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From Tuesday’s Daily Argus.

Henry Frank is the father of an eight pound boy.

Carl F. Alban and Miss. Minnie Moore, of Ypsilanti, were licensed to marry yesterday.

Daniel L. Feldkamp, of Sharon, and Miss Lydia Lutz, of Saline, were given a license to marry yesterday afternoon.

A burning chimney at the home of G. H. Hahn, No. 1000 W. Huron st., last evening, called out the fire department.

The reserved seats for the May Festival has aggregated 450 so far. There are plenty of good seats which can still be secured.

William Eschelbach, of Freedom, and Miss Lizzie Haist, of Lima, were licensed today to make each other happy in the matrimonial harness.

Marcus D. Miller, of Geddes ave., has exchanged his property for a farm three miles east of Milan in Monroe County. He left yesterday to look over his farm.

The members of the Keystone club house at Zukey lake are today enjoying the exhilerating sport of ice boating. They shipped three new ice boats to the lake this morning.

Joseph Ball and Frank Mack, who claimed to be ice cutters from Ypsilanti, were sentenced to 10 days in jail yesterday afternoon by Justice Duffy for being drunk on the streets.

The funeral services of Mrs. Rosina Regina Zahn, held in the Salem church, Weinsberg, Sunday morning was very largely attended. She had a very large circle of friends, being one of the old pioneers.

The thermometor at the Detroit Observatory of the University of Michigan this morning registered 2 degrees below. Dr. W. W. Nichols' glass registered zero. Thomas Speechley, of Traver st., says his glass at sunrise showed 4 degrees below zero.

A committee of three from each of the 15 lodges of the A. O. U. W., of Detroit, has been appointed to get up a trolley party of A. O. U. W.s to this city on Washington's Birthday. The grand lodge will visit the university buildings in a body on that day.

Jost Holzapfel, who died last week in Waterloo township, Jackson county, immigrated to America from Wurtemberg in '54. When he reached Ann Arbor with his parents he was united to Miss Maria Madalena Sturner. They immediately left for Waterloo where they ever after made their home.

Four cases of drunk on the streets were brought before Justice Duffy today. James Weslau, John Ryan and Samuel Rogers were sent to jail for 10 days each. William J. Willard was let off on suspended sentence. He was a well dressed stranger, who claimed to be a bridge builder out of work, who has never been arrested before, and promised to get out of town instantly if they would only let him go.

A Lansing dispatch says: Receiver Stone has commenced suit against Reuben Kempf, of Ann Arbor, to enforce a stockholders' liability. The books of the Central Michigan Savings Bank show that he is the owner of $5,000 stock in that institution, and Receiver Stone seeks to recover a like amount, the law providing that a stockholder shall be liable to an assessment equal to the amount of his stock. Mr. Kempf contested the assessment on the ground that he was simply holding the stock as security.

Judge Newkirk today decided the claim of Willis Clark in the estate of Israel Clark. A question had been raised as to whether Willis Clark had been indentured or adopted. The judge decided that he was adopted and that he could file no claim against the estate for services before he was 21, as he took the estate as an heir subject to dower and creditor rights. The question was whether he should take his chances with the creditors or take what was left after the creditors had been paid, subject to dower rights.

Dr. Collins H. Johnson, of Grand Rapids, will address the U. of M. medical society Feb. 16. Dr. Johnson is a graduate of the department. After he left Ann Arbor he spent several years in Berlin, Germany, attending the hospitals there. His wife is well known here being a sister of Hon. Nathan Sutton, of Northfield.


From Yesterday's Daily Argus.

If your business is not worth advertising advertise it for sale.

The Oddfellows will give a dance at their hall next Monday evening. The democratic county convention will be held in this city Thursday, March 2.

Mary Collins Whiting has been appointed guardian of Daniel LaFurge, incompetent.

W. A. Hawks, a teacher in the high school, has purchased the house at the corner of Huron and Ingalls sts.

There will be an entertainment on the Northside Friday evening for the benefit of the new church there.

First Lieutenant Green has been detailed as commander of the Ypsilanti company in Cuba vice Capt. McKeand, who is sick.

Ottmar Eberbach, of Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co., is preparing to build a new residence south of his present home on S. Fourth ave.

The declaration in the case of Geo. N. Cady vs. The D., Y. & A. A. road for putting Cady off the cars near Wayne was filed here today.

E. L. Hurlburt, of this city, and Miss Minnie Osier, of Fairhaven, were licensed to marry today. Both bride and groom are 20 years of age.

The daughter-in-law of Robert Moore, of Webster, died this morning at 10 o'clock in confinement. The funeral services will be held Friday in Dexter.

Fred Hicks, of Geddes, has just purchased a lot on Church st., and will erect a fine residence upon it in the spring. The purchase was made through the Carr agency.

John Kalmbach, of Northfield, aged 82 years, died this morning. His funeral services will be held at his late residence Friday morning at 10 o'clock, the interment will take place on Forest Hill cemetery.

The coming civil service examination in the post office will be taken by a number of applicants. There is no easier way of getting a public position than by studying up and passing a good civil service examination. The Ann Arbor Brewing Co. today completed harvesting its annual ice crop. The company has its own pond close to its ice houses so that all expense of hauling the ice is avoided. The ice is cut and sent right up the chute into the house.

Mrs. Joseph Pray, of Whitmore Lake, was in the city today for the purpose of registering a plat of an addition to Whitmore Lake. She has received good news from her son Dwight A. Pray, who is at Redlands, Cal. He writes his health is improving.

