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[OFFICIAL] COUNCIL CHAMJBElt, 1 Ami Arbor, ept. 27th, 1898. ƒ Special session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Spathelf, Weeks, Howell, Pres. Luick. Aid. Koch moved tbat the Coimcil resolve itself into a Board of Review. Adoptetl. Aid. Hamilton moved that Aid. Cady act as chairman. Adopted. MEETING OF BOAKD OF REVIEW. lotice is hereby given that the Conilïion Council of the City of Ann Arbor will meet at the Council Chamber on Tuesday, the 27th day of September, 1898, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place, sitting as a Board of Review, it will proceed without adjouruing to review the special assessment rolls of Paving Districts Ños. 1 and 2, as certilied to said Coun■cil by the special assessor. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Dated, Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. lOth, 1898. State of Michigan, } County of Washtenaw, f E. L. Christensen, foreman of the printers of Washtenaw Evening Times Publishing Co., a newspaper printed and circulating in the County of Washtenaw, being duly sworu, deposes and says that the annexed notice has beeu duly published in said paper at least once in each week for 11 successive issues, and that the ürst publieation theraof was on the 14th day of September, A. D. 1898, and the last publication thereof was on the 26th day of September, A. D. 1898. E. L. Christenseii. Sworu to and subscribed before me tnis 28th day of September, A. D. 1898. Seth C. Randall, Notary Public for said County. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ) S. A. Moran, being duly sworn, deposes and says he is the publisher or The Ann Arbor Register, a newspapef printed and published in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, that the annexed notice has been duly published in said newspaper, at least -once in each week for 2 suecessive weeks, and that the flrst insertion thereof was on the 15th day of September, A. D. 1898. S. A. Moran. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of September, A. D. 1898. Andrew E. Gibson, Notary Public for said county. State of Michigan, ) County of Washtenaw, J Emma Kernper, principal clerk of the printers and publishers of The Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and eirculating in the County of Washtenaw, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed notice Las been duly published in said paper at least once in each week for two successive weeks, and that the first publication thereof was on the 16th day of September, A. D. 1898. Emma Kemper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this.27tti day of September, A, D. 1898. Seth C. Randall, JNotary Public in and for Washtenaw Co., Mieh. Whereupon the Board proceeded to review the Special Assessment Rolls in Pavement Districts Jïos. 1 and 2 as certified by the City Assessor. By Aid. Koch: The Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor sitting as a Board of Review, pursuant to a resolution of the ■Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor, passed at a regular session held iu the Council Chamber on the 5th day of September, 1898, fixing Tuesday, Sept. 27th, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m., at the Council Chamber, as the time and place for the sitting of the said cil as a Board or Review tor tne consideration of the Special Assessnient .Roll of Paving District No. One and the notice published in accordance therewith, do hereby certify that they have had under consideratiou tfee Special Assessnient Roll of Paving District Jío. 1 and having received the same and having heard all matters of complaint by the persons interested therein, and after due consideration tliereof do hereby certify that they approve said Special Assessment Roll of Paving District No 1 in all respects, and do f urther certify such determination to the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor. xdopted. By Aid. Koch: The Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor sitting as a Board of Review, pursuant to a resolution of the 'CoBimon Council of the City of Ann Arbor passed at a regular session held in the Council Chamber on the 5th day September, 1898, fixing Tuesday, Sept. 27tu, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m., at the Council Chamber, as the time and place f or the sitting of the said Council as a Board of Review íor the consideration of the Special Assessment Roll of Paving District No. 2 and the notice published in accordance therewith, do hereby certify that they have had under consideration the Special Assessment Roll of Paving District No. 2 and having reviewed the same, anc having heard all matters of complain Toy persons interested therein, and after due consideration thereof de hereby certify that they approve said Special Assessment Roll of Paving District No. 2 in all respects, and do f urther certify such determiaation to the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor. Adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Gljbn V. Mills, City Clerk. COUNCIL CHAMBEK, ) Ann Arbor, Sept. 27th, 1898, f Special session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. ' Roll called. Quorum present. Absent:- Aid. Spathelf , Weeks, Howell, Pres. Luick. Aid. Coon moved that Aid. Cady act as President pro tem. Adopted. COMMUNICATIONS. The Common Council of the City of Ana Arbor sitting as a Board of Review, pursuant to a resolution of the Conimou Council of the City of Aun Albor passed at a regular session held in the Council Chamber on theöth day of September, 1898, fixing Tuesdav Sept. 27tti. 