County's Pioneers
Tbe Fair Society has built on its gronnds a log heuse, 28x40 f eet and 14 feet high and a poroh 8 feet wide aoross tbe front, just the right proportions to make ahandsome effect. Over the front door is tbe insoription 1848. Erbcted in Hoxoh of WashTKNAW'S PlONEERS. 1848. At the north end on tbe outside is the low ohimney built of sticks. On the inside the loga are bewn smootb. The house will be heated by the large flre plaoe, fltted out with a orane, lue hook, trammel-ohain, and a broad old-fashioned mantel above. This building waserectedentirely by subscription. Every perion who gave live dollars has had his name (if he was a pioneer) orthe name of sorue one suggested by him carved on the logs on the inside of the house, with the date wben the pioneer came to tbis county and tbe name of the townehip in whioh he settled. This is probably the last large log building that will be erected in the oonnty, for they are very expensive, espeoally as large timber is beooming so soaroe. The fcociety feels tbat it holds a saored trust in this memorial of the pioneers of our beautiful county. The names of some of Wasbtenaw's most honored citizens are inserí bed npon the timbera of this house. The cabin will be ready for tbe iuspeotion of the pnblic dnring the ooming Pair. You will not see an incomplete pile of logs, bnt a home ready for the settler. The pioneer log cabin will be dedicated Tnesday afternoon, Sapt. 27, the exeroises oommenoing at 1 :30 o'ülock. Among other nnmbers on the program are an address by Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, a poem obmposed and read by Judge J. Willard Babbitt; vocal uinsic by James R. Saga and Mrs. Mary G. Stark, and a paper by S. P. Ballard, of 'Willis, on "The Pioneer's Home. " Every person who attended the Washtenaw county fair in 1848 will be admitted to the dedioatory exercises free of charge. Below is given a partial list of the names of those pioneers, whose descendants or theni Belves personally have contritrated to the construction of the house, and which together with their place of residence and the date of their arrival in the county are inscribed on the inside walls of the house : Isaac N. Conklin, Ypsilanti, 1844. Horace Booth, Lodi, 1826. Lewis Allen, Sharon, 1832. Andrew J. Sawyer, Chelsea, 1857. Luther Jarues, Lima, 1856. 2 Henry Bower, Ann Arbor, 1836. Daniel Hiscock, Ann Arbor, 1829. Moses Seabolt, Ann Arbor, 1837. John T. Swathel, Ann Arbor, 1840. William W, Dean, Green Oak, 1836. Rice Aner Beal, Lima, 1833. John VV. Babbitt, M. D., Ypsilanti, 1848. Norman Chapia, Ann Arbor, 1847. Oliver M. Martin, Ann Arbor, 1833. David Rinsey, Ann Arbor, 1854. William N. Stevens, Northfleld, 1847. Nelson Sutherland, Pittsfleld, 1840. Eber White, Ann Arbor, 1836. Willard B. Smith, Ann Arbor, 1851. Christian Mack, Ann Arbor, 1851. Emanuel Mann, Ann Arbor, 1836. William H. Dell, Saline. 1845. William Judson, Sylvan, 1842. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Allen, firs couple married in Ann Arbor. John S. Nowland, Ann Arbor, 1826 first white child born in the town. William and Philo Ferrier, Ypsilanti, 1838. Mrs. Barney Kirk, Ypsilanti, ]844. John G. Allmendinger, Ann Arbor 1832. William McCreery, Ann Arbor, 1832 Joseph Dove Baldwin, Ann Arbor 1847. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Tuttle, Tuttle Hill, 1825. Conrad Krapf, Ann Arbor, 1835. George B. Laubengayer, ocio, 1833. Philip Bach. Ann Albor, 1835. Russell Mills, Saline, 1832. Sylvester D. Noble, Ann Arbor, 1835. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Godfrey, Sylvan, 1832. James Kingsley, Ann Arbor, 1826. Alpheus Felch, Ann Arbor, 1843. Patrick and Margaret Walsh, Walsh's Corners, 1832. James W. Wine, Scio, 1832. Conrad Bissinger, Scio, 1830. Lambert Feldkamp, Preedom, 1836. Dr. Christian Helber.Ann Arbor, 1854. Joshua Gr. Leland, Northfield, 1831. J. J. Parshall, Ann Arbor, 1845. Daniel Cross, Ypsilanti, 1822. Smith Buttsford, Ann Arbor, 1827. Mr. and Mrs. Elnathan Bottsford, Ann Arbor, 1825. David L. Godfrey, Sylvan, 1832. John Reed, Ypsilanti, 1838. