Local Brevities
Mr. and Mrs. William Goetz have a little son at their house.
The Cosmoramma at the Athens Theater Monday night.
The University library has increased to 122,926 volumes and 18,461 pamphlets.
Mrs. Leonora Aldrich has been granted a widow's pension of $8 a month.
President Angell lectures in Detroit, Jan. 12, in the Y.M.C.A. Star Course.
E. B. Norris is the name of the democratic candidate for state treasurer of New York.
Arien Selleck and Edna M. Barhydt, of this city, were married at Sandwich, Ont., Sept. 28.
The Northside church building fund is $130.80 ahead from the work of the ladies at the fair grounds.
At the Baptist state convention in Owosso Wednesday, Prof. W. W. Beman, of this city was elected treasurer.
C. H. Cady is platting a subdivision between Packard and State sts. and the plat names one of the streets Dewey ave.
The morning train south on the Ann Arbor road now goes at 7:25 a.m., which is five minutes earlier than formerly.
Miss Loving was elected vice president of the Michigan Library Association at their meeting in Bay City this week.
President James B. Angell will respond to the toast "International Arbitration" at the peace jubilee banquet in Chicago this evening.
Dean Seabolt took his old place behind the desk in Davis & Seabolt's grocery Monday after serving six months in Uncle Sam's army.
Joe Seabolt is home on a ten day furlough. Joe has been combatting the evils of camp life at Chickamauga and Knoxville with Co. B, of Adrian.
Harrison W. Bassett, of Saline, has declined the republican nomination for surveyor and Jerome Allen, of Ypsilanti has been put on the ticket to fill the vacancy.
Miss Catherine Eiting died Friday at her home on W. Seventh st., of consumption, aged 26 years. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at Zion's church.
John C. Mead has not fully recovered from his illness of a year ago, his steps are feeble and hesitating, yet it is hinted he could be induced to run for an office this fall.
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its regular semi-monthly meeting, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the rooms over the post office. Subject, "The Plebiscite"
Mrs. Angell has generously consented to give a talk on "Constantinople," tomorrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the Ladies' Library building. Admission 25 cents. All are cordially invited.
The farm personal of Benjamin Culy, deceased, will be sold at auction on the premises one and one-half miles south east of Dexter village on the Ann Arbor road on Monday, Oct. 24, 1898, at one 1 o'clock p.m.
Dr. Roy S. Copeland will address the men's meeting at the Y.M.C.A. next Sunday at 2:45 p.m. Dr. Copeland is an interesting speaker and no one should fail to come and hear him. Special music will be provided.
There are 814,339 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in the world, an increase of 8,284 in the past year, and 297,691 members of Rebekah Lodges, an increase of 16,650. There are 461 lodges in Michigan with 23,546 members.
The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the M.E. church elected the following officers last Friday: President, Mrs. E. E. Calkins; recording secretary, Mrs. Amanda Bassett; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Rose Boder: treasurer, Mrs. Catherine Cramer.
The bills of Sheriff Judson were allowed in full yesterday afternoon.
A horse belonging to E. R. Beal, of Ypsilanti, was stolen Wednesday night.
Don't miss the Epworth League entertainment at the opera house Monday night.
The U. of M. football team defeated the Case Scientific school by 23 to 5, Wednesday.
The supervisors have cut about $300 out of the bills presented them for payment this year.
Degree of Honor, No. 55, A. O. U. W., give a social and dance at their hall this evening.
The school children have been given until next Tuesday to bring in their money for the Lafayette memorial.
Georgia, the six years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Beach, of S. Thayer st., died Sunday of meningitis.
A big two column portrait of Julius V. Seyler formerly of this city heads a piano advertisement in the Detroit papers.
The first Wesleyan guild lecture will be given at the M. E. church by Dr. Jessie Bowman Young, of St. Louis, Oct. 30.
Jacob Schnetter is up before Justice Duffy on the charge of stealing 200 feet of piping from J. E. Beal. He denies the charge.
A proposition came before the regents Tuesday to provide for the education of our Cubans. The scheme is that of Gen. Jos. Wheeler.
Rev. Frank Kelly, chaplain of the 32nd Michigan Volunteers, will officiate in St. Thomas' church next Sunday at 10:30 o'clock.
Dean C. Seabolt, who has just been discharged from the 1st Michigan, has purchased the residence of his brother, W. T. Seabolt, on N. Fifth ave.
John Wisner, the building mover, is striving to bring the street car line to time on the matter of allowing him to move buildings across their line.
The city attorney has decided that the foot frontage assessment is illegal under the charter and that a new assessment must be made by valuation of lots.
Miss Emma E. Bower appeared before the supervisors Wednesday with a plea for the construction of an addition to the jail so that the female prisoners could be completely separated from the male prisoners.
In the circuit court yesterday, Judge Kinne set aside the deed of the late Frances Wallace to her brother Jacob L. Wallace of a lot in Ypsilanti, as far as the bill of Dr. Murdock, of Northville, for $118 is concerned, as a deed given with the intention of defrauding creditors.
The educational classes at the Y.M.C.A. will commence next week. All young men who have an idea that they would be interested in the work of the night school are cordially invited to come to the rooms on Monday evening, Oct. 24, and talk the matter over with the secretary.
Not only has the Argus-Democrat more than double the circulation of any other English weekly in the country, but it also publishes more news. Last week for instance it contained 385 separate and distinct items of local news mentioning the names of 831 persons. That is the way it proposes to retain and increase its leadership.
