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Sugar Beets Talk

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Prof's Smith and Freer Before the Farmers' Institute.


A Profitable Cow is Discussed This Afternoon.

Considerable Interest Is Taken in the Woman's Section.--The First Day's Proceedings of the Washtenaw Farmers' Institute.

The first Washtenaw Farmers' Institute under state auspices was in session in this city at Newberry hall Wednesday. The farmers were a little tardy in getting in and it was 10 o'clock before the institute was called to order by President William Campbell. After prayer by Rev. J. M. Gelston, the president made a brief talk. He, said among other things that the subject of sugar beets was at present time attracting much attention. He thought the more sugar beets men raised the fewer dead beats there would be. He said the farmer must find some way to get more money out of his business. Intelligent farmers were not willing to live on potatoes alone and dress in sheepskins. They needed and must have clothing and food suited to the needs of modern life; they must have the best schools, the best papers, magazines and books, and hence, more money.

They come together, he said, in institutes to get better ideas on all sorts of subjects. And there were always at these meetings men and women who could give pointers on a wide range of subjects. He then introduced Prof. C. D. Smith, of the Agricultural College who spoke on the subject, "Sugar Beets." He said the interest in the subject at present was intense. He should speak, he said, from the farmers' side of it as the manufacturers' side was only indirectly interesting to such a gathering.

Not all soils, he said, were adapted to the growing of sugar beets. Clay and muck were not suited to this purpose. Photographs were exhibited of the beets grown upon sandy loam, which he said was the best soil for their culture, and likewise of those grown upon stiff clay. Those from sandy soil were long and tapering and nearly smooth while those from the clay soil were sprawling, being divided into numerous roots. This division is accused by the inability of the top root to get down into the ground to a sufficient depth to enable the beet to develop naturally. These sprangly beets are just as rich in saccharine matter as the others, but when they are taken to the factory those large branching roots are lopped off and there is a loss in weight of about 27 per cent. It was not altogether clear, he said, why black muck was not good for beet culture. Generally, however, the percentage of sugar was less although sometimes it was very high.

Normally beets have but five or six per cent of sugar but sometimes they test as high as 22. The quality depends largely on the seed used. It requires about five years to produce a beet, growing from the best seed each year, which has the highest sugar percentage. It is not easy to get the best seed in quantities in this country for the reason that Germany has laid a heavy export duty on beet seed. We will have to cultivate seed here. Supplies for experimentation can be obtained from the agricultural college.

Ground should be prepared by deep plowing, seed should be sown in rows about corn planting time. The rows should be about 20 to 22 inches apart. From 12 to 15 pounds of seed are required to the acre. When the beets are up to about the fourth leaf, they have to be thinned with a hoe. Starting with two inches of beets, six inches should be cut out and soon. At the present time all this has to be done by hand. When the rows are 18 inches apart a person has to crawl on his knees a distance of about five and a half miles to thin an acre. This is usually done by foreign women and boys. This Prof. Smith declared was an insurmountable difficulty to the large production of beets in this country at any considerable distance from a city with a large foreign population. Sixty five cents a day is paid for this labor and it takes seven and a half days to thin an acre. After thinning their care differs little from care given to potatoes. The beets are pulled and two or three rows are placed together with the tops all one way. Then all that part which grows above ground is cut off with a knife. The delivery is generally in four parts and during October, November, December and January. When not delivered at the factory until late in the winter they must be put in a silo for protection. It does not hurt them to freeze provided they are used before they thaw out but freezing and thawing spoils them.

The average cost of production per acre is about $32.06, divided somewhat as follows: Preparing ground $2.50; seed, $1.50; sowing, 50 cents; cultivating six times, $2.40; thinning and weeding, $8; harvesting, $8. The average yield about 14 tons per acre. The usual profits range from $22 to $35 per acre. The sugar, he said, comes entirely from air. But the other products of the beet are drawn from the soil and the soil must be fertilized to replace what they extract from it otherwise diseased and inferior beets are produced.

At the close of Prof. Smith's paper the institute adjourned to the medical building so that Prof. Freer might have the use of a stereopticon in illustrating his lecture.

