Local Brevities
The copola on the Perry school will be removed.
The Jeffersonian Society holds its opening meeting this evening.
There are three candidates for the Royal Arch degree next Monday night.
A Freshman Glee Club has been organized with Roland Barret as leader.
H. M. Rich, sophomore medie, has been elected managing editor of the S. C. A. Bulletin.
Edward Dunlap and Mrs. Fanny Armstrong were married Wednesday by Rev. B. L. McElroy.
Harry B. Porter, of Saginaw has been elected track manager in the place of Roger Morris, resigned.
The board of public works want $350 to purchase plank for the Broadway bridge and culverts and crosswalks.
The building on E. Huron st., for so many years occupied by Volland's harness shop is being rebuilt in modern style.
The botanical garden on the campus has been robbed of flowers and shrubs. The guilty parties deserve the severest punishment.
The city engineer estimates that to pave Washington st. from Ashley to Fifth ave. will cost $15,235 for brick pavement and $15,884 for asphalt.
Mrs. Minnie Reyer died Sunday afternoon of consumption at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Christian Reyer, on S. Fifth ave., aged 28 years. She left a little daughter eight years old.
The meeting at the Y. M. O. A. Sunday, at 2: 45 p. m. will be led by Prof. Geo. O. Higley. All men are invited to come to this meeting. As a special muical feature Mr. Waltet Crego will render a cornet solo.
Rev. J. H. Crooker will begin his ministry at the Unitarian church in Ann Arbor next Sunday morning. He and his wife are temporarily stopping at the Cook house, but before many days they will be settled in the parsonage on N. State st.
Monday night a gentleman residing at the corner of E. Ann and N. Thayer st. surprised a sneaking fellow peeping in at the window of a sleeping room in his house. The fellow's good use of his legs prevented the gentleman from capturing him, but he is given fair warning that there is a double barreled gun loaded with buckshot and whose contents can travel faster than his legs is in readiness for him should he repeat his visit.
The Ann Arbor and Detroit football teams play football on the fair grounds this afternoon.
Judge Cooley left no will, his property being divided among his children as the law provides.
The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's church meet in Harris hall at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
The following students have been appointed assistants in the law library : W. H. North, M. Watkins, C. E. Barthel and Theo. F. Lake.
The Detroit Journal is authority for the statement that Prof. M. E. Cooley may remain permanently in the U. S. navy. He is now located at League Island.
The case against Edward Ascher, alias Lang, for the murder of Valmore C. Nichols, will not be tried at this term of the circuit court in Wayne county.
Dr. R. S. Copeland is down for an address tomorrow before the annual conference of the Detroit District Epworth League at Wayne. The league is composed of chapters with 3,632 members.
The proceedings for the opening of the alleyway between Liberty and William st., parallel to Main st., turn out not to have been in strict legal form, although the intentions were all right, and they will have to be begin over again.
A straight tip has been given out that Gov. Pingree has slated Rev. Dan Shier, of Manchester, for the chaplaincy of the Jaokson prison. Rev. Mr. Shier has been a staunch Judsonite and was a delegate to the several republican cunventions this year.
Miss Frano Sharer was a candidate for the presidency of the senior law class and is the first woman who has ever aspired to that position. She is quite popular but polled but 35 out of the 211 votes. There were, however, a number of candidates.
The republicans are sending their heavyweights out on the stump in this county. Next week Chas. E. Townsend, Henry C. Smith, W. W. Wedemeyer, Frank E. Jones, A. J.' Waters, Judge Newkirk and George S. Wheeler will make the hustings ring.
The Ladies' Society of the Bethlehem church last evening gave Mrs. Fred Stein a delightful surprise party. This was the first social party given in the commodious new residenoe of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stein on S. Fifth ave. The house is elegantly arranged with all modern improvements.
It is with gratification that not only the members of the Presbyterian church of Ann Arbor, but all of the citizens learn of the election of Judge Henry M. Swau, of Detroit, as member of the board of trustees of the Tappan Association. He is a business man and has the confidence of people who can if they will, put Tappan hall on a basis to do the good that was contemplated when Senator McMillan made his gift.