The inquiries in reference to the post graduate course of the Homeopathic department of the University of Michigan which opens next Tuesday morning, are coming in from all over the country. An increased attendance over the successful course of last year is expected. The Jackson council has appropriated $100 to buy a pair of wooden legs for Hunter Jones, the colored man who had both legs cut off by a freight train a year or so ago and was picked up and taken to the hospital in this city, where he astonished everyone by his fortitude and made a speedy recovery.

Ex-Ald. Fred Barker, of Barker Bros., painters, says if plans indicate a building boom, there certainly will be one in Ann Arbor this year. He has figured on more plans up to date than last year up to June. This is evidently going to be a good year for the city if everybody takes hold and shoves along the good work.

The next semester of the University School of Music will open next Monday. A number of new applications have been received and the prospects are bright for an increased attendance. If every citizen would canvass his friends from out of town, the school could be put on the basis of numbers, what it is in standing, the foremost in America.

The Y. M. C. A. have just commenced preparations for a concert to be given at a future date not yet agreed upon. A cantata by Sullivan entitled "On Shore and Sea," will be given. Nathan Stanger is to be manager and Miss Emma Fischer will do the drilling. A large amount of music for the occasion has been ordered by Prof. J. F. Schaeberle.

The Knights of Maccabees of the city last evening were united in a conspiracy but it was a most happy one. They surprised the ladies of the L. O. T. M. in their hall and provided them with a pleasant supper and music They had a most delightful evening with dancing, cards and social conversation. It was a very late or it might be termed a very early hour when the last happy Knight and Lady left for home.

William Deubel, the well known miller of Ypsilanti, paid a pleasant call at the Argus office. Mr. Deubel says he expects to see the price of wheat advance, because the price is out of proportion to that of corn. When three bushels of corn will buy one of wheat it is about right. He does a large foreign business, one of his best customers being at Stiog, Ireland. This man once sent him an order for a carload of flour with the request to make the price as reasonable as possible. During the busy life of Mr. Deubel he has seen the evolution from flour mills to the roller mills.

The Mystic Shriners are exhibiting some beautiful invitation announcements of their coming meeting in Detroit. They read: "There will be a disturbance in Moslem, Friday, Feb. 17, 1899." The announcements are gotten up in all the coloring of oriental styles and contain some fine steel engravings.

There is a report current that the republicans are having a pretty kettle of fish prepared for their caucuses to be held Friday evening. It is said that the "opposition" are keeping quiet with the hope that there will be a slight attendance, and then they will be able to spring a list of delegates which will be unfavorable to Regent Dean's nomination. Deputy Railroad Commissioner Judson says he doesn't care anything at all about this spring's caucuses.

From Wednesday's Daily Argus.

The linemen working on the cable of the Bell Telephone Co. laid off today on account of the cold.

Fred Laubengayer, of Scio, left today for Salina, Kas., to look after his large stock interests.

O. D. Moore and wife, of Whitmore Lake, were in the city yesterday. Mr. Moore is foreman of the ice gang of the Toledo Ice Co.

Christian Heusel, of Scio, was in the city today. He reports the cold winds are doing much injury to the wheat. Some fields have been practically ruined.

Feb. 12, is the 90th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, and the Unitarian church will hold commeration exercises suitable to the occasion. Rev. J. H. Crooker will deliver the address.

Cards are out announcing the marriage next Wednesday evening, Feb. 15, of Miss Minnie L. Bender and Mr. Jonathan Stanger. Miss Bender is a popular teacher of the city schools and Mr. Stanger is the well known piano tuner.

George Apfel, of the firm of Lindenschmitt & Apfel, says that there was one comfort today which was that while there were not many people from the country in town, those that were, came to buy. They had a fixed purpose in view.

The Business Men's Protective Association, of Ypsilanti, held its annual meeting Tuesday evening at which it was decided to offer all encouragement and give all possible aid to the promoters of the electric road to Saline, and if necessary to take up some of the bonds.

Mrs. Mary Walbridge, widow of the late Chauncey Walbridge, was found dead in a wood shed at her residence in Manchester yesterday morning. It is supposed she fell there the previous evening and was too feeble to help herself. She was 87 years of age and lived alone.

Deputy Internal Revenue Collector George W. Fleming, of Adrian, while in the city today called at the county clerk's office and found fault with the notary public bonds which had not been stamped with internal revenue stamps. All notary bonds filed since July 1 last must have a 50-cent stamp put on them.

There will be an auction sale on John Coyle's farm three miles west of Whitmore Lake, Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 10 o'clock, at which a pair of gray horses 13 years old, three mares, calves, heifer, 55 sheep, many farming tools and potatoes, hay, and corn will be sold. Emery Leland is auctioneer.

Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, of the homeopathic department, has received a number of letters from Ohio homeopathic physicians in regard to the organization and management of the homeopathic department of the University of Michigan, and its relation to the alopathic department. The establishment of a homeopathic department at the Ohio State University is being talked of.

The thermometer went pretty low last evening. Dr. W. W. Nichols' self registering thermometer at his office showed 13 degrees below and at his home on his farm 16 degrees below. At the Detroit Observatory of the university the glass registered 12 degrees below. At Johnson's Forest ave. grocery at 7 o'clock the glass was down to 12 degrees below. At 8 o'clock the glass at the Eberbach drug store was 7 degrees below. The prospects for a wheat or peach crop are diminishing.