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m., at he Council Chamber, as the time and tplace for thesittingof the said Counci as a Board of Review for the consideration of the Special Assessment Roll of Paving District No. 1, and the notice published in accordance therewith, do hereby certify that they have had under consideration the Special Assessment Roll of Paving District No. 1 and having reviewed the same and having heard all matters of cornplaintby the persons iuterested therein, and after dae consideration thereof do hereby certify that they approve said Special Assessment Roll of Paving District No. 1 in all respects, and do f urther certify such determito the Corumon Council of the City of Ann Arbor. Dated, A nu Arbor, Mich.,Sept.27th, .898. Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Review. C. II. Cady, Chairman. Aid. ' Coon moved that the Asessment Roll for Pavement District sNo. 1 be approved by the Council. Adopted. Ann Arbor, Sept. 27, 1898. ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENT IN PAVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1. ixcavation $ 1,431 00 Curbstone 3,186 00 Concrete 4,870 00 Sand 381 00 Jrick 8,967 60 Grout Ulier. 1,426 40 Adjustment of walks 3,247 50 Storm sewer 4,082 29 27,586 39 Add 5 per cent. for lnspeetion and contingencies 1,379 31 Estímate total cost $28,965 70 ?o be assessed to abutting property, 10,127 04 ?o be assessed to Street raiiway 1,702 88 ?o be assessed to general sewer fund 4,286 40 To be assessed to general streetf und 12,849 38 Estímate total assessment $28,965 70 I hereby certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. By Aid. Koch : Be it resolved by the Common üouncil of the City of Ann Arbor that ;he Special Assessment Roll of Paving Mstrict No. 1, this day certifled to this Council by the Board of Review and now before said Council be and the ame is hereby fully and in all respects confirmed. And the City Assessor of the said City is hereby ordered to assess and pread upon the Special Assessmeut loll of Paving District No. 1 and on and uponeach andeveryof the regular annual assessment rolls in said City of Ann Arbor for the year in and during which any such special assessment hall or may be payable, the sum of 510,127.04, the sum being the sum of money fixed and determined upon as ;ue estimated cost of the pavement for vhich such special assessment is made, treet crossings and intersections excepted, and one-fifth of the balance of he cost also exeepted, and to levy and assess against the owner or occupants of the lands set down therein n proportion to the foot frontage of he several pareéis as provided by law and an ordinance of said City, enitled "Ordinance Relative to Street 3aving," passed bysaid Council on the "th day of July, 1897, and approved the 12th day of July, 1897. And it is f urther ordered that said Special Assessment Roll be and the same is hereby certified to the City Assessor with a copy of the resolution attached thereto. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Loch, Dieterle, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Cady, Stevens - 11. Nays- None. COMMUNICATIONS. The Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor sitting as a Board of Review, pursuant to a resolution of the Uommon Council of the city of Ann ArDor passed at a regular session held in ;he council chamber on the 5th day of September, 1898, iixing Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m, at the council chamber as the time and place for ;be sitting of the said council as a Board of Review for the consideration of the Special Assessment Roll of Pavng District No. 2, and the notice pubished in accordance therewith, do aereby certify that they have had under consideration the Special Assessment Roll of Paving District No. 2, and having reviewed the same, and háving heard all matters of complaint 'by persons interested. therin, and after due consideration thereof do hereby certify that they approve said Special Assessment Roll of Paving Di3trict No. 2 in all respects, and do further certify such determination to the Common Uouncil of the city of Ann Arbor. Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Review. C. A. Cady, Chairman. Aid. Hamilton moved that the assessment roll for Pavement District No. 2 be adopted by the Council. Adopted. ESTIMATED COST OF IMPKOVEMENT IN PAVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2. Excavatlon :ij8HL Curbstoue J380-W Concrete 2022, :0 Sand -i t_,.i, 3T22.40 GroutFÏnër.::.: eao Adjustment of Walks 0.00 Storm Sewers $9460.61 Add 5 per cent for Inspection and contingencles 4i2.03 Total Cost S!22.Üt To be assessed on abuttiüK property 15068.52 .. " " street rallway 723.97 i ' " geueral sewer fund 560.60 .. " " street " Söüb.