William Neville, grandfather of Mrs. William Walsh and John P. McHugh, of this city, died in Detroit Sunday night at the every advanced age of 96 years. He was 10 years old when the war of 1812 broke out. He was born in Belfast, Ireland, and came to America in 1818. He removed to Detroit in 1863 and was a pioneer shoe manufacturer there employing a number of hands. He is survived by a son and three daughters.
John Neff, of Fosters, was arrested yesterday on the charge of entering the house of George Wagner, of Soio, with intent to commit larceny. He plead not guilty and his examination was set for Oct. 25 and be was released on $50 bail. Neff had worked for Wagner and had gone back for his clothes. The door was locked and it is claimed that Neff found the key, unlocked the door and took his clothes and that $11 was also missing from the house.
Up to last Monday night 2,885 students had registered at the university, a decrease of 71 students from the same date last year. If the same number enter after Oct. 10, this year as did last the attendance will reach 3, 144. The falling off in the literary registration is 31, engineering 29, medical 17, law 5, and pharmacy 2, while the gain in the dental department was 10 and in the homeopathic 2. There are more than the decreased number of students among the soldiers who are anxious to resume their studies at the university.
Dr. W. W. Nichols picked two quarts of raspberries last week, his second crop.
O. A. Critchett, of Co. A, 31st Michigan, is at home on sick leave, arrivng Sunday.
George Johnson has been sent to the Industrial school at Lansing on complaint of his father.
H. M. Oren, law '83, the republican candidate for attorney general, is down for a meeting in this city, Oct. 29.
The paving on Main st. seems to stand a great deal of scraping without much apparent effect, being, as dirty as ever.
Washtenaw didn't get either a grand or traverse juyrman for the November erm of the U. S. district court in Detroit.
Edward Stoll and Miss Hattie Laing were married at 517 Benjamin st. on Wednesday of last week by Rev. J. Nenmann.
A complete set of furniture has been ordered for the trophy room of the Waterman gymnasium by the Athletic Association.
Michigan contains 45 coin manderies of Knights Templar and 5,635 kuigbts, while the United States has 998 commanderies with 114,316 members.
Dr. Hinsdale, the homeopathio dean, addressed the Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana Homeopathie Medical Association at La Porte, Tnesday.
Mrs. John Cobble, who has resided on the Saline gravel road for the past 27 years and who gets a $12 widow's pension, has removed to London, England.
Judge Newkirk, G. F. Allmendinger and H. H. Herbst are a committee to arrange a coarse of study for the business men's Bible class of the Congregational church.
An Ann Arbor hotel cook refused to clean fish for dinner and was discharged. The cook insisted that it was a scaly business and he wouldn't do it. - Adrian Press.
Joseph T. Jacobs resigned his position on the board of education Taesday and at the meeting of the board Tuesday evening John V. Sheehan was elected to fill the vacancy.
The enrollment of the city schools has reached 2,208, of which 1,656 are in the ward schools and 552 in the high school. The enrollment is just three more than at the same time last year.
The Main st. paving cost $26,902.40 of which $15,267,554 has been paid. The contractors are still whistling for the balance, there being no money in tbe city treasury. The storm sewers cost $4,508.75.
Rev. A. E. Burrows, Ph. D., bas been in the city this week soliciting financial aid for the Michigan Children's Home Society, whose object is to gather up the homeless children and provide them with christian homes. The receiving home is at St-. Joseph. The society is doing a good work.
Mrs. Sarah Ann Flintoff died in Northfield Wednesday leaving four children. She was born in Romulus, N. Y., Nov. 13, and was married to Robert Flintoff, of Northfield, in April, 1855. Her maiden name was Rookafellar. Her husabnd died about a year ago. The funeral takes place at 10:30 o'clock today from the house and the interment will be in the Leland cemetery.
Ann Arbor was considerably in evidence this week at the Michigan Presbyterian synod, held in Detroit. Rev. J. Mills Gelston was elected moderator. He reported on the Tappan Association for work among the students and characterized Senator MoMillan's gift as being wrapt up and laid away in a napkin, there being no money to pay running expenses. At the celebration of the 250th anniversary of tbe Westminster standards, Judge Victor H. Lane gave an interesting address.