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Godfrey, Sylvan, 1832. August Hutzle, Ann Arbor, 1838. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Fletcher, Ypsilanti, 1850. Elam S. Worden, Northfield, 1837. Jacob Vanderwerker, Ann Arbor 1836. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Lay, Ypsilanti, 1833. Mr. and Mr. Henry Stninpenhusen, Ypsilanti, 1836. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson, Ypsilanti, 1828. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Thompson, Augusta, 1830. Mr. and Mrs. J. Starkweather, Ypsilanti, 1847. Stephen and Clemma Mills, Pittsfield, 1836, 1838. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Platt, Pittsfield, 1833. Christian and Sarah A. Kelly, Ypsilanti, 1825, 1833. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Ballard, Ypsilanti, 1846. Mr and Mrs. H. H. Howe, Lodi, 1825, 1836. Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster Childs, Augusta, 1848. Asa M. Darling, Augusta, 1835. Horace Carpenter, Pittsfield, 182fi. Dennis Warner, Dexter, 1833. Mary Collins Whiting, LL. B., York, 1835. Hiram and John G. Masón, Webster, 1834. John W. Nanry, Webster, Charles and Nettie Storius, Ypsilanti, 1834. Edward Treadwell, Ann Arbor,'184S. Col. Jriah LeBaron, York, 1827. Norman A. Phelps, Scio, 1832. Selliek Wood, Lodi, 1834. Daniel B. Brown, Ann Arbor, 1826. Samuel and Mary Moore, Ypsilanti, 846. William Cheever, Ann Arbor, 1857. Anna B. Frilz, Soio, 1831. A. Gooding, York, 1834. Gilbert Hurd, Pittsfield, 1831. B. S. Covert, Ypsilanti, 1834. Martha Barr McCardy, Pittsfield, 835. Sylvester and Julia S. Newkirk, oio, 1834. George and Eunice Sessions, Nortbeld, 1834. John G. Koch, Freedom, 1831. Angustin and Gertrode Markham, Ann Arbor, 1827. Allen Crittenden, Pittefield, 1831. S. and H. Enos, Ypsilanti, 1835. Rev, Frederick Schmid, Ann Arbor, 845. David Davis 3ird, Ann Arbor, 1836. John Braun, Ann Arbor, 1836. Cornelius and Jacob A. Polhemus, Ann Arbor, 1832. Daniel Lace Qairk, Ypsilanti, 1835. Asa and Delinda Burnett, Ann Arbor, 1830. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Lodi, 1836. General Ephriam and Norman Towner, Ypsilanti, 1837. 2Mnnnis Kenny, Webeter, 1829 Merchant Huxford Goodrich, Ann Arbor, 1827. Peter Tyler, Augusta, 1830. Joseph Cook Watts, Ypsilanti, 1836. M. and P. Duffy. Edward A. and Irene C. Nordman, Lima, 1836. Judge Samuel and Millicent Bond, Dexter, 1824. David Cody, Pittsfield. Florian Muehlig, Ann Arbor, 1838. Amos and Polly Ball, Webster, 1832. Harris Ball, Webster, 1838. Edward and Frances Boyden, Webster, 1831, 1835. James T. Morton, Pittsfleld, 1830. John Jacob Sohaefler, Ann Arbor, 183?. D. R. S. Smith. William S. Maynard, Ann Arbor, 1824. Margaret Laubengayer, Ann Arbor, 1834. Christian Eberbach Ann Arbor, 1838. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maynard, Ann Arbor, 1824. Gideon Wilcoxson, Ann Arbor, 1824. James Madison Wilcoxson, Ann Arbor. John Fiegel, Freedoin, 1836. Jacob and Catherine Hangsterfer, Ann Arbor, 1850. Christian Rayer, Pittsfleld, 1850. Sherman and Orpha Gates Hinckley, Pittsfleld, 1831. David M. Uhl, Ypsilanti, 1844.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Sylvester Newkirk
Philip Bach
Norman Chapin
Norman A. Phelps
Moses Seabolt
Merchant H. Goodrich
John W. Nanry
John W. Maynard
John T. Swathel
John S. Nowland
Jacob Hangsterfer
Jacob A. Polhemus
Horace Booth
George W. Allen
Frances Burnett Boyden
Edward L. Boyden
Eber White
E. A. Nordman
David Rinsey
Daniel Hiscock
Christian Rayer
Christian Mack
Catherine Hangsterfer
Asa M. Darling
Alpheus Felch
Allen Crittenden