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Tbe sooial was a snooess at Mrs. Bertha Needharn's on Connty st. The W. R. C. will have a social at tbeir hall tomorrow afternoon and evening. Tbe repairs at tbe Sonthern Washtenaw mili are nearly conipleted. Ularfe & Hasbley are doing the work. Mrs. Warren Mann, of Leslie, is here visiting her parents M. and Mrs. L. E. Teeter and other friends f or a few dayp. H. Parr found a partridge in hia barn the other day which undoubtedly had been frightened to that hiding place by huntsrs. Miss Nettie B. Taylor and her friend Miss Jennie Palmer have gone to Grass Lake to visit for a few days and attend the harvest festival. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hagaman entertaiued their unole and aunt, Mr.and Mrs. J. Partridge, for a few days. They retnrned to tbeir home in tbe sontbern part of Lenawee connty on Monday. Last Saturday while out buntiug with two older brothers snd Charles Sloat little Freddie Hasbey, son of George Hashley, was aocidentally shot, the whole charge entering bis side. They carried him to Isaao Hall's house, whioh was aboat 80 rods distant, where everytbing was done that oould be for the little eufferer but he only lived abont half an hour. He was 13 years old.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News