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From Tuesday's Daily Argus.

 L. Eugene Champion, was this morning appointed by Judge of Probate Newkirk, guardian of Fannie B. and Samuel Champion minors.

The D. , Y. & A. A. railroad company should get stronger axles for its cars. It broke another on Griswold st. , Detroit, yesterday and delayed traffic for a long time.

Fred Weimnann, escaped inmate of the Eastern Asylum at Pontiac, captured at Lake City, Missaukee, county, was returned to the asylum this morning by Sheriff Gillen.

Ernest Alfred Schlup, the three weeks' old child of Mr. and Mrs. Schlup, of W. Liberty st,, died this morning. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon.

George J. Mann sells his farm stock and tools on Wednesday, Feb. 22. on his farm in Lodi, including horses, cows, sheep, pig, chickens and all manner of farm implements. A lunch will be served at noon.

Mack & Schmid are about to build two new stores on S. Main st. on their vacant lots between the Lambert shoe shop and the Argus office. They will be built of brick and about 20 by 70 feet. One of them has already been rented.

Last evening was a dancing evening. The Odd Fellows dance attracted a number, others went to the Maccabee dance at Whitmore Lake, while some went to the masquerade at Ypsilanti. A dance at Dexter also drew Ann Arbor visitors.

The fourth annual banquet tendered by the Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will be given to the active and associate members of that association next Tuesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. On that occasion the board of directors will act as waiters.

John E. Nolan. of Flint, and Miss Lizzie O'Conner of this city, were quietly married this morning at 8 o'clock in St. Thomas chapel, Rev. E. D. Kelly officiating. Andrew Galvin, of Detroit, and Miss Delia O'Connner, sister of the bride, stood up with the couple.

F. Stofflet's show window is adorned with a Spanish regimental flag, captured at Manila by Gilbert Perrine. The flag is three feet by two in size, and bears two bullet holes. Gilbert Perrine is reported as having died of small pox about Jan. 1. His parents reside on N. Main st.

This morning Prof. R. O. Emmons, of Jackson, was in the city and after looking over Dr. Dell's Shetland ponies, purchased Compressed, a tiny little two year old mare. Prof. Emmons is a well known animal trainer. He has a contract to travel with Forepaugh's circus this summer.

About 30 of August Rhode's friends dropped in on him last evening very unceremoniously, the occasion being his 25th birthday. They made him a present of a fine writing desk. The evening was spent in social converse and playing the games of the olden time. The occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Dr. F. S. Bourns who was one of the landing party which raised the American flag over the island of Guam was in several dangerous reconnoitering expeditious and conducted the negotiations with Agunaldo and other insurgent leaders. He carried messages under fire during the attack on Manila. After the Surrender of the city he was made chief health officer. - Detroit Journal.

A temperance  rally, of young and old, will be held next Sunday at 3:30 p. m. in the M. E. church of this city. A fine program is being prepared. The Episcopal choir, the Epworth League orchestra and several soloists will furnish special music. Recitations and brief addresses will be given by university students, the children will also have a part. This program ought to attract a large audience. Parents should bring their children, and children their parents.

Agent Eugene Gilmore, of the Ann Arbor road, this afternoon received a dispatch from J. J. Kirby. assistant general passenger agent announcing excursion rates from all stations Saturday for the reception to be given Hon. William Jenning Bryan at the court house in this city. Citizens of Ana Arbor should make this known as widely as possible.

The following named pupils of the high school were announced today as the participants in the usual junior exhibition: Egmont Arnold, Leroy Childs, Almeron, Tickner, of Ann Arbor; Charles A. Thomas, Pittsfield; Lyle Whitsit, Herbert Woodrow, George Seybold, Ann Arbor; Cora Hardinghans, Effie Niles, Ann Arbor; Gladys Smith, Pittsfield.

Tom W. Mingay, for the past few years connected with the Argus, and an ever trusted employe, has purchased the Chelsea Herald and will galvanize that paper and make it one of the very best of our country exchanges, while building up a line job office. We commend him to the good will of the people of Chelsea, who will find him a good printer, a good writer and a good business man, and wish him all the success which should follow honest, conscientious work.

The fifth annual convention of the Young Men 's Christian Associations of Michigan will be held at Saginaw, w. s. from the 23d to the 26th of February inclusive. Those who expect to go as delegates or visitors from the local association should send in their names at once to the general secretary in order to secure the reduced rate of a fare and a third. The election of delegates will take place this evening at the regular monthly business meeting of the association. All members are earnestly requested to be present.

Miss Cora Feldkamp, of Ann Arbor town, gave a domino party to about 40 of her young friend last Friday evenings;. The prize were won by Miss Emma Haas and Lee Pray. After partaking of a delicious supper prepared by Miss Cora the guests were entertained by music, singing and games. One of the features of the evening was the cake walk by Miss Jetter and James Fennell. Miss Bertha Camp presided at the piano. All guests declare that Miss Feldkamp is the most amiable hostess in Ann Arbor township.