Prof. Freer in opening, upon the same subject, entered into a brief history of sugar from the earliest times. First came to Europe about 1140 or 1150 and was brought to Spain by the Arabs in the 16th century and by the Spaniards into Mexico and Cuba. He also gave a history of the development of the beet sugar industry and said there was now twice as much beet sugar produced as cane sugar. Many interesting statistics as to the building of factories in Europe were given and also a history of bounty system and how it has worked abroad. He said we only produced one-sixth of the sugar we consume in this country, but he saw no reason why we might not produce all. He gave a minute description of the methods of testing the sugar beet. Among the states producing sugar beets Michigan was second only to New York in the quality of her beets. Prof. Freer reproduced from this point in his lecture on, much which had been given by Prof. Smith. By means of the stereopticon he exhibited upon a screen a map showing the regions of the United States best adapted to the culture of sugar beets, natural and deformed beets, ingredients taken from the soil in growing them and the percentage of the same, also the machinery needed for the manufacture.

The woman's section which met in the lower room of Newberry hall filled every available chair. It was called to order by Miss Jennie Buel, of An Arbor, chairman. Its success was shown by the interest manifested. A question "Should the duties of a wife be superceded by those of a mother," was answered by Mrs. Helen H. Kelley. The program for tomorrow afternoon.

The afternoon session of the Farmer's institute was slow in coming to order. C. P. Goodrich, the cow expert, was late in arriving, the benefits of having two kinds of time receiving a practical illustration. Until he appeared, Prof. Clinton D. Smith answered questions on the beet sugar, He said while seed retain their vitality three years, he would not recommend old seeds as only 65 per cent of two year old seed will germinate. In speaking of the profits of raising sugar beets and manufacturing the sugar, he said, it all depended on the locality, seasons and above all things the business management.

C. P. Goodrich, of Ft. Atkinson, Wis., was introduced and spoke on "The Profitable Cow." He is an enthusiast on the subject, knows what he talks about and so witty that he immediately captured his audience. A profitable cow was one that would consume the crops of the farm, pay for the same and the labor of taking care of the cow and leave something more. The something more was the profit. This depended on many conditions but on more than anything else on the man who handled the cow. He gave some of the points of a good dairy cow as being a broad forehead, mild large full intelligent eyes showing a strong brain. Milk was the product of nerve force. No cow without a strong brain could be a good milk producer.

After music, Prof. G. A. Waterman, of the Agricultura! College spoke on "Diseases of the Dairy Cow." Theodore F. Lake, of Mansfield, Ohio, gave a recitation and the afternoon session concluded with a talk by C. P. Goodrich on "Feeds and Feeding Dairy Cows."

At Wednesday afternoon's session of the Farmers' Institute, Prof. G. A. Waterman, the veterinary surgeon of he Agricultural College spoke of the 'Diseases of the Dairy Cow." He illustrated his remarks with large pictures on canvas. He was remarkably clear and created much interest. He advocated that farmers learn to treat their cows when sick, and gave the treatment to prevent many diseases. He was followed by C. P. Goodrich on " Feeds and Feeding a Dairy Cow. " He believed in high feeding but advised great care in not giving too much concentrates in proportion to coarse feed. There must be a sufficiency of protein fed. Many questions were put to Mr. Goodrich which he answered very happily. He was asked if the kind of feed would produce an increase in the richness of the milk. He said he could not answer this. He had once said it did, and he had gone to work to prove this, and had found out he could not. He had ever since been hearing of what he once said. He wished people would forget it. So much interest was taken in the subjects discussed that the audience seemed loath to leave the hall. Secretary Mills announced that all who became members of the association and paid their membership of 25 cents, would receive all of the bulletins issued by the agricultural experiment station, many of which were very valuable.

The evening's session was opened with a song by the U. of M. Glee Club, "The Yellow and Blue." The assemblage was greatly pleased with the singing and called loudly for more.

As Mrs. Ella E. Rockwood, of Flint, who was to open the program was not present, the president introduced President Snyder, of the Agricultural College, who spoke on "Progress and Education." He said the advantages we enjoy today were unknown to the preceding generation. There had been more progress during the span of a single life than in several previous centuries. He described the progress resulting from the application of steam as a motive power, how the earth was girdled with steel bands and the waters plowed by the ocean grey hound. These tracks have become the arteries along which pulsate the commerce and intelligence of the world. He noted the progress and development of labor saving machinery and the advantages resulting therefrom. He related what worlds of the unknown had been brought to view by the telescope and the microscope. He told of a sermon he once heard in which the preacher stated that in the heavenly world space vision would be practically annihilated and would know no bounds. But steam and electricity and the X ray have brought these things to pass in the present world. Modern civilization has become very complex and demands the products of the whole world. To meet these demands and utilize the machinery of production requires cooperation. The business of the present has far outgrown the power of the individual. It is necessary to pool forces.

