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Washtenaw connty's share of this year's state tax will be $60,557.31. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale now bas his office rooms iü the new Thompson blook on State st. The faueral services of the late W. B. Stickney, A. M., were held at his late home Monday afteruoou. The Jjadies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. give a fruit aud ïnelon sooial at the rooms of the association this evening. Dr. J. R. Augell will retnrn to Ann Arbortbisevening ortomorrow aud will resumo bis position as president of the university. R8v. T. B. Leith, of Saline, was appoiuted one of the moderators of the Detroit presbytery at the ann aal meeting held iu Pontiac Tuesday. There are dow two school districts in Washteuaw couuty that have adopted free textbooks, the latest being one of tbe districts in Dexter township. Lient. A. M. McGee, of Jackson, brothei of C. K. McQee of this oity, has resigned the seoond lieutenancy of üo. H, 31st Mich., and his resignation has been aooepted. On Monday Fred Brown received a oheck for $400 from the Tontine Savings Association, of Minneapolis, on 10 oontracts wbioh he held. The amoant paid for the contracta was $237.50. i William H. Freer, oñ (Jhelsea, who is with the "Si Plunkard" corupany, is the composer of a new piece of mnsio "The Gay Amerioau Girl," which has jnst been publisbed by L. F. Boos, cif Jackson. The papers in the case of Howard Stookwell vs. Joseph Doane, Wm. Jndson, et al., were forwarded to the Livingston county circuit cotirt from the Washtenaw coonty clerk's office ou Monday. At the annual meeting of the Presbytery of Detroit held in the Presbytsrian chnrcb, Pontiac, Monday and Tnesday, Rev. J. M. U-elston, of this city was eleoted moderator to succeed Rev. J. M. Barkley, of Detroit. Prof. Bdith F. McDermott, for two yeara at the head of the women's departru8nt at the Agricnltnral college, has been appointed aEsibtant superintendent of Sage college, the women's department of Cornell university The Argns has received an invitación witb the personal compliments uf H. W. Asbley, general manager of the Ann Arbor railroad, to attend the laanching of the steel car ferry Ann Arbor, No. 3, at Cleveland, O., tomorrow afteruoon. James Haggerty, of ïpsilanti, is 71 years old and never had bis name in print in his life nntil Tnesday when the Times broke 'bis record fcr hiru. Now there will be Iota of other papers who cill keep on breaking that record and James can never ruake such a boast as that again. Times: The conncil's aotion in passing the vetoes of the mayor over bis head Monday uigbt does not necessarily end the matter. Mayor Hisoock can still direct the treasurer not to pay any more warrants out of the already overdrawn fnads, and he oan refuse to sign the warrants if they are drawn. The official program of the Washtenaw Fair tbis year will contain a printed eoopon to be nsed in tbe stove guessing contest. Be snre to get a program and make yonr guess, you may be the lncky one and get a fine f20 stove. Programs can be obtained at any of the entrances to the gronnds. It oosts yon notbiug at all to make a gness. Karl E. Ganss bas reoently presented to the university library tbree very old and interesting newspapers. One of them is the "New England Weekly Journal" for April 8,1728. Another is tbe "Boston Gazetta and Country Journal" of March 12, 1770. This paper bas a fnll account of the Boston Massacre in it. The third is the "New York Morning Post" of Nov. 7, 1783, and contains Washington's farewell address to bis army. Dr. E. A. Clark, bealth offioer, Dr. D. M. Cowie, city pbysioian, and Mayor Hisoock are a committee appointed at tbe conncil meeting Monday evening to see the board of regents of the nniversity with regard to tbe two beds that were to be given tbe city for its poor at tbe university hospital in consideration of the $25,000 given by the city of Ann Arbor for the ereotion of said hospi tal. And if these ;annot be obtained, that a speoial rate be given for the care of smch oases at the hospitals. At the meeting of the oommoo conncil Monday evening the petition of 26 bntohers and provisión dealers invokiug the aid of the conncil to help them by ordinance to keep their resolution to close their places of bnsiness on Sundays was referred to the ordinanc8 oommittee. Store keeperB, like other business men, need a rest one day in the ■week and if throogh the cupidity of soma of them their virtuoos aim in tbe direction of Sonday closing ís to be prevented, it will be a good move for tbe ooouoil to step in and help them ont. The Michigan monthly bulletin of vital statistioB for the inonth of Angust gives the total nnmber of deatha in Washtenaw county for Angust as 44, divided as follows: Ann Arbor oity, 17; Ypsilanti city, 7; Manchester village, 2; Dexter village, 2; Ann Arbor town, 2; Angosta, 3; Freedom, 2; Lodi, 3; Salem, 2; one death each in kharon, Superior, Webster and York. 'Tbe numbers nnder one year old was 5; from 1 to 4 years inclusive, 2; tbe balance were of more rua:ure years. Cou6umption claimed 1 victim, typhoid fever 2, pneumonía Í, and diairbeal diseases 5.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News