The marriage of Morris Houghton Reed, a law student from St. Joseph, Mo., and Miss Ada Eugene Connelt, of the same city, last Saturday after the junior hop, has been announced in flaming head lines. Mr. Reed's friends at the Phi Delta Phi house smile when asked about this wedding. They say there was no secrecy about the affair. The young couple had the blessing of their parents and the course of true love ran smoothly. They are now the guests of the Cook house and will secure rooms within a few days when they will be glad to see their friends.

 From Wednesday's Daily Argus.

The Michigan Central will give reduced rates of one fare on their line to the Bryan reception.

Admission for the Bryan lecture at University hall next Saturday evening will be 50 cents. Reserved seats 25 cents.

The auction which was to have been held Feb. 21, on the John Coyle farm in Webster, has been indefinitely postponed.

The Stearns musical collection is  now being put in order in the museum and in all probability will soon be open for public exhibition.

The announcement is made by those having the May Festival in charge that they have engaged Companari for the occasion in addition to the other celebrities.

 A republican asks what has become of the annual banquet of the republicans of Washtenaw county. He understood the affair was to have been pulled off Feb. 10.

A special service for children will be held at Harris hall on Thursdays during Lent at 4 o'clock. Parents are asked particularly to remind their children of the service tomorrow.

Frank Hill, of this city, and Miss Ann A. Bagley, of Jackson, were united in marriage this morning, Justice Duffy performing the ceremony. Zenus Sweet and John Reynolds stood up with the couple.

Next Sunday evening there will be a song service at the Unitarian church. The regular choir will be assisted by Miss Matern and Mr. Negler, while Miss Alice Bailey will sing the solo entitled ''The Golden Threshold. ' '

Mrs. Eliza C. Bird, widow of Oliver Bird, died at the home of her son William O. Bird, 1118 E. Catherine st. , at 9 :00 o'clock this morning. She also leaves a daughter, Mrs. W. B. Scott, whose husband is a professor in the Normal school at Oswego, N. Y.

The Atkinso bill got a bad set back in the Michigan house yesterday, and will not come before the house now until Feb. 27. All the taxation bill were referred to three anti-Pingree committees by a vote of 45 to 41. An effort will be made to reconsider the vote today.

The men's meeting at the city Y. M. C. A. next Sunday afternoon at 2 :45 o'clock will be addressed by Richard L. Flynn, the returned soldier boy of Co. A, 31st Michigan volunteers, and Supt. of the Y. M. C. A. tent with his regiment at Knoxville. This meeting will be of special interest to all members of the association and no one should fail to be present and give "Dick," as the boys call him, a right hearty welcome. A trio, composed of a guitar, mandolin and flute, and a solo by some vocalist will furnish the special music. Strangers are cordially welcomed.

Representative Wheeler has introduced a bill to have the licensed money from hawkers and peddlers go to the townships.

The funeral of the infant child of John and Agnes Schlup, No. 901 W. Liberty st. , will be held at the residence of the parents tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. John Neumann officiating. The interment will take place in the Bethlehem cemetery on Jackson ave.

Simeon D. Hicks, of Geddes ave. , died yesterday of chronic brochitis aged 62 years, 7 months and 17 days. The funeral services will be held at his late residence tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The interment will take place in Ypsilanti. Mrs. Charles Millard is a daughter of Mr. Hicks.

John M. Kaercher, one of Lima's prosperous farmers, was in the city yesterday and made a pleasant call at the Argus office. He is very apprehensive as to the condition of "the wheat crop. While there has been no thawing so far, which is always the hardest on the plant, he still thinks considerable injury has been done.

Principal D. C. Gordon, of the Joseph Campau school, of Detroit, a graduate of the state normal school of Ypsilanti, is charged by a fiery little Detroit German woman named Mrs. Martin Maydem, with having beat her little six year old daughter on her bare back. Mr. Gordon denies having punished the child in any way. The child's teacher says the child was dismissed from school with the other children and that at the time Mr. Gordon was charged with whipping the child, she, the teacher, was riding down town in a street car with Mr. Gordon.

From Yesterday's Daily Argus.

The excursion tickets on the Ann Arbor road for the Bryan reception and  lecture, will be good to return on Monday, Feb. 20. This will give every one a splendid chance to visit Ann Arbor for one fare.

Gen. Arthur L. Bressler, of Detroit, well known in this city, where he spent a number of years in college, has assigned his interest in his father's estate to two of his brothers for $25,000. He will reside in New York.

Mrs, Col. L. L. . Comstock died at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Goodyear, found her this morning in her bed insensible, suffering from a stroke of apoplexy. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon.

The funeral services of Mrs. Eliza C. Bird will be held at her late residence No. 1118 E. Catherine st, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon Kev. W. L. Tedrow officiating. The interment Will take place in Forest Hill cemetery.

The funeral services of Mrs. Simon F. Hirth, of Lodi, held yesterday in the Salem church at Weinsberg, were largely attended. Rev. Julius Klingmann, the officiating clergyman, preached a most appropriate sermon. The interment took place in the cemetery adjoining the church.

Marshal Sweet helped the Detroit police force in a prompt and happy manner this week. He received a postal card announcing that a valuable mare and buggy owned by Tom Moore was stolen form the Cadillac livery barn. "Within 30 minutes after receipt of the card he informed the Detroit police that the mare and buggy could be found at the barn of Dexter Fuller, in Milan, where a stranger had left them.