-tö Total Assessmeut $i)22.Bt I hereby certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowlege and belief. Geo. F. Key, City Eng. By Alderman Koch : Be it resolved by the Comrnon Council of the City of Ánn Arbor that the special assessment roll of paving district No. 2, this day certifted to this Council by the Board of Review and now before said Council be and the same is hereby fully and in all respects confirmed. And the City Assessor of the said city is hereby ordered to assess and spread upon the special assessment roll of paving district No. 2 and on and upon each and every of the regular annual assessment rolls in said city of Ann Arbor tor the year in and during which any such special assessmenfshall or may be payable, the sum of $5,063.52, the "surn being the sum of money fixed and determmed upon as the estimated cost of the pavement for which sueh special assessment is made, Street crossings and intersections excepted, and oneflfth of the balance of the cost also excepted, and to levy and assess against the owner or occupants of the lands set down therin in proportion to the foot frontage of the several pareéis as provided by law and an ordinance of said city, entitled "Ordinance Relative to Street Paving." Passed by said council on the 7th day of July, 1897, and approved the 12th day of July, 1897. And it is further ordered that said special assessment roll be and the same is hereby certified to the City Asseosor witb. a copy of tbis resolution attached thereto. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Koch, Dielerle, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Cady, Stevens. Nays - None. On motion the council adjourned. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Council Chamber, I Ann Arbor. September 27, 1898. f Special Session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills Citv Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Spathelf, Weeks, Howell, Pres. Luick. Alü. Hamilton moved that Aid. Cady act as President. Adopted. The clerk presented the following resolutions adopted by the Common Council Sept. 5th J898. By Aid. Brown: Whereas the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor has been applieá to in writing by ten or more freeholders of saiá city to lay out, establish and open an alley betweed Liberty and Williams streets in said city. Resolved, that it is hereby determined by this Council that it is advisable to lay out, open and establish an alley described as follows, to-wit: A strip of land in block 3 south, range 3 east composed of the west 8 ft. of lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 also the east 8 ft of lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, also the east 10 ft of lot 1, also the east 10 ft of the north 44 ft of lot 2, also the easterly portion of the south 22 ft of lot 2, thiè portion being 10 ft wide on the north end and 8 ft wide on the souih end, and Resolved, that Tuesday, the 27th day of September, 1898, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. , at the Common Council Chamber in the city of Ann Arbor be, and the same is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where this council will meet to consider the proposed improvement and to hear the parties interested therein. And Resolved, that notice of this meeting be given to the persons interested in said proposed improvement in accordance with Section 12 of the Charter of the City of Ann Arbor. By Aid. Brown: Whereas the common council of the City of Ann Arbor has been applied to in writing by ten or more freeholders of said city' to lay out, establish and open a continuation of Catherine street between north División street and north State street. Resolved that it is hereby determined by this Council that it is advisable to lay out, open and establish a street described as follows, to wit : Commencing at a point in the east line of North División street at the southwest corner of the Episcopal churchproperty, running thence easterly along the south line of said property and on said line extended to a point in the west line of north State street. thence southerly along the west line of State street 45 f eet : thence westerly parallel to the first line to a point in the east line of north División street 45 feet south of the place of beginning; thence northerly on the east line of north División street 45 feet to the place of beginning. And, Resolved that Tuesday the 27th day of September 1898 at 2 o'clock p. m. at the Common Council Chamber iu the City of Ann Arbor be and the same is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where this Council will meet to consider the proposed improvement and to hear the parties interested therein. And, Resolved that notice of this meeting be given to the persons interested in said proposed improvement in accordance with Sec. 127 of the Charter of the City of Ann Arbor. The Clerk presented the following to the Council. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, f ZenaB Sweet, City Marshall of the City of Ann Arbor in the county and state aforesaid, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 14th day of September, 1898, he gave notice of the pendency of the question of ordering the improvement proposed by the annexed resolution of the Common Council of said City, to the owners or occupants or persons interested in such proposed improvement by service of a true copy of the annexed resolution upon each of the following named persons personally ; Agath'a Weitbrecht, Jacob Laubengayer, George W. Moore, Andrew Muehlig, John N. Wagner, John Lindenschmidt, Conrad Georg, Christena Dieterle, John Allen and Anna Behr. Deponent further says that upon the date aforesaid he served a true copy of the annexed resolution upon the estáte of Henry Binder deceased by delivering a true copy ttereof to Caroline Binder, the occupant of the real estáte of which said Henry Binder died seized; upon Christian Mack and Frederick Schmid, co-partners, by delivering a true copy thereof to Christian Mack as agent for said partnership ; upon the estáte of J. Frederick Btoss deceased. by delivering a true copy thereof to Gerhart JosenhaM the agent of the occupants of the premisos belonging to said estáte; upon J. Frederick BrossJr. by delivering a true copy thereof to Catherine F. Bross, his agent; upon Ralph C. Whiting by delivering a true copy thereof to Mary C. Whiting his agent; upon Maurice W. Milward Dy delivering a true copy thereof to Elsie V. Milward his agent; and upon Wil liam H. Freeman by delivering a tru copy taereof to Caroline M. Freeman his agent. Zenas Sweet. