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Village Happenings: Sharon

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Village Happenings: Sharon

Josiah Sloat was out buying stock last week.

Mrs. Rachel DuBois went to Milan on Monday.

Mr. Frank Trolz and Miss Emrna Gilbert were married last week.

Mrs. Feather and granddaughter, of Jackson, spent last week in town.

Misses Anna aud Lena Kuhl visited at Mrs. Lewis Bnrns' on Monday.

Charles A. Bullard and family, formerly of this town, have moved to Jaokson.

Wilber Comstook, of Grass Lake spent Sunday with his parents in East Sharon.

There was a surprise on Mrs. Arnold H. Kuhl last week. It being her 56th birthday.

Mrs. Harriet Bnllard has come to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Helen Gillett.

Mrs. Wilber Comstock, of Grass Lake, spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Chas. Pardee.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kent and cbildren, of Shaftsburg, are visiting at the home of Myron C. Pieice.

The F. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Thomas Green on Wednesday, Oct. 5. A goodly number were present.