrote Lang tbat be was not getting satisfactory resulte from the belt and that he wonld oonsult another mediara nnless tbe resnlts showed ap. Wbat the resolta expected were, was not stated. Lang advised another belt Ang. 3 Niobols made anotber belt for himself an'l the following Satnrday he visited Detroit. Aooordiug to the statements of Mrs. Niobols, her bnsband arrived home dazed and nnable to eat. Sonday Ang. 7, be wrote Lang a letter wbich Mrs. Nicbols saw, saying that be wonld be in Detroit Wednesday and tbat be wonld bring all the correspondenoe that had passed between the two, as Lang had requested. Nichols took all bat one of tbe letters witb bim that fatal Wednesday mom ing. "We wonld like those letters," said the proseontor turning to Robison "I don'tknow anythingabont them" retnrned Robison. "Ask yonr cliënt for tbem," said Frazer and af ter several other little exchanges the snbjeot was dropped. Tbe cross-examinaton of tbe witness was postponed nutil tbe afternoou session of tbe oonrt. Tbe faut tbat Niobols bad kuown and bad dealings witb other spiritualists beside Lang, narnely Mrs. Kate Cleveland and "Prof." Donovau was biongbt forth. Tbe witneas also admitted tbat sbe had oot seen aDy gold in tbe belt ber busbaud wore wheu be left home for tbe last time. Attorney Bobison was very anxions to find wbat became of tbe first belt, but Mrs. Nicbols was onable to teil him. Sbe said that when ber hnsabnd left ber tbe Wednesday of the iuurder, ebe tbongbt he had $28, wihoh be bad borrowed from Cbarles Roberts, $115 wbioh be bad drawn from the bank, and $28 from tbe casbing of a oertifioate of deposit. "Tbe Wednesday of bis death I drove him to Ypsilanti and be took tbfi 10 o'clook eleotrio oar for Detroti, telling me tbat he wonld let me knnw by telepbone if be fonnd be wonld not be borne that oigbt, " sbe went on. "Aboot 6 o'olock in tbe afternoon I received a telephone message from one of the men in tbe grncery, where we do oor trading, saying tbat Mr. Niohols woald not be back till tbe next day and asking me to meet him on tbe 10 o'olook oar." Charles Roberts, a farmer living near tbe Niohols', testified that he bad given Nicbols a obeck for $380, Aug. 3. He said that he bad begnn looking for tbe mnrrlered man, Ang. 12, ■when Mrs Niobols carne to bim and told him of her husband's dieappearanoe and tbat on Aug. 13 he had oalled on Ascber. Asober admitted to bim of baving seen Niobols Ang. 6, and later be said tbat he bad been witb bim for a short time on Ang. 10. Mr. Roberts said tbe mudinm looked anxious and flnsbed np wbeu this subject was broaobed. Tbe examination was f ben adjourned nntil Tuesday, wben tbe evidenoe was not of great impartance. The examination was tben adjourned until today.