Laid At Rest
Three Funeral Services Were Held Sunday.
The funeral services of Mrs. Jacob Heinzmann, held Sunday afternoon at the residence of her son John Heinzmann on W. Washington st., were largely attended by many old friends and neighbors. Rev. Mr. Nicklas, of Zions' church officiated. Many floral offerings testified to the love and respect of the deceased. The church choir sang appropriate hymns. The pall bearers were old neighbors, Anton Teufel, John Walz, John George Grossmann and Thomas Rauschenberger. The remains were laid by the side of her husband in the family burial lot in Forest Hill cemetery. Among the relatives from out of town in-attendance were her son ex-Ald. Chris Heinzmann, of Bay City, and her niece and husband Mr. and Mrs. John Heydlauff, of Waterloo, Jackson county. A number of others were prevented from being present on account of sickness.
The funeral services of John Caspar Merkle, of No. 616 S. Division st., who died Friday morning, were held at his late residence Sunday afternoon, Rev. John Neumann, of the Bethlehem church, officiating. The remains were interred in the family burial lot in Forrest Hill cemetery. Mr. Merkle was born Mar. 26, '11, in Weinstein, Wurtemberg. He came to Ann Arbor at an early date. He was a gardener by trade. Fifty-seven years ago he married Miss Mary Deible, the daughter of one of the pioneer German school masters of the county. His wife is very low and hardly expected to long survive her husband. There are five surviving children, Fred, of this city, Charles, of Grand Rapids, Dora, wife, of Dr. Chas. McLean, of Hancock, Louise, wife of John Ziegler, of Ann Arbor, and John A., of Toledo.
The funeral services of Marie Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Luckhardt, of Bridgewater township, were held in the Bethel church, in Freedom, Sunday morning, Rev. Paul Irion, officiating. A very large concourse of friends were present. The interment took place in the church graveyard. The deceased died on Wednesday of Bright's disease. Her maiden name was Armbruster and she was born on the Atlantic ocean 52 years ago, her parents removing from Hesse Cassel, Germany. She was married 35 years, and her husband and five children, Henry, Emma, wife of Rev. Ernest Brenion, of Howard City, Minnie, wife of Herman Allmendinger, of Ann Arbor, Thomas and Jacob, three grandchildren and a number of brothers and sisters survive her.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat
Thomas Rauschenberger
Thomas Luckhardt
Rev. A. L. Nicklas
Minnie Luckhardt Allmendinger
Marie Elizabeth Armbruster Luckhardt
John Walz
John Heydlauff
John George Grossman
John Caspar Merkle
Jacob Luckhardt
Jacob Heinzmann
Herman Allmendinger
Henry Luckhardt
Emma Luckhardt Brenion
Chris Heinzmann
Anton Teufel
616 S. Division St