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Agricultural Fairs

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Agricultura being tbe foundation npon whioh all branches of business must staud, it is all-iinportant tbat all ;he aids in the direction of iruprovement be given it. All other kinds of business for a good ruany years bave been reoeiving very oarefnl attentiou, the best talent having been employed to simplify methods, divide labor, cbeapen prodnotion and make imptovements all along the line neoessary to oornpete with similar business undertakings all over ttie world. With the opening np of new areas of farming lands in different parts of the globe, agrioulture will necessarily be obliged. to follow in the same direotion. Farmiug in the future to be suooessful must be direoted by the best thonght of the oonntry. Better mothods, more attention to details, a more thorongb knowledge of soils, their Jacks and capabilities. oliiuatio conditiGus, how to obvíate tbe elïeots of protraoted dronths, the means best caloulated to destroy the inseot pests wbioh infest the orohards, the fields, etc, have become uecessities. One of the essential aids in this diiection is a well regnlated Agricultural Fair. Seleotions from the best herds and flouks, from the best collections of grains, fruits aud grapes from the fields are all edaoators and in uo other way oan snob intelligenoe be so cheaply obtained and so profitably as in visiting agriooltural exhibitions, discussing methods, examining displays and in making comparisons. A farmer who desires to excel in stock growing needs jnst such lessons as are to be fonnd at fairs, and the successfnl enteiprisiug farmer never stays away. The effect in any oommnnity where a good fair is held is always for good. ■: Not ouly those who go as visitors are benefited bnt all tbose who raake exhibits. Competition in any line of business so far as inaprovement is ooucerned is always beneficial, and the farmer who proposes to make an exhibit is always benefited by his efforts to have the best. Fairs as ednoators have been reoognized by the best minds in all oivilized oonntries. Governments reoognize the worth of tbem by appiopriations. Interest of late years in local fairs has deoreased and just in that proportion has interest in prodnoing the best the farm is oapable of produoing. Friction is a stroug power in the movemeut of the world and the more farmers and others meet and disonss mattnrs of interest the bettet tbey are prepared to suoceed. Fairs are good for the towns in whiob they are held. Peojjle living in them are helpiug themselves by patronizing the efforts of those engaged in fair work. Tbe farmer who is progressive wil! go. Fairs caunot be managed snocessfully without flnancial aid. All shonld help. No conuty in tbe settled portions of tbe state sbould be without a yearly fair. Tben tbe farmer who would exhibit cao depend npon a time and place to show his produotions. Fairp have failed in many counties and in most instances from lack of finanoial aid rafcher than from bad management. Farmers, tradesmen and all busiuess men and women should see to it tbat a yesrly fair be held in their oounty. I know of no way in whioh so much good eau be acoornplishei with so little expense exoent to tbose manasine.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News