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i Twelve new rnernbers joined the Harugari Lodge Weduesday evening. t M. J. Fritz is having an addition built on the rear of his store building j No. 210 8. Main st. i Prof. J. B. Steere has an illustrated i artiole in tbe Soientifio Amerioan on I the inhabitants of the Phillipines. G. W. Seybold is bnilding an 1 tion to his blacksmith shop ot S. ■ Fourth ave. and adding another story i to it. Mra. Albart Rosser died Tbursday of last week at the family homa 317 E. Madison st. Her husband and two children snrvive her. The two year oíd son of Prof. Ben D'Ooge, of Ypsilanti, swallowed tbe oontents of a bottle of belladonna Wednesday and his life was saved only by prompt and vigoróos rneasures. The Athens Theater will open its doors for the season this evening with J C. Lewis' oompany in "Si Plnnkard." Si is a fuuny fellow and has always drawn a good house in Ann Arfo or. There will be servioes at the ünitarian oburch next Sunday morning at 10:30 o'olook when Kev. J. H. Crooker, of Troy, N. Y., who is espected to be'the permanent pastor of the ohurcb, will preaoh. Joho Hession. 11 years old, was sentenoed to the Industrial School at Lansing until he is 18 years old, on Wednesday, by Justioe Duffy. The oornplaint against him was made by his mother, the charge being truanoy. A. W. Bahelkgbas sold ont bis real estáte, insurance and loan business to H D. Camarón, wbo will continue the business at the oíd stand. Mr. Bahlke will feo back to bis formar employment with Smith & Pomeroy in Kalamazoo. Prof Andrew TenBrook, who celebratad bis 84th birthday on Wednesday, bas been a resident of Ann Arbor for over 50 years. For a long period of years he was aotively counected with the university and was really lts first president, having been appointed aoting president by the board of regepts until a president oould ba found to fill the offioe. Tho Jaokson republioan senatorial delegation is instrnoted to vote as a unit for Jobn U. Sharp. This is equivalent to a nomination and there is absolutely no need of the Washtenaw republioans going to the oonvention. Jaoksou has already nominated the republican oaudidate for senator and has servad notioe on the Washtenaw republicans that they do not oare for any of their help. Regent Dean will make a fight in he oourta to retain his plaoe as regent. Maj. Ed. B. Winans has returned to )rohard Lake, having lost 60 ponnds n ■weigbt. Joe Jaoobus, ex-United States exjress driver, has started a livery barn it 207 W. Horon st. Would-be Congressman Sruith is slatid for seven speeohes in this oonnty durng the oaiapaipi). Afrioa is a loug way off, yet G-oodrear & Co., t!ie druggists, snipped iome goods ta a oustomer there on Monday. The house of John Fullerton on Wall it. veas partí ally bnrned Wednesday ivening, the fire department doinggood work to save it. Mr. William MoLeod andMiss Reba Page were married at the home of the bride's pareuts in Ypsilanti yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clook. Prospecta for a largely inoreased attendanoe at the ü. of M. during the ooming year are very bright. It is estimated that the total enrollment for 1898-99 will be 3,500. The Argus is glad to announoe tbat the job of paving of Main st. is now drawing to a close and it is hoped to have tbe street open to traffio its entile ength by tomorrow night. Card are out announcing the marriage of Mr. CummiuRS, of Flint, and Miss Olive Hardy, formerly of Ypsilanti. The ceremony will be preformed at the home of the bride's Lrjther iu Plint. Saveral new olasses are offered in the l. W. C. A. this winter. An arithaetio class designed speoially to show imple practise methods, a "Round the Vorld" class which promises to be a ■ery interesting stndy, and a Current Copio club (free) for whioh a number if names have already been received. UI intending to join the classfis should lo so at once so that arrangements as to he time of meeting may be made. As many members of Ann Arbor liodge, No. 325, B. P. O. Blks, as oan iiake it conveuient are requasted to neet at the hall at 4:80 this afternoon ;o initiate William H. Freer, of the 'Si Plunkard" company. After the Derformanoe at the Athens Theater this jveuiug the lodge will tender a fish jnpper to the members of the oompany who belong to the order and to the members of Ann Arbor lodge and visitors. J. T. Jaoobs got $25 one day last week tbat was jnst like finding it. Years ago Mr. Jacobs kept nis bank aooount with the Ann Arbor Saviugs Bank. Since then he has transferred the oare of his cash to the Farmers & Mechanics Bank. In making the transfer he left a balance of $25 at the Ann Arbor Savings Bank and forgot all about until last week when M. J. Fritz informed him of it. Mrs. Kmily L. Leiter died very suddenly Friday afternoon at the home of her motber, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Root, 412 E. Huron st., aged 50 years. She had suffe .'ed many years from posterior cnrvRture of the spiue aud had had a sevete stomach trouble the night before her death. A sborttime before ahe died she cane down stairs to get soinetbing to eat, when she snddenly tbiew up her hands and oommenced to soream. She leaves one danghter Miss May Leiter, who was away visiting in Iowa at