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Claud Chapín bas retnrued frota Adrián. Tramps are nuinerous in Milán for :he last few days. C. W. Pullen has returned from his Belleville sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dexter are visiting friendss in Napoleon. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Woloott have re:urned from their Adrián sojourn. Rev. F. O. Jones will return to Milan as pastor of the M. E. cnuroh for the ensuing year. Mr. Series, of the Toledo Evening News, is here in the interest of that japer for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Brotherton, of Bay city, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Rouse over Snnday. The chicken pie sooial nnder the auspioes of the Epworth League Satarday evening was a saooess in every way. Miss Lelia Kelley left Monday evenng for Ann Arbor where she will atend thfi U. of M. this oominK year. The Presbyterian society has hired Rev. Mr. Maobeth as its pastor. He is expeoted to fill the pulpit the first Sunday in Ootober. Milan is baving its buildings nninjered by the Qaeen Oity Numbering Co. It is getting quite oityfled with ts eleotrio lights, eto. Mr. and Mrs. .T. Spragne have re;urned to their home in Ann Arbor af;er a few weeks' visit with their daugher Mrs. Q. R. Williams. Miss Plorenoe Chapin, who is teachng in the Case distriot, has 43 pupils on the roll and still there are more to 'ollow. Rather heavy work for one eaoher. The Baptist ladies are getting ready 'ot their annual oburoh fair, whioh bas made a date for Oot. 15. The Baptist aöies held the r t ja sooial at the residenoe of Mrs. Bertha Needham's yesrday afternou:) Milan has quite a list of siok soldier oys at borne, Walter Worth, Wn, H. Murray, Charles King, Frank Draper and others. Theo. Bargess bas reurned to his regiment iu Knosville, Tenn., and Will Lnxton expeots to 6ave next week to join his regiment. Milán is oongratalating Prof. O. H. Carriok od bis snooess in seouring saoh a fine list of erainont men on the M. H. S. L C. this winter. The foJlowng list will teil that hie efi'orts have not been in vain : Hoyt L. Oonary, 3on. C. H. Praser, of Wiscousin, Harvey Smith McEowin, of Detroit, Hon. G. A. Gearhart. Rev. M. H. MoMabon was in town a 'ew days ago en route f or Mt. Clemens. He had staid away froiu oonferenoe to make glad two hearts that wanted to jeafc as one, natnely, Moses J. Howe, r. , and Miss Marie Luetka. Rev. Moilahou, is a graud worker in the Lord's vineyard and every place is tbe better of bis having bean there.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News