The thoroughness of the instruction given by the law department of the university of Michigan, has again been demonstrated. George N. Fell, '98 law, of Toledo, last week secured first place in the examination of 140 candidates for admission to the bar at Columbus, Ohio. His percentage was 92.2, while the next man to him only received 88.3. Only 79 students of the whole number examined passed.
Three tailors went out on the raging Huron last Sunday afternoon with two boats and some, "Oh be joyful." After getting a little beyond the joyful stage, the two who were in one boat deliberately took hold of the other fellow's boat and tipped it over, throwing him into the water. They at once rowed away to the other side of the river. The man in the water was helplessly full. Fortunately he was seen by a boatman who came to his assistance and got him ashore after he had been ten minutes in the cold water, and was perfectly stiff. He was taken home in a hack.
The Broadway bridge will be re-planked.
The University Masonic Club has 90 members.
Ex-Mayor Walker is rebuilding his house on N. State st.
Mrs. Eliza Sunderland has been quite ill since her removal to California.
Mrs. Dunn is building a new house adjoining her residence on E. Kingsley st.
Mrs. Hreman Eisenloffel died at her home on Wildt st., Monday, of paralysis.
According to Postmaster Pond, 162 new houses have been built in this city since Jan. 1.
The U. of M. Rifles were reorganized Friday evening and 30 new men were recruited.
It is reported that Carew & Co., who built the new law building lost $1,000 on their contract.
W. Eugene Page, the greatest mandolin virtuoso, will give a concert at the School of Music this evening.
Prof. Henry C. Adams has returned from a year spent in Europe studying the European railway systems.
The sheriff will be allowed 70 cents turnkey fees and 11 cents for meals and lodging during the coming year.
The university grounds, buildings, books, statuary, apparatus, etc., are valued by Major Soule at $1,777,406.
Michigan defeated Adelbert college Saturday in the foot ball game on the Athletic grounds by the score of 18 to 0.
Everyone should hear Hon. Justin R. Whiting, the democratic candidate for governor when he speaks here next Wednesday.
Hon. A. J. Sawyer has been appointed by the state bar association to present a memorial concerning Judge Cooley to the supreme court, Nov. 1.
Every voter in this city must register on Nov. 2. See the registration notices on another page. This general re-registration comes once every eight years and this is the year.
The board of supervisors voted not to have plans and specifications for an addition to the jail submitted at the January session. The proposition was lost by a vote of 9 to 11.
The Elks will initiate another large class next Thursday night. The lodge will assemble for work at 7 o'clock p.m. sharp. The initiation will be followed by a social session.
City Clerk Mills is working a scheme through the supervisors providing for gravel walks across the court yard square and settees. He wants flower beds, etc., to beautify the lawns.
Charles Hill, of Northfield, was before Justice Duffy Tuesday, charged with attempting to assault his daughter with a knife, was discharged upon his promise to leave the county, the daughter withdrawing the complaint.
Since Sept. 4, the National Protective Society, of Bay City, of which Harry Benham is the local agent, has paid the following claims: Emil Molkenten, $9.16; Frank Pierce, $22.50; J.R. Cromwell, $37.50; Wm. Stein, $4; W.O. Thomas, $36.
The Ann Arbor Lodge of Elks are arranging to put on the opera "Two Vagabonds" in November. Prof. Lombard, of Jackson, is here to assist in the production. It will be first class in every respect. Jackson lodge is expected to be here in force.
Earl Husted, a freshman law, was knocked down by a gas explosion in a bath room on S. Fifth ave. this week. He attempted to light the hot water heater but allowed too much gas to escape before doing so. The heater was destroyed and a large plate glass demolished.
The board of supervisors will be through their session this week and for the first time in years, the county will have had a two weeks session of the board, instead of three. The supervisors should have credit for a considerable saving to the taxpayers by a short session.
Harry Donnelly, son of Joseph Donnelly, of this city, whose laugh is famous throughout the state, will be married in Chicago on New Year's day to Miss Annie Caden, of Chicago, in the Church of the Holy Name. It is expected that Archbishop Feehan will perform the ceremony.
City Clerk Mills is passing the cigars in honor of a new boy at his house. It is the first boy but he has three little sisters, who as they grow older and the young men begin to flock around the Mills homestead, will afford so much sport to that youngster or else he isn't much like his papa.
The Universities of Michigan and Pennsylvania will have a debate here March 3 on the question: "Resolved, That under existing conditions the abolition by all civilized nations of their armies and navies other than those required for the maintenance of their domestic police is feasible."
The Fair Association came out ahead this year. Their total expenses were $3,202.05, including some $300 spent for permanent improvements. They are in position to pay all expenses and have $152.96 ahead. Great credit is due the officers and especially Supt. Mills for the successful result.
There will be a song service at the Unitarian church next Sunday evening at which the following program of music will be rendered:
Offertoire--Flute and Organ....Batiste Mr. Smith and Miss Smith.
Anthem--"The Stain Upraise"....Buck
Solo--"Crossing the Bar"....Behrend Mr. Dras.
Anthem--"Lift Up Your Heads Ye Gates" Violin Obligato.
Offertory--Traumerei and Romance....Schumann Miss French and Miss Smith.
Solo--"Heaven Hath Shed a Tear"....Kucken Miss Young, violin obligats Mr. Saunders.
Get your new butcher knives at C. SCHLENKER'S, the hardware man on W. Liberty st.