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The Pingree push is making a big bowl ab...

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The Pingree push is making a big bowl about what Pingree is doing for the soldiers. IJis especial confidant, friend and appointee, QuartermasterGeneral White, who is such a special pet of the goveruor's that he is allowed to draw two salaries, one as quartennaster-general and tbe other as lieutenant-colonel, has been charging the voiunteers of the 35th for elothing and equipment priees greatly in excess of what the federal govesnnaent asks for the same articles. Hats that the governnient furuishes at S5 cents the state charges the voluuteers 51.25 for, shirts issued by the government at $1.95 cost out boys $2.25, and everything else in proportion. It arnounts to an immense sum upon the equipments of twelve hundrod troops. and it all comes out of the poekets of the soldiers, the amount being deducted froni their allowance. ïhat some one got a big "rake off" on these extortionate priees is cerrain. and while none of the money may have gone into Pingree's own pocket there is no doubt but that much of it will go into the fund raised to continue the administration which encourages such rascallty. Just wait and see if Pingree doesn't cotton up to "Jim" McMülan yet. Xow that Col. Atkinson is dead, the governor has already begun to lose interest in the "equal taxation" issue. He never did clearly unrïerstaud it. anyway. Nearly all lm interviews and utteranees on the subject were writteu by the ingenious Gol. Atkinson. The governor is shrewd enough to see that he ean't fooi the people any longer with his fake reforms. He must depend entirely upon the support of the republican maerhine. This accounts for his fulsome eulogies of Alger. the man whoin he delighted to ridicule and abuse only two short months ago. He will be jollying "Jim" next. He has thrown off all disguises, and stands forth in his true character as a brawling gold standard, high protection, and thick-and-thin administsation republican.- Lansing Journal. Mark Hanna has made the remarkable discovery ïhat the cause of suffering by the volunteer regiments is to be attributed to thé offieers of such regimentó for whose appointment the governors of the several states are responsible. Xow. there is a charle for Governor Pingree to run up against. While he is looking at the subject the people should be remindeO that after the volunteers entered tlie federal service they were uuder the same medical care. the same quartermasters and the same commissaries as the regulars. ODe serious object ion to Pingree's plan for taxing coriiorations is the very serious one that it increases the horde of ofTiceholders who are already preying upon the tax payers to an unbearable; degree. There is uo hypocrisy or false pretense with Justin R. Whiting. He Is the soul of honor and candor In politics.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News