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lON'T GOJT BLIND. There's No Need to iu Ann Arbor- The Way is Alinost Hedged with GuiUe Posts. Have you ever read a newspaper article, a fc'lowing account of boinö incident; told in elusive words to lead you on. and found it ended vvíth a proprietary medicine advertisement? Made you mad, did'ntitV And you ware conviriccd of the merit of that article? Wethinknot, because it toicl you the experienee ol'some stranger inafaraway town ; to take nis word for it was like "goingit blind." It's a very different when a statement is prescribed from a citizen. Prom people we know and that's the case here. Mrs. Jno. Kuebler, of 212 Miller Ave., says: "Some time ago I caught a severe cold which settled in my back and kidneys and broustht on an attack of lumbago or backaohe. There wa a constant, heavy dull, aching pain across my loins. It was painful for me to stoop or lift anything, 1 could not rest comfortably at night and always feit tired and ünrefreshed in the mornings. I was generally run down and languid. Having seen Doan's Kidney Pilis advertised and recommended so highly I went to Eberbach & Son's drug store and got a box. I did not take all of them before I was cured and I have had no return of the trouble since, I gladly recommend their use to others." Doan's Kidney Pilis, are sold for 50 cents by all dealers, or mailed on receipt of price by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole ageuts for the United States. Remember the name Doan"s and take no substitute.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News