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The Campaign Keynote

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The New York Journal with its accustorned sagaoity has struok the keynote of the coming campaign, as follows: The democratie party, the demócrata in coogress and - as has been repeated3y cbarged - the demooratio press are responsible for the declaratiou of the war. The Amerioan people are responsible for the war's glory and ior its trinmphs. The repnblioan party is responsible for the wai's mismanagemene, for the deaths, the needless sorrows that mar the national rejoicing. The demócrata in coagress voted freely the funds to carry on the fight. Kot a note of discord in the face of the enemy - only support for the administration. Bnt the demócrata were not oonceroed iu the corrnption, nor conneoted with the inoompetenoe with whioh these fnnds were disbursed. Nor were the democrats ooncerned in the cruelty and criminal neglect of which soldiers in camp have been viotims. Whoever will enalyze faots and not be blinded by a burrah campaign must see thaü the democrats have been conaected with every honorable and ornditable step in the war, and with nothing that is disbonorable or disoreditable. This is the exact truth olearly and tersely expressed. With these issues and with wise leaders, the demooratio party will win suoh a victory this fall as to make the result in 1900 certain. Sheriff Judson is the whole thiDg in the legislativa uoruinations in this oonnty. If yon want a good, solld substantial bnsinessTnan in congress yon will vote for Orrin Pieroe, of Hadson. If you like high state taxes and a wasteful extravagance in the spending of the peoples money, yon will stiok close to Piugree, the most extravagant goveruor Michigan has ever kuovyu. - ' .■■■ It looks as if the deinocrats were to make a good nomination today in the pereon of Chas. A. Ward for state senator. He wonld make an excellent, careful aod conscieutions legislator. Jndgingfrom the bitter attaoksmado by the Regiser od honest John Gillen, the demooratic candidato for sheriff:, the Register has made np its ïaind that all the republicans who know Mr. Gillon personally shall vote for him. Mr. Gillen is as olean a man as was ever put np for sheriff. In 1892 there were 35 olerks in tbe auditor-geueral's office and the expense of the offloe was #19,322.(59 for six inonths, while for the same six months in 1897 there were 110 olerks and the expense had inoreased to $45,307.51. The Coarier appeals to the republioaos uot to vote for Major Kirk beoause he wears sboulder straps. And this is the boasted repnblican love for the soldier. The soldiers, frieuds will remeniber it. Gov. Pingree's first year as goveroor ■was an expensive luxory to the people of Miohigan. The expenses were $1,497.029.39 inore that the state expenses during Gov. Winans' first year. How muoh longer will our farmers and business men stand suoh extravagance? The'criine of '98 will not be forgotten and espeoially by those who lose a brave, noble son f rom the family circle dne to diseasa and negleot of arrny officials. There were too many politioians awarded responsible positions. That is where tbe trouble lies. Politioaldebts werepaid off, but it oost the life of maDy a patriot. Truly tbis is a nation's shame. The democrats of Monroe oounty have put up a strong oonnty tioket and the prospeots are exoellent for its receiving a good uiajority. Lnke Dnnu is probably the best known of the nominees ia Washtenaw as he hasfrequent]y been seen at conveutions. He haa been renorninated for treasnrer. He is a whole sonled. hearty man, art excellent treasarer and, if he reoeived his jast deserts oonld be eleoted nnanimously. The "glories of the war" npon which the lepablican party expeoted to retaiu its majority in congress will tam ont to be the rock apon whioh it will perish. Every siok boy who retnrns home from the fever-strioken öanips, ohargeable to the inoompetenoe of McKinley's wardepartment, will get square with the administration whioh gave willing audiences to "pulls" and tnrned deaf ears to the pleadings of the


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News