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31st Mich. U. S. Volunteers

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Everybody in Washtenaw connty is interested in what tbe boys of the 31st Michigan ai'e doing at Camp Poland, Knoxville, Teun., and the following items gieaned from various sooroes wil! prove interesfcing reading. In onr own Co. A everybody has had a fit of siokness of mors or less severity, but that was to be expected in the climate and under the oonditions which tbey experienoed in Chiokamanga Park. All, however, who were siok are now on the meud, iuclnding the 10 or 12 who have been invalided home. The future of the regiment is soruewhat in doubt, but it is inore than probable that it will be sent to see service ie sorne part of America's recently acqoired teiritory Capt. RossGranger, of Co, A, arrived from Knoxville, Tenn., on a 12 days' furlough Monday eveniug. He looks bronzed and well and ias tbat beyond a 12 weeks' siege of aysentry he has never baen ill. The men in Co. A are as contented with their lot as it is possible for them to be and while maDy of the student members would like to resume their studies this fall, they will ulflll the ternas of their enlistment cheerfully if they oannot oome baok. In the examination for the seoond lieutenanoy of Co. A, made vacant by the promotion of Lieut. M. L. Belser to be first lieutenant, vice Lieut. A. M. Pack resigned, Duty Sergt. John W. Haarer won the examination and reoeived bis coinrnission Tuesday, it being dated Aug. 23. An idea of what good material the five men who took the examination are oan be formed from the faot that after the regular examination was oonoluded, three men Orderly Sergt. Wm. C. Cooper, Dnty Sergt. John W. Haarer and Corp. Ralph C. Magoöin were found to be so equally matohed tbat a special examination was necessary to decide whioh was the best man of tbe three. When Colonel Gardener was asked by Capt. Grauger why it was uecessary for bis men to take an extra examination tu that required of non-ooininissioned üffioers from other oompanies who were candidates for promotion he received tbe flattering answer that Co. A had the best set of non-oommiesioned officers in the regiment. Dr. Charlas W. Ryan, ü. of M. '95, of Co. H, Jaokson, has been appointad Cüinpany physioian of his compauy, and is doing good work taking care of the sick. Dr. Ryan 's experiences in the service have been anytbing bnt satisfactory to him. Daring tha early part of the year be was shifted about from one hospital to another, and were be to freely express his personal opinious tbey wonld be aDything bat oompliiuentary to some of the officials witti wbom he has come in contact. ', ïbe lst Georgia and 31st Michigan played bail at Baldwin park Saturday afteruoon. Miobigan won the game by a soore of 12 to (i. The two regimenté have been improving their last days together with as many intercbaDges of hospitality as possible. Company G, of the Sist took dinner with Company G, of Georgia, Satnrday, andthatnight several Miohigan companies were entertained over at Georgia's camp witb good tbings to eat and musió and speeches. Dnring the war of tbe rebellion the Georgia soldiers were the most cordial haters of the Miohigan men, and now the situation is utterly chauged, the Georgia oraokers think there are none like tbe Wolveriue boys and woold flght for them till the last droD of the hat. B. B. Johnson has resigced his position as seoretary of the Y. M. C. A. tent of the 31st Michigan at Camp Poland, on acconut of ill healtb and hiB desire to finish his college work in the nuiversity. Corporal JRiohard L. Flyno, of Co. A, has been detailed to take charge of the tent. It is said that more letters are sent out f rom the Miobigan Y. M. C. A. tent than from any otber in camp. '(The minibar averages between eight and nine bundred per day. It is ramored that when Col. Gardener returns 10 Knoxville be will take with him Sergt.-Maj. Dugger, of the 19th Infantry, .to fill the position of regimental adjutant. Sergt.-Maj. Dngger was slated for the position, ■when Col. Gardener flrst assurned command of the 31st, bnt at the last moment the governor deoided to return iiient. Frederiok L, Abel, of Detroit. Lieut. Abel resigned in June, and Li&nt. Homer D. Nash, of Jackson, who has since died, sucoeeded him. Corporal Osoar P. Burkhardt, who is home on sick furlough is rapidly regaining his bealtta. Masioian Charles F. Kyer is also gaining, the fever having broken, bnt he is still very weak. Ma.ior Nancrede has resignad has popition as brigade surgeon in the array. Hospital Sergt. Wallaoe G. Palmer was in the city Wednesday on his way to Ypsilanti on a 30 days' furlougb. He was very weak from the effects of malarial fever, bnt is daily on the mend. In the Detroit Journal's acoonnt of the return of the siok soldiers of the 31st Michigan to Detroit is found the following: "Anotber soldier, Edwaid MoMahon, of Ann Arbor, insisted that he was perfectly able to take oare of hitnself and got two of his oomrades to walk on either side of hitn. He was a sight to behold. His sallow faoe, his great blue eyes rendered appealing by bis bollowness of cheek and gauntness of form, and his clotbing hanging about hirn like a sack; his trousers seemed to hide two sterns of bone as they flapped witb each step. He bad nearly passed the ambulance when Dr. Gue spied him, and his ohanoes of escaping the hospital was gone. He was Dondled into an ambulance with all care and taken away to tbe hospital. He went side by side with another soldier, who, if anything, looked worse tban he did. "


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