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27 th day oí September, 1898. Glen V. Mills Notary Public. Sir: ■ Whereas the Common Council o the City of Ann Arbor has been applied to in writing by ten or more free holders of said City to lay out, esUtbhsh and open an aliey between Liberty and Wilham streets in said City and whereas by a resolution of the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor passed at the adjourned recular session of said Council held at the Council Chamber on the 6th day of September, 1898, it was determined by said Council that it is advisable to lay out, open and establish an alley described as follows, to wit : A strip of land in Block 3 south, Range 3 east, composed of the west eight feet of lote 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 : also the east eight f eej of lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8; also the east ten feet of ot 1 ; also the east ten feet of the nortb 44 feet of lot 2 ; also the easterly portion of the south 22 feet of lot 2, this portion being ten feet wide on the north end and eight feet wide on the south end. You are hereby notifled that the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor wiil meet at the Council Chamber in said City on Tuesday the 27th day of September, 1898, at the hour of ' o'clock p. m. to consider the proposed improvement, and to hear the parties nterested. Glen. V. Mills City Clerk. State of Miehigaü, ) County of Washtenaw, f Zenas S weet, City Marshall of thé City of Ann Arbor, being duly sworn, eposes and says that on the 14th day f september, 1898, he gave notice of ihe pendency of the question of orderng the improvement proposed by the etition referred to in the resolution of he Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor of whicb. the annexed is a opy, to the owners, occupants, or perons interested, by delivering a true opy thereof on the date aforesaid to ach of the foüowing named persons ersonally : Leonhard Gruner, Mary vlaynard, Mary E. Whitlark and Ellen Vlorae; tnat on the 15th day of Septmber, 1898, he delivered a true copy f said resolution to Jennie V. Gregory nd Samuel R. Gregory personally ; tiat on the 14th day of September, 89S, he gave notice to Hannah Gregry by delivering a true copy of said esolution to Lauren D. Carr, her gent: and to St. Andrews Episcopal ociety by delivering a true copy ot aid resolution to Harry W. Douglass, s agent. Zenas Sweet Subscribed and sworn to before me his 27th day of September, 1898. Glen V. Mills, Notary Public, ir: Whereas the Common Council of the Dity of Ann Arbor has been applied to n writing by ten or more free holders f said city, to lay out, establish and pen a continuation of Catherine street etween North División street and Slorth State street: and whereas at tne djourned regular session of said Common Council held at the council chamer in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesay, the 6th day of September, 1898, it vas determined by said Council that it s advisable to lay out, open and esablish a street described as follows, owit: Commencing at a point in the east ine of North División street at the outh-west corner of the Episcopal Church property; running thence asterly along the south line of said property and on said line extended to a point in the west line of North State street; thence southerly along the west ine of State Street 45 feet ; thence vesterly parallel to the first Une to a joint in the east line of North División Street 45 feet south of the place of bejinninp: thence northerly on the east ine of North División Street 45 feet to he place of beginning. You are hereby Dotified that the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor will meet at the Council Chamjer in said City, on Tuesday, the 27th ay of September, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m., to consider the proposed improvement, and to hear the parties interested herein. Glen V. Mills City Clerk. Whereupon all parties interested and [esiring to be heard were permitted to jresent their case to the council. Aid. Hamilton moved that formal action on the alley be deferred to the next regular ssssion. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Koch, Dielerle. Sweet, E.unger, Vandawarker. Brown, Coon, Cady, Stevens -11. Nays - None. Aid. Coon moved that final action on Catherine street be postponed until the next regular session. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Sweet, Exinger, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Cady, Stevens- 9. Nays- Koch, Dieterle- 2. On motion the Council adiourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News