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The Hon. Bill Judson has atlastdemonstra...

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The Hon. Bill Judson has atlastdemonstrated tbevalue of keeping yonr reinforoements in the vestibule. - Detroit Tribune. The republicana have nominated Eli K. Sotton, a little pin-head politician of Detroit, for regent of the nniversity. Just think of it ! If Mr. Pingree bas any appreciation whatever of distiugnished coudnot, he will advanoe the Hon. Bill Jndson at least ten numbers in the direotion of that wardensbip. - Detorit Tribune. The repnblican nominee for lieuteDant governor had to promise to let Pingree díctate his oommittees, bef ore he conld get the norainaiton. The governor evidently proposes to be not only the governor, the legislature, the sapreme conrt, bnt even the regents of the nniversity. This is Caesarisni for yon. If the people of Lenawee and Monroe want a strong, brainy man in Lansiag, a senator who would weed out from the proposed laws a mass of verbiage which oonfnse the meaning and open the doors for litigation, and inoorruptible man, a keen-witted, honest legislator, they will elect J. W. Helme as state senator. Pingree was not only renominated for governor by the rejSublicans Wednesday, bot he absolutely dictated the entire state ticket. He is now enthroned as state bosp, captnring the state committee, with Sheriff Judson on as committeeman in charge of this distriot. Onr repnblican friends who thonght that they had downed Jndson will take notice. There is no doubt of the re-election of Maj. John P. Kirk as proeecntiing attornpy. He is a good lawyer. That no one disputes. He is a faithfnl proseoutor and he responded to his country's cali for men, going into the service as captaiu and being promoted to major. He is said to be the most popular major in the regiment, mingling with his men ihile other offlcers hold aloof. Major ürk will run ahead of bis ticket, v The demooratio caudidates for coroner need no introdnetion to the voters of Washteuaw. Both have spent their lives in this county and aro strong and woithy men, widely and favorably known. B. F. Watts, of Ann Arbor and Dr. Christian F. Kapp, of Manchester, will rnake more capable coruners than are usnally eleoted to that oífioe. _ Clifford R. Huston, tbe demooratic caudidate for register of deeds, is one of the most popular men in Ypsilanti and was elected alderrnan two years ago by a large inajority in a heavily repnblican ward. That was his first entrance in politios. He is a dealer in agricultnral iruplements and is a good business man. He is of affable exterior, pleasant address, of goöd öharacter and will make au efficiënt and popular connty officer. The democrats iu nomiuating circuit court commissioners recognized the privates who enlistad for f 13 a mouth to serve their country by nominating William H. Murray, a young man who came here from York to act as assistant prosecuting attorney and earned the esteem of those with whom he came in contact. The other candidate, Tracy L. Towner, is an able young lawyer'of good character and ability, who has before now been Ypsilanti's candidate for county clerk. George J. Mann, of Lodi, was born in Freedom 40 years ago. Although tie lost an arm at an early age he has never let that stand in the way of making a gbod farmer and has never asked for anything on the strength of baving but one arm. He is a modest, manly man, 011 whose character there is neither spot nor blemish, who has efflciently served as town treasurer both of Freedom and of Lodi, a capable man, an honest man, true and tried. He merits the support of voters, republicans as well as democrats. An Ann Arbor correspondent of the Manchester Enterprise writes: During the past week Ann Arbor has been treated to the spectaole in politios of a one-man power, as exaoting and rigorous as aoy corporation could be, and its minions, flgnratlvely speaking, with a ring in their nose, are going round olaiming to represent "the people," while really they are political tools of the biggest political organization this state has ever seen. It always takes time to open the eyes of the voters, and complete insight into the one-man servitnde cannot be experienced tbis fall. Honeet John Gillen, of Saline, will be the uext sheriff of Washtenaw county if the people consider the qualities whioh gu to make the best sheriff. He will make a good sheriff and a terror to evil doers. His accounts with the oocnty will be honest and straight. He is a man of good charaoter, a man of f orce and tact, an indefatigable worker, a man with exprieuce as a deputy sheriff, a ken witted man of resources who would be apt to catch the burglars, horse thieves and others who may cominit orimes withia the county, and above all he is an open, straightforwaid, honest man. Vote for honest John Gillen, of Saline. One of the most enconraging features of the oanvaas thus far is the favorable attitude of Mr. Pierce's own townspeople - somethiDg whioh will carry great weight with the canvass in portions of tne distriot where he is not so well known. Wben a oommunity where a man has always lived gives him suoh sincere and entbosiastic enduisemeut, it snrely mnst be convincing to everyone that he is tboroughly upright and honorable; that he has praotically demonstrated his oapability and fitness for üongressional honors. O. R. Pieroe - a man of many years praotioal business experienoe, a man of nnimpeachable integrity and high moral oharaoter; a thinker and worker, and yes, if you please, as our repnblican newspaper friends say "a royal good fellow, " is just the man to represent the people of this distirot in the next congress, and he will be eleoted. - Hndson Gazette. Jacob F. Schuh, who has been renominated for county clerk on the democratie tioket, well merits a tri umphant re-election. He bas made an excellent clerk. The business of the office has been thorougbly and correct ly done and the files and books of tbe office have been kept np to date. It i a good plan to rewaz'd faithfnl. hones and efficiënt service with re-eleotion It is an object lesson to office hold ers that the best way to continue in th public service is to serve the people faithfully, The offioe of county clerk was never in better or more capabl hands than now. Capt. Schuh ha been a most economical clerk, outting down the connty expenditures where ever possible, and the contiugeut ex penses of the clerk'a office have never beeu smaller thau nader Capt. Schub. Tbis fact alone should entitle bina to the votes of carefnl taxpayers. He bas always shown himself atrae friend to the laboring rnau aud treats all who visit bis offioe witb ccnsideratiou and respect. His life has been spent in onr midst aud he has always been knowu as a pnblio spirited citizen. The people have an opportnnity to reward a good and faitbful public servan t. The republioans are doing a good deal of talkiog about tbe demociatio connty ticket beiog nnevenly divided as to locality. They forget that they are tarred with the same stick theruselves. They state,' that the northwestei-Q part of the connty is not represen ted. It is true that the six northwestern townships of Lyndon, Sylvan, Des.ter, Lima, Webster and Scio are not represeuted this yearon the democratie ticket, bnt neither are they represented on tbe republican ticket. They have been geuerously remembered in the reoent past, bowever, asDwyer, flowlett, Kearns, Hughes, Seery, Gorman and other names of candidates from that seotion atteBt. In the sis soutbwestern towns of the oounty, the nominees on the demooratio tioket are sheriflf, treasurer and ooroner, while on the repnblioan tioket they are sheriff, treasurer and surveyor - praotically the saine althougb a shade in favor of the demorats, as the ooroner has a little work o do, while the surveyor bas absolutey none. As to the rest of the county both candidates for clerk are from Ann Arbor, both candidates for register of eeds from Ypsilanti, the demooratic andidate for proseonting attorney from Ypsilanti and the republican candidate rom Ann Arbor. Bat after all, it is he best officers that the connty wants rrespective of looality, and viewed in his light there is , no reason why the emooratio connty tioket should not be riumphantly eleoted.


Ann Arbor Argus
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