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COUNCIL CHAMBEE ) Ann Arbor September 19th, 1898. f Regular session. Called to order by Pres. Luick. Roll called. Quorum Present. Absent Aid. Koch, Dieterle, Hovvell. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE -MAYOR. September, 8th, 1898. To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of A.nn Arbor Gentlemen: - I am obliged to disapprove the resolution appropriating the Bum of $200 to gravel Geddes Avenue as it does not appear to be recommended by the Street Committee in their regular report also your action in ordering paved the gutter on the south side of Mosely street betvveen Main and First streets as no estimate of the cost of the work has been pressnted; aud in this connection I desire to ask your Honorable body to postpone all street work until another year. My recommendation for a special fund not being adopted the city's share of the cost of paving Main street will have to be paid from the general street fund and will use the present balance and a good share of the coming year's j tlOD. Very respectfully, ; Chaeljes E. Hiscock, . Mayor. , Filed September 9th, 1898. Glen V. Mills, , City Clerk. The resolution prevailed the veto of , ;he Mayor notwithstonding as follows : . Yfd3- Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet. Exinger, Vandawaker, Brown, , Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens. ' Pres. Luick - 12. , Nays - None. September 8, 1S98. To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen. - I beg todisapprove that part of the report of t.he Committee on Sidewalks wherein brick cross walks are ordered at the following places. On the north side of Catharine across Detroit st. On the north side 'of Kiogsley across Detroit st. On the east side of División across Lawrence st. On the north and south side of Lawrence across División st. On the south side of Kingsley across State st. On the west side of State across Kingsley st. Oñ the west side of Thayer across Huron st. On the south side of North University Ave. acro3S State st. On the west side of Thayer across Monroe st. On the north side of Vaughn across E„st Uhiversity Ave. Also the appropriation of $75 to grade the sidewalk on Michigan Ave and $75 for grading the sidewalk on the west side of Baldwin Avenue. The Bridge Culvert and Crosswalk fund after this year's appropriation of $5000 has been r Ided is now overdrawn and imrrovements chargable to this fund should be deferred until another year. Very respectfully, Cherles E. Hiscogk, Mayor. Filed September 9th, 1898. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. The resolution prevailed the ve' of the Mayor notwitnstanding as follows : Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Nays - None. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works would recommend that tbe tile on S. Main st. be extended f rom the south Une of Wm. Wagner's property to Allen's Creek. Respectfully submitted, Glen V. Mills, Clerk'of the Board of Public Works. ENGINEERS ESTÍMATE. 200 ft. of 15in. tile at 30c. per ft. $60.00 GEO. P. Key. City Eng. Aid. Coon moved to refer the subject to the Street Committee. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Nays - None. To the Honorable the Common Coancil of the city of Ann Arbor. The undersigned would respeclfully recommend that a committee be pointed to see the board of regents of the University of Michigan with regard to the two beds that were to be given the city for its poor at University hospital, in consideration of the $25,000.00 given by the city of Aan Arbor for the erection of said 'hospital. That if these cannot be obtained, that a special rate be given for the care of such cases at the hospitals. I should further recommend that said committee be instructed to frame au ordinance, to be submitted to the ordinance committee, defining the duties, term of office and compènsation of the city physician. Respectfully, D. W. Cowie, City Physician. OKDINANCE. Aid. Brown moved that the President appoint a committee of three including Realth offlcer Clark and City Physician Cowie as a special committee to investígate the subject. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Nay_ -None. President Luick appointed Mayor Hiscock, Ernest A. Clark and Dr. Cowie as such committee. ENGINEERS SIXTH ESTÍMATE PAVEMENT DIST. HO I. 1338 cu. yd. excav. at25c. per yd. $334.50 2900 sq.ft.curbstoneatSOc. " ft. 1450.00 670 cu. yd. conoreteat $3. ;' yd. 2010.00 4242 sq. yd. brick at 94c. " " 3987.48 4242" "sandcush.at4c. " " 179.68 8400 " " Bituminous Grout at 16c. per yd. 1344.00 Total estímate $9295.66 Less 10 per cent 929.56 Amount due contractor $8366.10 O. V. W. McIntyre Geo. F. Key, City Eng. ■ I hereby certify that I have paid for material according to last estímate according to my agreements and that all labor claims are paid to date. Wm. J. Glancy. Aid. Cady moved to suspend rule 21 forthis session. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick - 12. Nays- ïfone. Aid Brown moved that the clerk deduct a sufficient sum from the estímate to reimbuise the cit y for money paid W. E. Blackburn as watchman. Aid. Hamilton moved as amendment that a warrant be ordered drawn for $8,200.00 to apply on the contract. Adopted as t'ollows: Yeas -Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick - 12. Nays - None. Whereupon the motion of Aid. Brown as amendtjd was adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Naya - None. Aid. Cady moved that. the engineer see that the spirit of the speciücations is carried out by the contractor in the pavement districts. Adopted a3 follows : W Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandavvarker, Brown, Spathelf. Weeks. Coon, Cady. Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Nays - None. A petition signed by Chas. F. Pardoa and 25 others asking for an ordinance relative to closing shops on Sunday was read and referred to the ordinance committee. A petition signed by .T. C. Allemendinger and 16 others asking for an electric lighton Traver street was read and referred to the lighting committee. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 19th 1898. To the Common Counoil of the City of AnD Arbor: Gentlemen: - I beg to report that I have carefully examined the books of accounts and vouchers in the office of the City Clerk and City Treasurer for the year ending May lst 1898 and fintf that the accounts have been correctly kept. That vouchers are on file for all disbursments and that the ballance at the close of tbe year is verified by a certifícate of the Farmers & Merchants Bank. I find that the books of the City Treasurer are models of neatness and accuracy. The books of the City Clerk are tobe commended as very neat and accurately kept. If such competent officials as the present Treasurer and Clerk could be retained in office without reference to political preferment, it would be a good thing for the interests of the city. Respectfully submitted, Jno. R. Minek. Received and placed on file. lOont.inued on Sixth Page.) COUNCIL PROCEElüNGS. [OPFICIALj iCoutinued lrom Fonrtli Page.) REJPORTS OV STANDING COMMITTEES. ORDIXANCE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Ordinances would recommend' tliat the Street in the Third Ward between Miner and Brooks street be narned Pearl street. Respectfully subraitted, C. If . Cady, Artliur Brown, 011 Ordiuances. Adopted as folJowa: Yeas- AJii. Hítnoilton, Richards, Sweet. Exinger, Vaudawarker, Brown, Spathelf. Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick - 12. Nays- None. f o the Common Council: Your Committfe on Ordinauces to to whorn was referred the petition of J. G. Birchfleld and others relative to using the east side of the Court House Square for a dray stand would recommend that the request be denied. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Cady. Arthur Brown, Committee on Ordiuances. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. ITamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick - 12. Nays- None. STREET. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Streets would recommend that the A. A. R. R. Co., be permitted to cxtend a sidetrack across First and Liberty sts. providing they plank between all their tracks crossing First and Liberty sts. the eutire width ot the street, that is from property line to property line. And further your Committee would recommend that $35.00 be appropriated to put Krause st. in a passable condition and that the engineer give an estímate for extending the storm sewer on Second st. Respectfully submitted, Emmett Coon, C. H. Cady, Frank Vandawarker, Geo. W. Sweet, F. M. Hamilton, Geo. Spathelf, Jr., Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Richards Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Tres. Luick - 12. Nays - None. STREET GRADE RESOLUTION. By Aid. Sweet: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on jS . Main st. ought to be changed and flxed and establisbed, to the end that such street naay be made suitable for public travel and trafflc. Therefore Eesolved. and it is hereby ordered that the grade on N. Main st. f rom center line of Catherine st. to the center line of Depot st. be, and the same is hereby changed f rom the present grade and flxed and established. so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that Í3 to say: At center of Catherine and N.Main st 825.30 ft. At 120 ft. north of center of Catherine and Main st 823.50 ft. At 420 ft. north of center of Catherine and Main st. . .-. S15.00ft. At center of Kingsley and N. Main st. 811.40 ft. At 374 ft. north of center of King-sley et - 801.00 ft. At center of Felch and N. Main st 795.00 ft. At 214 ft. north of center of Felch and Mainst. 7S9.00ft. At 414 ft. north of center of Felch and N. Main st 780.00 ft. At 514 ft. north of center of Felch and N. Mam st 733.00 ft. At center of Summit and N.Main st. . 772.00 ft. At 100 ft. nortli of center of Summit and N. Main st 771.50 ft. At center of Depot and N. Main st.... 772.00 ft. the eleyation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Kichards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeka, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Nays - None. SIDEWALK GRADE RESOLUTION. By Alderman Hamilton: Whereas, in t,he opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of First st. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be suitable for public travei. Therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered tbat the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of First st. from south line of Wiliiam st. to the north line of Jefferson st. be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At the southwest corner of Wiliiam and First sts 808.00 ft. At 367 ft. Bouth of southwest corner of Wiliiam and Firstst 814.00 ft. At 467 ft. south of southwest corner of Wiliiam and First sts 816.30 ft. At 542 ft. south of southwest corner of Wiliiam and First sts 817.50 ft. At 617 ft. south of southwest corner of Wiliiam and First sts... 817.50 ft. At the north west corner of Jefferson and Hrststs ; 817.20ft. the elevation given being above the official cit datum aDd along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows: Xeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Nays- None. ponen. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Pólice to whom was retened the petition of Mathias Roeer woiild present the subject to this Council without recommendation. I Respectfully submitted, C. H. Cady, Committee on Pólice. Aid. Brown moved that the subject be indeflnitely postponed. Adopted. BONBS. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Bonds would recommend the bond of the Massilon Stone & Fire Brick Co. for the approval of the Council. Respectfully submitted, Frank Vandawarker, H. C. Exinger, Committee on Bonds. Aid. Hamilton moved that the j port be laid on the table until next session. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spathelf , Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Xays - None. RESOLIITIONS. By Aid. Cady: Resolved, that the D., Y. and A. A. Ry. Co. be ordered to keep the curves of their tracks cleaned and greased so as to prevent the noises caused by such neglect. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Spatheif, Weeks, Coon, Cady, Stevens, Pres. Luick- 12. Nays- None. On motion the Council adionrned. Uity Ulerk.


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