the time of her mother's death. Just before reoeiving the telegram snrnmoning her home she got a letter from her mother nrging her to prolong her stay, and she did not know her mothar was dead until she got to Ann Arbor. G-aorge H. Otis, the eastern attorney retained by the boarö of regenta to look after the interests of the university in the contest being made by tha seoond oonsins of Dr. Blizabeth Bates to bieak her will whioh left $160,000 worth of personal property to the university, is anoted by the Evening Times as iug: "There is no possibie onance 01 the university losing the Dr. Elizabetü Bates legaoy. Seoond oousins to Mrs. Bates are contesting the will. Most of the property is personal and uuder the laws of New York state seoond oonsins oaunot inherit personal property. If they suooeed in breaking the will, the property would go to the aunts of the deceased, aud these aunts desire the property to go as was bequeathed. It is thonght that the seoond consins are making a fight to secure a oomproruise, bnt the university will not oonoedo them anything." The oontestants for the Richard3 estáte iu Superior are negotiating for a settlemeut. "W. W. 'Wedeineyer made a Pingree speeoh before the republican state oon vention which was loudly cheered. W. F. Russell has moved his oonfec;ionery business into one of the stores in the Cook house blook on N. Fourth ave. Private Edward MoMahon was released froru the Detroit hospitals and returned to this oity yesterday terribly einaoiated. Prof. C. E. G-reene was eleoted president of the Miohigan Engineering Sooiety at Lansing Wednesday and Prof. J. B. Davis, one of the direotois. Cards are ont annonnoing the marriage of Miss Anna Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mills, to Dr. Henry H. Cook, of Detroit, Tharsday evoning, Sept. 29. Invitations are ont for the ruarriage of Miss Minna A. Drake to Mr. Horton C. Ryan whioh will take plaoe at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Drake on Wednesday evening next. On the day of the dedication of the pioneer log oabin at the Washtenaw Fair on the fair grounds in this oity next Tnesday, there wil] be a reunión of the scholars of the Misses Mary and Chloe (Jlark school at 4 o'clook. Farmers and farmers' wives! Don't Eorget that Mrs. Mary Mayo, of Battle Greek, will deliver au address at the Washwnaw Fair, Thursclay afternoon next, Sept. 29, on "Farmers' Homes." You'll all be there to hear it, won't you? Mrs. Elizabeth Lura has bronght suit against Ella J. Stookford, Mr. and Mrs. George] S. Goodrich, Sarah L. Coy, Achsah J. Scott, Mary A. Morton and Auna Wortb asking for a partition or división of 160 acres of laad in Lima in whioh she owns a one-sixtb interest. Members of the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Homing Pigeon Clubeleoted the following offioers Tuesday evening: President, Will Carpeuter, Ypailanti ;vice president, Eber Owen, Ypsilanti, seoretary and treasnrer, E. P. Hall, of Aun Arbor. E. P. Hall, Wm. Meauwell and Ed. Lawrenoe were appoinetd as a raoing committee. Times: A tree whioh was being out down in front of the Presbyterian church, Ypsilanti, Wednesday moring, beoauie aumauageable and crashed into the trolley wire of the D., Y. & A. A. road. There were a nnmber of school ohildren in the road and some of them might have been killed by coming in oontaot witb a live wire had it brokeu. Some months ago the editor of the Bvening Times offered to (ive $100 to the firat membcr of the office foroe who shonld get married. The Argus wouders whether W. J. Kirby, the foreman of the printing offioe, got that 100, be being the first oue of the force to try if martiage is a failure, or whether the whole thing was a game of bluff on the part of Editor Lisemer. The committee appointea at tue regular monthly business meetiug of the Y. M. C. A. Sept 14, to ruake arrangements for the fair, uaade their report Tuesday evening at a special meeting of the assooiation and the Ladies' Auxiliary. The rgport was adopted and the oomuaittee given fnll power to aot. The fair will be beid from Nov. 14 to 19 in the Light InfaDtry armory, and promises to be a great sucoess. The assooiation voted to extend a vote of thanks to Eev. E. D. Kelly and St. Thomas oburch for not giving a fair this fall thns leaving the field olear for tbe Y. M. C. A. Courier: The present registration at the high school is 490. Ou Tuesday Sept. 13, there were 1,287 pupils ia the ward sohools, exolusive of the seooud ward or Philip Baoh sohool, whioh ia not yet open. At that time the attendauce was diRtrihuted as follows: lst ward, 350, 3d ward 281, 4th ward 187, 5th ward 111, 6th ward 238, 8th grade 120. To show how nmch the proposed buildirigs are ueeded a glanoe at the same grade rooms iu the fourth and flrst wards will be snffioient. The fourth grade in the 4th ward sohool has 22 pupils, in the lst ward there are 70 pupils. Another room in the 4th ward has 18 pupils, the same grade in the tst ward has 53 pupils. The school board aud Supt. Slauson are doing all in their power to provirle for this ernbarrassment. Son No. 2 was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Charlea J. Shetteriy. Chief Engineer Brown, of Toledo, eays the Main st. paveinent is tbe beat he has ever seen. The