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Washtenaw's Big Fair

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The big Washtenaw Fair will take plee ia Ann Arbor, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thnrsdaay aud Friday, Sept. 2730, and in view of that faot the Argns tbis week devotes considerable space to uotioiog its diiferent features. It also gives some good Communications by Oounty School Commissioner Lister, Hon. William Ball and Mrs. Emma A. Campbell, of Augusta, who is well known in Grange oiroles. For tbe pretniams offered by the Fair Sooiety, a person who holds a meinbership ticket can raake as many entiies as he cbooses. A rnetnbersbip ticket oosts one dollar aud with it are given foor single admission tiuketa. These are obtained from the treasurer or at the ticket window at the entranoe to the grounds. A membership tiokot allows the owner to make an exhibit and compete for premiums at the Fair and gives him one vote at the meetings of the members of tbe Fair Society. For the special premiums, positively no entrance fee is obarged. All persons oan compete for these. In the school department of the regular premiums offared by the society, éntranos to compete is free both for individual pupils and teachers and for whole schools as bodies. Information and offioiai entry blanks can be obtained Eree of charge at the secretary's office, ia Ann Arbor. In fairs that are past there bas always been oonfnsion and sometinies trouble oaused by people bringing in exhibits and raaking entries on every day of the fair, except possibly, tbe ast day. This year all entries, except those for school prizes, will olose on the fiist day of the Fair, Tuesday, Sept. 27. Schon] entries may be made on Wednesday bat no others. It is aard to keep a rula like this, bnt they are bound to keep this one. Exbibitors will find that it is jost as easy to do ;heir business on Tuesday as on any other day when they ooine to get aeoustomed to it. The live stock department is always one oftbe leading featnres at an agrioulturalfair, but at our own Pair it aasjreoeived mote than usual attention. Washtenaw is farnoas fur its fine horses and we want to see the very best out on exhibition. It is very evident tbat ;he 1898 sbow is going to beat all 'ormer sneoesses. A oanvass of the several departments develops the faot that all the class superintendents have done their work weli, and the preparationshave been ueglected inno partiouar. Everyone takes an interest in the 'amily driving horse contest. It would be a good tbing to oompare your horse with some of the others of the oonnty. Suyers and stock feeders make it a point ;o visit all agrioultural fairs to find the best stuok in a community. A ?reat number of profitable sales have seen made as the resolt of ehowing stock at the Washtenaw Fair. Let every farmer in the county bring oot his gooa aDimals and get the benefit of the large prices which snch men pay. All tbestalls and pens bave been freshly oleaned and disinfeoted so there is no danger that animáis hrought to the fair will contraot disease. All of the Jeading breeds of cattle are represented in onr farm yards. Bring your favorite to the fair and oorupnre bresds. Examine olass 12, department A, of tne premium list. The oontest between tbe buttei-making breeds bas oreated interest for many years and tbe question is nor yet answered. In the sheep department we wocld ike to oompare some of those fanoy sbeep bronght from the west with those raised in this oonnty. Wben it comes to swine, every one knows tbat tbe best one is tbe one that eats tbe most. The contest is large and oompetition olose. The poultry department has a superintendeut who bas brougbt out big exhibits in tbe past, but be has had to work bard to keep his department np with the rest of the exhibits. This year he is baving his own way about a good many tbings. To begin with Mr. Carpenter bas had the part of the premium listdevoted to poultry ohanged entirely. The oíd lists oalled for "trios" of fowls to oompete for premiums This year all the awards will be given to "pairs". Besides tbis the building for the ponltry exbibit has been enlarged. new ooops made and arraugements made for putting np awnings. Tbis will make it more comfortable and healthy for the birds, easier to kaep things neat and olean, and much more oonvenient and pleasant for visitors. There is no excuse now for not bringing ont the obickens. Don't let tbe fancy breeders carry off all the prizes. There are lots of good-looking old hens running aroond in tbe door yards. Catoh them and bring thera np to tbe Fair. It won't bnrt