Those who wished to be a living part of all this progress must have their forces and abilities under the highest state of development and discipline. The men and the women of the coming generation must have the hand and the eye as well as the mind trained for life's duties. Provision for these necessities had not been forgotten. School and organizations for moral and religious instruction had kept pace with the developments in other lines. He would have manual training and cooking and sewing provided for in all grammar schools and high schools. There was plenty of evidence in support of the assertion that these could be had without detracting from the standing of students in their usual studies. These things were important since it is necessary that the entire man be educated. It would prevent in large measure that idea which young people who have acquired some scholastic training sometimes affect that they are above and beyond anything in the line of manual labor. He would have each and every child well educated, for education meant opportunity and lack of it, lack of opportunity. Education and industry must be mixed. At the present time the average life in school is but four years. This must be increased. The application of machinery to industry in all lines made more training a necessity. Dr. Snyder's address was written and was a fine literary effort. After its close brief talks were made on the same subject by Senator Campbell, Prof. Smith, Mrs. Emma Campbell, D. A. Hammond and Dr. C. P. Goodrich, of Ft. Atkinson, Wis.

The Thursday session did not open until 10 o'clock and Miss J. A. King preceptress of the State Normal college was announced as the first speaker. She said she would limit her subject "Michigan "Schools," to Washtenaw county schools. The school was the most vital community interest. It was entitled to receive and should receive at the hands of the parents and taxpayers interested the most careful oversight and inspection. Its purpose is to serve the people as an adjunct to the home, the church and the Sunday school. All these were parts of one whole and should co-operate for the highest well being of the child. If the school is not what it should be, it is the duty of those controlling them in the first instance to see that they are made what they should be. There should always exist the closest and most intelligent relation between parents and school. There should be no working to diverse ends. Every effort of the various social agencies should make for the proper fitting of the boys and girls for the duties the men and women are performing today. The next generation must live and do on a higher plane than the present and every help must be given the children to prepare them for this station. The home must help the child for as the home is, so in large measure will the school be. There was too much of the critical, in the nature of faultfinding, which greatly added to the teacher's difficulties. Many times the teacher was looked upon as the natural enemy, there was a great gulf between parent and teacher. These differences generally arose from lack of sympathy with teacher in the home. Parents should visit the schools, become acquainted with the teacher and the management of the school. The school is our dearest and most costly interest, the means through which the community works out its elevation and hence is entitled to the aid and sympathy of all. Better teachers are needed and might be secured if the same careful attention were given to the school that farmers give to their stock. There should be better library facilities as the library is a most valuable adjunct to the school. Then there should be a better course of study. Children need to have more to do with things. There should be less of the abstract and more of the concrete, less of the "filling of the bucket" method of teaching. Lastly the social side of child life should be cultivated and developed.

Dr. Hinsdale continued the discussion. He said in opening he had always noticed with much satisfaction that Farmers institutes always devote a part of their programs to educational subjects. This was proper, especially the discussion of education in its relation to their calling. The same thing would be most proper in the meetings of other callings. He quoted from Judge Cooley's history of Michigan as follows: "In respect to the general education of the people, Michigan was fortunate in the persons to whom the destinies of the territory were committed in its early days. Two ideas appear to have been dominant in the educational legislation and institutions of the state from the earliest period. These are that the means of rudimentary education shall be placed within reach of every child in the state, and that opportunities for thorough culture shall given as speedily and completely as the circumstances of the people permit." The school System of the state has been worked out in strict consonance with these ideas. He said the organization of the school system of Michigan and other eastern states marked a step forward in the educational history of the country. The system in older states differs from ours in that provision is made by law for elementary education and secondary schools, but there is no provision for a university. The university feature is lacking in a majority of the older states. The western systems of public education make provision for three divisions of schools, primary, schools, high schools and university. This is after the plan of many European countries, notably Switzerland, France and Germany. There is nothing he declared, that has given the state more credit and prestige out side than its system of education. But Michigan has never won her educational reputation by the excellence of her primary schools. This has come through her high schools and university. Farmers, he said, were most directly interested in the primary or elementary school. They were the foundation of the educational system and all were interested in them. He spoke of the differences between the advantages of country and city children, but did not attempt to say which had the greater. Country children came in immediate contact with nature, the real things of life, while city children were ignorant of the phenomena of country life.

Some of the weaknesses of the rural schools were the inferior teachers and shortness of school terms. The law requires but five months school and it should be seven. These weaknesses may be remedied by demanding seven, by paying teachers more and by combining schools under a township plan. Under the district system some schools were too small while others are too large. He gave evidence to prove that under the township unit system, the teaching force may be strengthened, the course of study extended and the children collected and conveyed to and from the school in conveyances which protect them from the weather and all for a less expense than at present. The plan is worthy of careful investigation.