"From the appearance of the sidewalks or rather want of sidewalks on W. Huron and Washington str.," said a citizen, "it would seem that we were living in some rural district where there were neither mayor, alderman, street commissioner or board of public works. Why there are holes in the sidewalks on W. Washington st., that will certainly be good for $1,800 to any attorney who has a case for damages for a client who was hurt there. Nothing will be done apparently until after the poor taxpayers are bled."
The school funds are overdrawn $6,881.76.
H. E. Lehr has opened a dental office on State st.
Undertaker Muehlig bas just received a new hearse from Urbana, Ohio.
There is talk of naming the Fourth ward school the Klisha Jones school.
The 31st Michigan will take up its winter quarters at Atlanta, Georgia.
Fraternity Lodge, F. and A. M. , will have work on the first degree tonight.
Fraternity Grange took the first premium on their display at the county fair.
There are 6, 071 volumes in the school library, a gain of 549 in the past year.
Dr. James B. Angell is down on the Normal lecture course for a lecture on "The Eastern Question."
Dean Seabolt received his back pay from Uncle Sam this morning for his services in the 31st Michigan.
Premiums earned at the county fair will be paid after the meeting of the board of managers next Friday.
John Parker, accused of stealing $130 from the Alpha Delta Phi house, has been bound over to the circuit court.
Ann Arbor Hive, L. O. T. M., will have a banquet on the evening of Nov. 10, to commemorate their seventh anniversary.
Catherine Zahn has filed a bill for divorce from Christian Zahn. They were married in 1883 and have five children.
The faculty of the pharmacy department has awarded the Stearns fellowship to R. J. Jaakel, of the University of Wisconsin.
Charles H. King, a private of Co. M, 32d Michigan, who was at the home of his mother, Airs. Rouse, of Milan, on a furlough, died yesterday.
Mrs. Merrie Hoover Abbott, LL. B., of Michigan University, is the fusion candidate for prosecuting attorney of Ogemaw county and is conceded to be a winner.
Dr. W. W. Kichols will be through with his fruit farm vacation this week and commencing Monday will be found at his office in the Savings Bank block regularly every day.
Rev. A. L. Nicklas, of Zion Lutheran church, announced to his congregation Snnday tbat he had decided to remain in Ann Arbor and decline the call to Pamperville, Ohio.
The '02 medics have elected tbe following officers: President, W. S. Homquist; vice-president, Miss Bowp'l; secretary, Mr. Morse; treasurer, E. A. Webber; sergeant-at-arms, Miss -Alta Rice.
John Gillen, the democratic nominee for sheriff, has been very ill with a fever at his home in Saline, which has confined him to his bed for the past week or ten days. He is thought to be improving.
A goat made its appearance in the chancel of St. Andrews', church during the morning services last Sunday and after walking quietly around was ejected without disturbance. It went around to the front of the church and tried to get in that way, but was stopped by the ushers.
Ex-Ald. Chris. Heinzmann, landlord of the Forest City house, Bay City, spent Wednesday night with his brother John Hainzmann. Mr. Heinzmann reports business in Bay City looking up and the outlook is very bright. Three coal mines are in operation, in one of which he is interested.
J. S. Peaii, a young Wyandotte lawyer died yesterday of typhoid fever. He was a graduate of the university and bad been business manager of the U. of M. Daily. He was a member of Otseniogo Lodge, No. 295, I. O. O. F., of Ann Arbor, of the Ypsilanti tent of Maccabees and of the Masonic lodge of Wyandotte, and was 27 years of age.
Last week the Argns said Director Thomas Birkett, of the Lansing, Dexter & Ann Arbor Electric Bailway Company, had corroborated Col. Mape in his statement that the construction of the road would commence within 30 days. Mr. Birkett says the reporter misunderstood him, that it is his individual opinion nothing will be done in the way of work this season. Th Argus-Democrat is glad to put Mr Birkett in a right light before the public in this matter.