them any and yon may get big pay for your tiouble. There is not anotber fair iu this state that does somuoh for its patrons in the way of speoial attraotions as the Washtenaw Fair. These performances are always given on the track in front of the grand stand and are absolntely free to all who bave paid their adruission fee at the gates. Of oourse these attraotions are very expenssive to the Fair Sooiety, but on the other band they get many people to the fair wbo wonld not come exoept for the special performances. People have just seen a fine oirous this year, so the Fair direotors feel that they must put np jnst as good an exhibition. Wednesday, Sept. 28, will be School Day at tbe fair. On tbat day all school ohildren under 15 years of age and all school teachers will be admitted for 10 oents apiece. All school work to be entered for exhibition should be sent to Mr. W. N. Lister, oounty sohool oommissioner, not later than Satnrday, Sept. 24. The program for Sohool Day isasfollows: 1:00 a. ui. the marshal and the band will meet the schools at the gate. The decurated wagons coming from schools witbin 10 miles of Ann Arbor first, followed by tbe wagons from schools more than 10 miles from Ann Arbor wil! form in line. Led by the marshal and the band tbey will pass the reviewine oommittee and thenca to the track where they will go all the way around. Then each teacher will keep her own pupils togetber and march them from tbe plaoe where the wagons stop to tbe spaoe in front of the grand stand. Tbere they will listeu to mnsic and a short address by J. E. Hammond, superintendent of pnblia instrnction. Promptly at 1 :30 p.' m. the awarding oommittee will begin to judge the school exhibits. Send to tbe secrotary for a premium list oontaining the regular sohool prizes if you have not yet seen one. All teachers and sohool offlceis and pupuils desiring to make inquiries regarding the sohool exbibits, eto., are requested to address, Mr. W. K. Liister, Saline, Miob. Ren.eruber the prioe of admission on School Day is only 10 oents for all pchool children under 15 years of age. During the fonr days of the Pair nearly all the buildings on the oampus will be open to give the people living at a distance from the univerity oity an opportunity to visit the institution. Bveryoneshoaldfeel interested in it for it has made our state famous the world over. The library, art gallery and muaenm are well worth visiting and are free for the inspeotion of the public The new heating and ligbting plants are very interesting and instiuotive, and owing to the large nnmber of workmen and students on tbe oampus now, one can get all his questions au-' swered satisfactorily. Tne new law building is a'work of art, an ornament to the oampus. If you have not seen tbe tall fiag staff don 't neglect to look for it sovne day when you come in to the Fair. The flag can be seen for several miles around, Sept. 27-30, 1898. At the fair grounds the direotors have arranged a large room well fltted np to be used entirely as a cheok ronm. Here visitors at the Fair oan be relieved of tbeir snperflaous wraps, bundles, lunch boxs and nmbrellas. This is no scheme to rob you of your money, but is meant simply as a oonvenienoe for you, and in compensation we want to get just enougb to pay ns for hiring a woman to do the work. In tbe same building with the oheck toom you can get a refresbing drink of cold water and then go np stairs (that is, if yon are not a ruauï where there are plenty of chairs. You oan sit there and cbat with yonr friends snd at the same time see all tbat is going on. Tbere will also be a place on the gronnds where bicyoles can be checked. We oan proruise that all wheels so oheoked will be neitber borrowed nor stolen and will be kept out of the sun. Daring the week of Washtenaw's semi-ceutennial fair, Sept. 27-30, tickets at one fare for the round trip oan be obtained from Toledo, Owosbo and all intermedíate points to Ann Arbor, and on the Michigan Central trains from Detroit, Jaokson and all intermediare points to A&n Arbor. Isn't tbat a Fair bargain? These tickets will be good for retara as late as Saturday, Oot. 1. A special gate to tbe gronnds will be opened towards Packard st. , to admifc directly tbose coming up on the new electtio road from Detroit and Ypsilanti. Tbis road as well as the city street oar line will put on several extra cars so as to aooommodate the visitors. Tbose wbo desire catalogues giving premiums and otber partioulars conoerning the exhibition, sbould address the seoretary who will send one promptly, free of charge


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News