mayor and oonnoil have been invited to attend the Ka-larnazoo free street fair Oot. 4-7. Prof. W. H. Hawks vi!l address the men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. nest Snnday at 2 :45 p. m. The short street at the north end of Miner st., between Miuer and Brooks st , has been named Pearl st. by the oornmon oonucil. The D., Y. & A. A. has been ordei-ed by the city oounoil of Ypsilanti to paint all its trolley poles inside the oity limita vfitbin 80 days. Geo. P. MoCallnm, '98 lav?, and president of the D. of M. Repnblican Club, has been nominated for the legislature in Scbooloraft connty. William Sfcein, an employee in Allmendinger & Sohneider's mili, had his fingeis badly sqneezed betweeu some of the rollers in the mili on Monday. Mr. E. G. Kimball, of this oity, and Miss Julia G.Franklin wete married at the bride's home in Akron, O., on Snnday. They will reside in Ann Arbor. The board of review ou paving districts Nos. 1 and 2 will meet at the oouncil chamber next Taesday to hear the oomplaints, if there are any, against the special paving assessment and adjnst the same. A party of 20 embraoing Elks and thoir friends were entertained to a recherche fish supper at the Cook hnuse on Satnrday evening by Ed. Pfluff. E. Rosenburg, of the Detroit Clnb, did the catering. It was a jolly party and they had a pleasant time. The next and last Snnday evening Union service is to be held at the M. E. oburcb Sept. 25. Mrs. Annie Andrns, of Detroit, president of the First Distriot W. C. T. U. will give an address entititled "A greater enemy than Spain." No one shoald miss hearing this lecture. -LD6 püJuuö UULUIiUlLeö ui tuD uujuuluuu connoil Monday night referred back to that body the oornmunioaton of Matt Roser, of YpsUanti, aBking for damages for allegad illegal arrest, without recoinmendation. Attorney Lee N'. Browu will now have a obanoe to stalt a damage snit for his olient. Judge of Probate bas refnaed to allow Administrator Graves to use any ol the money in the Mollie Bennett estáte to carry tbe oase up to the supreiue conrt on an appeal. Tberefore, if Mr. Graves wants to apepal the case be will have to pay the expenses oat of his own pocket whioh probably he will not do. Miss Marnie Wotzel died at the home )L Sirnon Dieterle Sunday morniug, of jODsnmption, 'aged 17 years. The funsral services wete held Tuesday affcerloon. Miss Wetzel waa left an orphan t au early age and was th9n taken in jharge by Mrs. Gwinner, mother of Mrs. Dieterle, and had made her home svith the family ever sinoe. Reports to the state board nf health 3how tbat diarrhea, rheurnatism, neuralgia, cholera niorbus and bronohitis, in the order named, cansed most sickness in Michigan doring the past week. Consnmptiou was reported at 190 plaoes; typhoid fever at 89; soarlet fever at 21 ; whooping cough at 21 ; diphtheria at 16; measles at 7, and smallpox at one. Aocording to the Detroit papers the property owners on Miohigan ave. are preparing a monster petition to the city oouncil asking for the revocationof the right of way thrnugh the oity granted to tha D..Y.& A. A. electrio road. The cause for it is fonnd in the nonfnlflllment by the company of the pledges and obligations contained in its charter. Mr. and and Mrs. unas. ivi. jones, of Wiohita, Kas., brotber-in-law and eister of Mts. B. F. Watts, and well known to the older resid6nts of Aon Arbor where they resided for many years before going to Wiohita, met with a serious acaident Sept. 13. A wagon in whiob th6y and others were being oonveyed to a wild west exhibition was stiuck by a Rouk Island passenger train. Three persous were killed and six injnred. .Mrs. Jones feil on the cow oatoher and ber left leg was broken above the ankle, her head was ont and she had a deep gash in ber neck. Mr. Jones Was badly sbaken up. Manchester Enterprise: Secretary Wade, of the üniversity, iscalled npou for all kinds of information. Recently a gentleman in Washington, D. O., picked up on the street a lady's pocket book. Among ita contents was a reoeipt for last year'sjtnition, for the owner, as a member of the senior olass. The honest gentleman wrote for the young lady's addresa. Secretary Wade turned to the books and focnd her father's address, wbo was engaged in one of the departments. This be sent on and it wa3 not very long after when he received a gratefnl letter f rom the alumnus, not only thankiug him for the recovery of tha pocket book, bot also for the making of a very pleasant new aoquaintfice. Lars Lucas, of Maniates whoenhsted in the 34th Miohigan aud served witb the hospital corp, passed through Detroit Snnday. To a raporter he said in speaking of the hospital work at Siboney: "Dr. N&uorede worked for four days without stopping for fuod or rest. Then he fainted away, and had to stop for a few honrs. No one wanted to eat while wounded men were waiting by the hundteds for their turn. Some doctors would wotk as long as they oould stand it, and then take a short nap of an hour, eat a little food aud get right baok to the operatic ohairs. For nine dys there was al we oould atteud to, men weie oomin in all tho time. I was oovered with blood trom head to foot and had n time to olean up. "


Ann Arbor Argus
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