The Salem Farmers' Club
The Salem Farmers' Club held their regular monthly meeting last Friday at the Baptist parsonage in Salem village. The club which has not yet reached a very great age is a very live one and includes in its membership a great many well informed and excellent farmers. The township is an excellent agricultural one and contains many fine residences. It was first surveyed in 1816 and a very poor survey it was, which afterwards caused the farmers to lose much land that they had paid for. It was first settled by John, Joseph and Mrs. Amy Dickenson and Elkanah Pratt in 1825. The first post office was established in 1832 near Lapham's corners. Rev. Eben Carpenter who settled in the township in 1831, took part in the organization of the first Baptist society in 1833, Rev. Moses Clark being the first pastor. Rev. Hiram Hamilton was the first preacher of the Presbyterian church in 1833. The Congregational church was organized in 1839. The township has enjoyed a singular freedom from crime and is an excellent and model community. It is just the kind of a township in which you would expect to find a large, prosperous and progressive farmers' club.
The regular program on Friday was not carried out owing to the absence of several to whom parts had been assigned and the visitors were called upon to do most of the talking. The dinner, social and musical part was done ample justice. The spirit of hospitality and good comradeship manifested was such as to warm the heart of a stranger.
The whole club joined in singing "My Country, 'tis of Thee." Rev. Mr. Calkins made a fervent prayer. Little Edna Thrasher sang a pretty little song and Miss Edna Jarvis gave a recitation. Rev. Mr. Hannahan sang a solo, indicating the possession of a fine voice. Charles Kingsley was called upon for a speech without notice and with no subject being assigned him. He spoke of the fees given county officers and wanted the paid salaries in the place of fees and said that if the legislators didn't see that this matter was pressed, the farmers would see that they didn't go back to the legislature. Most of us who pay taxes, he said, haven't a great deal and they take it in taxes to pay some fellows who have.
W. B. Thompson, who had been appointed at the last meeting to interview the candidates for senator and representatives on the county officers' salaries and the Atkinson bill, reported that so far as he was able to learn all our candidates were in favor of these measures, although he wasn't so certain of the republican candidate for senator.
Little Edna Thrasher, the daughter of the host of the day, gave a recitation which drew forth approving applause.
J. H. Kingsley, of Manchester, after telling a couple of stories, took up the war topic. He said the war was undoubtedly forced upon our government and the administration held back until Dewey at Hong Kong was armed and equipped. Dewey carried out his orders and won a victory so great that it taught the foreign powers a lesson. They now have at least respect for the American republic. This government stands today in a more important position than it ever has. It must build the Nicaraguan canal. We need statesmanship in the future. There was no politics in the war, which has made us a united people. There is now no north and south.
A petty duet, "The Bird with a Broken Wing, " was sung and Rev. Mr. Calkins said: We have entered upon a new era. We have broken over the bounds of the 120 years of American policy outlined by Washington. Our name has cometohave the savor of fragrance all the way round the world. We are beginning as a nation to broaden, getting in touch with international politics as a moral influence. The politics of Europe today revolves around the problems of Africa. The deadly post line bas been crossed and Africa is just opened to the enterprise of the white man. There is more gold in sight in one of the mining districts of South Africa than is now in circulation in the whole world. He explained why the war lord of Europe, as he termed the German emperor, prevented England from interfering in behalf of Greece. England fears Russia and Russia, England. Germany said to Russia, France and England, "hands off." When be heard of the ships of the Germans crawling in Manila, he felt as if he would like to be in command of an American gunboat. Germany was longing for a scrap with the U. S. but after Manila and Santiago, their eyes bulged out. He believed God was preparing a lesson for the emperor of Germany.
S. W. Beakes, of the Argus-Democrat, urged the annexation of the Phillipines, giving the reasons why he thought it would be beneficial to this country.
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller were elected to membership in the club and the club adjourned with singing "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, " after deciding to meet on the first Wednesday in November at the home of Charles Kingsley.
After the adjournment, the ladies of the club held a business-like meeting by themselves.